










类别玄幻 恋爱 古风 少女 其他
















类别都市 恋爱








内容简介:十八岁那年,叶彤对顾亦琛一见钟情,可顾亦琛却恨她入骨,意外的一夜缠绵,她成了顾亦琛的追杀对象,留下小宝病重,她带着大宝二宝忍痛离开。七年后,两萌宝携她强势而归。大宝“爹地竟然欺负妈咪, 揍他。”二宝“揍他便宜他了,他可是欠着我们抚养费呢。”秘书战战兢兢汇报“顾总,公司系统被黑,资金被转走了一个亿,对方是你的儿子。”顾亦琛暴怒,将叶彤抵在墙上质问“我到底几个儿子?”“不管几个儿子,那都1w76532-88453 >>


内容简介:长夜终有灯简介:叶朝收留了个小鲜肉,小鲜肉年轻帅气,肩宽腿长,最重要的是颜值高,做饭超好吃!日子过得美滋滋,结果她不小心把人给睡了,小鲜肉还要负责,每晚缠着她不放。叶朝怎么觉得自己好像 掉坑里了……当已是巨星的祁臣在演唱会上对着亿万观众的直播现场向她求婚的时候,她突然想起那时——他把她整个人压在门上,声音低狠“我不要当你的朋友,情人,我要做你的男人!”世界对他仰望,而他的眼里只有她。1、被美食美色双重俘获的御姐VS心机boy小鲜肉忠犬副CP戏精十八线女模VS披X无能皮的医生禽兽2、甜甜姐弟恋,男主腹黑心机boy在女主面前演技飞起隐形阴暗鬼畜撩起来不偿命后期娱乐圈大佬想要勾搭我想要抱我回家我的完结文古代文王爷拐娇妻《美人肌》禁欲高僧和妖化大小姐《莲华丹》现代文男主黑化偏执《只因太过深爱》强取豪夺戏码《束手就擒》师生萌甜恋,男主游泳教练《索求》和前男友哥哥睡了之后《爱有所谋》突然变成豪门千金《倾心》存稿求收藏【重组家庭姐弟】《钟》粗暴版文案重组家庭姐弟,年龄差两个月。男主高冷学霸,表面对女主漠然,实际上暗恋女主。无意中被女主发现,然后女主开始了撩拨模式,男主装作不在意,暗地里各种抓狂,最后把人按着亲……各种污的故事。女主好不得意我基友的文,欢迎来看深藏不露理智受VS腹黑霸道前渣后忠犬攻狐狸先生x狼犬小姐现代甜文站姐X影帝穿书文幻想言情《长夜终有灯》是天神遗孤精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新长夜终有灯最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的长夜终有灯评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持长夜终有灯读者的观点。关键词:长夜终有灯最新章节天神遗孤长夜终有灯无弹窗长夜终有灯全文阅读1w0-80326 >>


内容简介:老话说得好,人受挤兑本事高,尚仪局的素以姑姑就是最好的例子。调理过人,伺候过承恩公的丧事,除了有点脸盲,别的她无所不能。大内混日子,吃点亏没什么。吃亏是福,咬咬牙就过去了。搬着指头数日 子,就盼时候到了放出去配女婿。可万岁爷说了,用着顺手,再使两年……作者:尤四姐所写的《宫略》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-33050 >>






内容简介:苏连西以为,这辈子,她要做一个无情无义之人,却没有想过,会遇见了这个男人。“为什么一开始就认定了我?”“因为你从小就缠着我,说要做我的老婆。”他带着她,虐尽了所有的渣男渣女,惩罚了所有 伤害过她的人。就在她以为,人生最幸福的那一刻,把她推入了地狱。“司炎城,这个世界上,我以为最爱我的人是你,没有想过,伤我最深的人,也是你”——如若爱情可以重来,我宁愿,从来没有见过你。1w0-71498 >>




内容简介:一脚踹翻路飞,欧德满脸不屑:“真是太弱了呢!你叔叔我也决定要出海当海贼喽!海贼王的宝座轮不到你了!”然而还没驶出东海的他就被回家探亲的卡普抓个正着。“你这臭小子还是跟我回去当海军吧!” 于是欧德就这样被卡普强行带到了海军本部。看着青春靓丽的祗园,欧德动摇了。“那我就勉为其难的当个大将吧!”于是欧德对着就是赤犬一拳本书关键词:其他类型《海贼:不正之义》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、茅山关门弟子、混沌效应:撕裂末日、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、我的天赋是无敌、日常系影视世界、神级插班生、星际之亡灵帝国、忍界神话:最强砂隐、我!无双战将、都市娱乐之全能大明星、三国帝皇之万界征战、小娇妻,你被捕了!、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、神奇宝贝:牵绊智爷、秋以为期、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、女总裁的贴身战兵、午夜女主播、火影:从瞬间满级开始、僵尸世界:武侠纵横、跨物种相亲、那个被我活埋的人、烈火出击最强特种兵、直播之秘境探索、一枝、人间阎王、夺舍了通天教主1w0-83446 >>


内容简介:读者交流群:186961096女朋友劈腿后,倒霉男人王文阴差阳错地招惹了火辣感性的妖媚女上司,并于酒后闯进了她的生活……面对金钱、美女,权势的诱惑,他能否经受得起考验?1w0-8351 8 >>


