
































内容简介:  天才还是弱智?当一个仅有69点智商的轻度智力障碍少年踏上绿茵场,他将会刮起怎样的风暴?出走于拉玛西亚,崛起于英伦半岛。易乐走向属于自己的中场大师之路!1w0-124


内容简介:江左有个貌美的老婆,可是她却经常出差。去干嘛?不是忙着给他带帽子,而是瞒着他降妖除魔去了。得知真相的江左连连叹息,看来自己也坐不住了。为了他美好的夫妻生活,江左只能暗中出手。降妖除魔嘛 ,维护天地秩序嘛,没问题,老婆高兴就行。各位书友要是觉得《我家老婆可能是圣女》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w7250-26244 >>


内容简介:一次意外让叶寒拥有了神奇的透视能力,从此他的人生变得丰富多彩,开拓最强商业帝国,称霸世界赌坛,一手医术妙手回春,成为医道圣手,坐拥亿万财富,萝莉,御姐,警花,女神纷纷朝他扑来,作为一个 男人,而且还是一个限量版男人,叶寒的压力很大,不得已和几个盗墓者去探探险,然而,一个从远古追寻至今的惊天秘密逐渐浮现在了他的眼前!1w0-3824 >>




内容简介:阅书屋提供蝶之灵写的御姐江湖最新章节御姐江湖是蝶之灵的最新作品,本站可以免费阅读御姐江湖的VIP章节ampampampampampamplthrampampampampampampgt ampampampampampampltfontsize3ampampampampampampgt【简介】某知名网络作者的作品《名剑》被改编成网络游戏,《名剑Online》一经面试便风靡全国,闲着无聊的作者本人亲自跑去游戏里体验所谓的“江湖”,结果他遇到了一个个性十足的女人。他又好奇心害死猫,认了她当师父。她作风很变态、她性格很豪迈、她是传说中最难驯服的御姐某人决定挑战自我去驯服这位姑娘,经过各种腹黑手段坑蒙拐骗,终于把师徒关系扭转成了夫妻关系,结果某人却悲剧地发现,有一个如此牛X的老婆真的压力很大——“杀我做什么?”“是你老婆先杀的我!”“……”家有母老虎,出门需谨慎!第一时间系列第三部,祁娟的故事温柔腹黑男VS傲娇女王,轻松无虐小白甜文一篇。晚上8点定时更,请放心蹲坑ampampampampampampltfontampampampampampampgtampampampampampamplthrampampampampampampgt同系列姐妹文——ampampampampampampltad1469663title祁娟的故事ampampampampampampgtampampampampampampltIMGsrcampampampampampltimgsrcampampampampampquotampampampampltimgsrcampampampampquotampampampampquotborderampampampampquot0ampampampampquotampampampampgtampampampampampquotborderampampampampampquot0ampampampampampquotampampampampampgtwidth120height168border0ampampampampampampgtampampampampampampltaampampampampampampgtampampampampampampltad472870title卫楠的故事ampampampampampampgtampampampampampampltIMGsrcampampampampampltimgsrcampampampampampquotampampampampltimgsrcampampampampquotampamp >>




内容简介:一代剑神逆天重生,竟穿越到了一块土著大陆!与人争,与妖斗,还要与万魔共舞!与诸天神佛抗衡!主角洛辰,原本是修真世界的当代最强剑神,绝巅修为,无人能敌!神剑一出,威凌九天!可惜为了阻挡灭 世龙劫,悍然与上古纪元‘祖龙’同归于尽,死后,他穿越到天元大陆,重生在了一名少年身上。却发现,自己不但觉醒了前世记忆,还拥有了上古祖龙的全部精华——各种战斗技巧与修炼经验!不仅如此,他还得到了上古第一炼体神功,龙皇霸体诀!为了快速成长起来,他踏上了炼体流的道路,行走天元大陆,纵横魔兽山脉,镇压诸天万界,踩着群魔枯骨,成为了一代龙傲剑神!=============已有完本书:《都市最强崛起》《万界天帝》《剑神归来在校园》《国服最强王者》(可在黑岩搜索阅读)【官方粉丝群:剑神盟711485139里面有帅哥美女哦,期待您的加入!】【加更规则:玉佩加一更皇冠加十更谢谢】1w0-2375 >>


内容简介:(原笔名:璘鸢落)他是高高在上的帝王,却对她一见倾心。她是别人的妻子,却怎么也忘不掉那见过一面的男子。两人再次相遇,究竟是不顾世俗礼仪而在一起,还是压抑感情,就此分离……1w0-844 85 >>


内容简介:早9点日更中推推c衍耽新文综穿进同人文后我翻车了by少孺子国三毕业后,被奇迹的世代分崩离析虐到自闭的黑子哲也,终于发现自己技能点点的不是一般的歪。他的全部加点,似乎都点在了“杀手”这一 栏。于是意外回到十几年前,身体不再成长的黑子哲也为了求生,不得不一头扎入港口afia的怀抱。并且成功苟到了干部位置,苟过了咒术界的追杀,苟过了首领换代,苟过了龙头战争,苟过了iic事件,苟到了自己穿越前的时代。再次回到国中毕业那年的港口afia元老级干部黑子君,突然向首领打报告请长假,理由是“想提高一下港口afia平均学历所以要去念高中感受一下校园生活”。森鸥外???森鸥外黑子君,你忘了之前任务卧底咒术高专结果是什么了吗?黑子哲也被整个咒术界追杀,但这次我是认真的,首领。主受,c港口afia唯一良心,看我无敌拉郎配」∠虽然很对不起奇迹的各位,但是这只黑子真的不会掺合篮球了,他下场就是虐菜大概会有这种场景黑子青峰君,真的很抱歉,但是我现在认同你的观念,果然能打败我的只有我自己。青峰……???!!各位书友要是觉得《港口Mafia黑子君》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-34101 >>


内容简介:入V公告2020年,入v,开v当日三更,老规矩,给小可爱们发红包,比心,么么哒!身为珠宝富商之女白凝,一觉醒来,穿成了漫画小说同名肤白貌美的末世女配。穿到末世还没爆发时期,她的珠宝空间 却跟来了,倒卖空间宝石,提前收集物资,即便是末世来临,没有感染病毒变异情况下,也不至于因没有食物饿死街头。她这具身体的姐姐就是末世女主,好巧不巧,两姐妹同时爱上一个男人。后期会因跟女主争夺男主,走上不归路。换了芯子的白凝发现原身身体残留一股执念,还得了一种奇怪的病,见了男主就腿软,她为了帮助原身实现愿望,索性简单粗暴的上了男主。这一上,为她人生增添了大灾难,末世不仅被丧尸追,还要面临被男主追。作者专栏可以看到。预收文《穿成霸道总裁的替身情人》《带着空间回九零做主播》《穿成返城女知青》完结文《穿成炮灰女知青》《女配要撩汉穿书》作者跪求评论区小可爱善良对待,很宠小可爱,么么哒!如果您喜欢穿成末世妖艳女配,别忘记分享给朋友作者:嘿小仙女宝宝所写的《穿成末世妖艳女配》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-97517 >>


内容简介:雨果从宿醉中醒来,却发现全人类进入了全民领主游戏。每个领主都拥有了自己的初始领地,或村庄,或城堡,都老老实实地募兵、种田、发育。而雨果却发现自己的初始领地竟然是一条船,并且还附带了传说 生物海灵!在陆地上的领主们,为了一点点资源争得你死我活时,雨果正在探索新大陆,开辟新世界。当陆地上的领主们,为了一点点利益勾心斗角时,雨果在研发新科技,解锁魔法的奥秘。当其他领主终于开始发展海洋战力时,雨果已1w0-93143 >>


内容简介:【甜宠文】“陆先生,你好冷!”他哪里冷?明明滚烫的能烫死人。“老婆,你好暖!”她哪里暖?明明冷的都成冰块了!她根本不想嫁给陆景澜——那个俊美无俦,背景神秘的尊贵男人。理由是,他表里不一 ,还有病!婚后某天,二人关系被曝光,有记者挑衅,问她:“盛总,听说你和你前夫取消婚约,是因为你在床上完全不能满足他,所以他才会出轨你妹妹,是吗?”她还没开口,就被一个霸道的男人护在怀里,“老婆,我怎么不知道我被离婚了?”1w0-109431 >>

Aoi Spice

Aoi Spice, starts when young female student Ageha-chan meets popular idol singer Ren in the park where she works. But Ren, overdoing his look-how-evil-I-am mood, manages to handcuff her to him. And then his dog eats the key. Now the two of them have to live together until either they find a way to cut the handcuff's chain, or the dog...em...expulses the key. As hours pass, they become attracted to each other. Alas, everything has an end and they manage to get rid of the handcuffs...was that what they really wanted, after all? Includes sidestories: •Our Secret Momoko thinks that, in this world, there must be feelings that cannot reach the other person. She could be be wrong. •Stealing my Heart Kanako is suddenly dropped into an arranged marriage! •Aishi Aiimashou This sidestory covers the story of Shiawase, who is always thought of first by Omoiichi.