内容简介:一场阴谋,继母想要偷梁换柱,让她替继妹出嫁。但房间里的男人究竟是谁?五年后携萌宝归来,开启复仇计划,白莲绿茶她一手一个!却遇上了一个极为难缠的男人……男人眉眼和她的一双宝贝极为相似,战 少勾唇邪魅一笑:“既然连孩子都偷偷生了,那就做我的女人,想要什么唾手可得。”黎末笙:“谁比谁厉害,还说不定呢!”直到萌宝们将她的各种证书马甲摆出来,战少咬牙切齿:“女人,你究竟还瞒了我多少事情?!1w16169-28092 >>



Kimi Dake No Kisu

Kimi Dake no Kisu summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kimi Dake no Kisu. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Long ago Bengo was a feminine, weak looking child who was bullied at school. Koudai was the first person to stand up for Bengo and eventually the two become good friends until they parted ways due to unfortunate circumstances. In the present, Koudai, a lawyer renowned for his continuous losing streak, is assigned to a sure loss case. While meeting his new wacky client, a familiar face appears… Two completely different lawyers that you will love! Summary by OMFGG


Aym is a slave who is descended from a a powerful witch. Because of this, his blood has the power to attract demons and he is used by his master to summon them. Just when Aym accepts his cruel fate, the sudden appearance of a group of magicians with the ability to defeat demons might be opening up another path for him.

Honey X Honey Drops

Yuzuru is a fifteen year old girl who is attending her first year in Houjou Academy. At her summer job, she met a troublesome rich boy, Renge Kai, who is attending the same school as her. Kai is part of the Kugeka, a class opened only to the rich students of Houjou. At the end of the summer break she finds out that she has become Kai's 'Honey'. This nickname is given to all the students from the regular class choosen by the Kugeka to become their assistants, so that the rich boys can be successful without any problem. The up side to being a Honey is that all their school fees will be taken care of. Although Yuzuru's family has some financial problems, she doesn't want to accept her role of being Kai's honey. But the only way to quit is to leave the school... What is she to do?

Kantai Collection – Kankore – Kankore RPG Replay – Negai wa Umi wo Koete

Kantai Collection – Kankore – Kankore RPG Replay – Negai wa Umi wo Koete summary: Welcome to the world of Kancolle RPG! This book tells a story about a novice admiral and his interesting kanmusu (ship girls). But, this book is a little different from a normal story. This book, tells a “Roleplaying” story.
“Roleplaying”, is a type of game that you play with other people where you read lines from the book as if you’re the one in the story. There are a lot of “Roleplaying” types and this book is specifically a “Table talk” RPG. Read it as if you’re playing kantai collection- Kancole- Kancolle RPG.
This Kancolle RPG is based on a browser game called Kantai Collection. The game itself puts the playerin control of girls that have the memories and powers of warships in the past. The player then must battle a mysterious threat called the “Abyssal Fleet” sighted all around the world. The difference between Kancolle RPG and the browser game, is that you’ll need to use dices, pieces, and follow the rules and scenarios stated by the Kancolle RPG rulebook. Obtaining ship girlsare different too; each player will only get one shipgirl. In table talk RPG, you can ease your mind, the rage, the salt that naturally comes while playing, by gathering friends who have the same hobby, and discuss while playing.
Sometimes you’ll need to face the enemy seriously. Sometimes, you can put yourself in the ship girls’ shoes, and act out their lines. Sometimes you’ll have to go back to yourself, and joke at other character’s line. You playing it happily with your friends are what “Roleplaying” is all about.
A Battleship girl who has just come back from another country, she is generous and having a big heart, Kongou.
A Heavy Cruiser princess with a lack of common sense, k.u.mano.
An eccentric Light Aircraft Carrier, Zuiho.
The serious and a.n.a.lytical Light Cruiser, Kiso.
These are the main girls who play a big part in this book. But, due to the haphazard nature of this game, you won’t be able to play their characters perfectly. Even if you try to, but deep inside, the girls you know are different. Nevertheless, we hope you would be able to enjoy that character gap.
And lastly, we’ll introduce another one of the main characters, Teitoku( the Admiral). He is a young and by-the-book admiral. This novice Admiral is often being played around by the 4 wild girls. He still thinks that “it shouldn’t be like that, it’s not like that”. This hard working Admiral is one of the view points we will be using in this book.
From now, for everyone whose thinking “I’d like to be an admiral in kancolle RPG!” please try it. It will be a good reference!

Social Justice Without Socialism

Social Justice Without Socialism summary: Social Justice Without Socialism summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Social Justice Without Socialism. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Undone By Moonlight

Undone By Moonlight summary: Undone By Moonlight summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Undone By Moonlight. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Spending My Retirement In A Game

Spending My Retirement In A Game summary: Follow
Benjamin Joyce, an elderly man with a pa.s.sion for blacksmithing who
spent his life travelling the world and learning new things. Now, after
helping out the developers of the first ever real VRMMO game, he gets
the chance to play said game earlier than the majority of other people.
this chance to do what he loves now that his real body is slowly giving
in to his old age and the profession he lives for is no longer as
important as it used to be, he starts his journey to become this new
world's greatest Craftsman!

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