Kawaisugi Crisis

Alien who thought that it would be better if Earth was just destroyed due to its civilization being at a far lower level than hers reconsiders it after seeing cute things. (Source: Shueisha, translated)

Kekkon Kirai No Sankyoudai

In the Kekkon Kirai no Sankyoudai series(????????; The Three Marriage-Hating Brothers), also called the 'Billion-Dollar Braddocks' series: 1) Onzoushi no Yuuutsu (??????; The C.E.O.'s Unplanned Proposal): Cinderella by Mistake! When a case of mistaken identity landed Katie Canton in the Braddock world of wealth and power, she couldn't resist the temptation to mingle with the famous family. Especially fascinating eldest brother, Adam. Getting the commanding C.E.O. to loosen up was a worthy cause -- until Katie realized the danger of opening her heart to a man whose master plan did not include Ms. Nobody from Nowhere! The unshakeable Adam was all shook up -- and a slip of a woman was to blame. Mysterious Katie had tilted his ordered world off its axis. Would the man who had everything recognize the one gift money couldn't buy -- a lifetime of love? 2) Koi wa Butoukai de (??????; The Playboy's Office Romance): Spoiled...Braddock! Lara Richmond couldn't believe that irresponsible playboy, Bryce Braddock, would be CEO of Braddock Industries -- and Lara's new boss. Surely the tabloids' favorite Braddock brother would grow bored without his fast cars and faster women? Lara wasn't about to examine why the thought of enduring Bryce's maddening presence every day caused her heart to beat faster! Bryce reveled in the chance to prove his right to the Braddock legacy. And to provoke no-nonsense Lara Richmond. Until one intense encounter hinted that their battle of wills hid an earth-shattering passion. It was time for a new corporate strategy -- a takeover of the heart! 3) Lady e no Kaidan (???????; The Blacksheep's Arranged Marriage): The Braddock blood ran fierce and true in Peter Braddock. Yet his scandalous past kept the youngest Braddock sibling from feeling he really belonged in the elite society his family ruled. Perhaps that's what made him defend shy, awkward Theadosia Berenson -- the ugly duckling debutante -- and landed him in trouble that led to a marriage proposal! Thea knew Peter felt honor-bound to propose. But the perpetual wallflower couldn't say no to the man who stirred her secret fantasies. Though she tried to hide her tender feelings, one kiss revealed a shocking desire between them. Would the spark ignite a fire -- and lead two lonely hearts home? (from fictiondb)

Wagamama Na Jewel

1. Tenshinchigi (Gods of Heaven and Earth) The gods of earth, water, fire, wind and thunder gather together every day for their assignments. In between causing storms and rain showers love develops. 2. Fragile but Strong Mayden, the king from Dumayden and Alexander, the king from Alectoria, are best friends. One day Mayden proposes a marriage between his eldest son and Alexander's only daughter but, unknown to most, the king's daughter is actually a rebellious teenaged boy! What happens when Prince Mayville turns up for the marriage interview and meets beautiful but headstrong Alec instead of the rumoured Black Rose Princess Sandra? 3. Stray Cat Rock Simple first aid to a wounded stranger is interpreted as something more. 4. A Wanderer's Love A host who enjoys preying on women finds himself unexpectedly falling for a male florist's beautiful bouquets 5. Love Monster Returning home drunk from a group date Hayato finds a strange vagabond on his doorstep who turns out to be his Uncle Tooru.

The Archer Of A Fictitious World

The Archer Of A Fictitious World summary: Sena Kohinata is a first-year high school student with extreme social anxiety, which left her friendless and alone. One day, she decides to play the game ‘Another Dimension World Online’ in order to help with her anxiety. She uses her experience in archery, which was her hobby and sharp hearing which she honed through being a loner, as she challenges herself with this VRMMO!

The Pirates of Ersatz

The Pirates of Ersatz summary: The Pirates of Ersatz summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Pirates of Ersatz. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Armenian Literature

Armenian Literature summary: Armenian Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Armenian Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Seven Wives Of Bluebeard

The Seven Wives Of Bluebeard summary: The Seven Wives Of Bluebeard summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Seven Wives Of Bluebeard. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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