

Fate_Extra CCC FoxTail



























简介【每周五六更新】 “救命!!这到底是…怎么回事啊!?我,我变小了?!” 普通的17岁高中生陈河一觉醒来,却发现青梅竹马元小惠变成了12CM出现在自己床上,运动少女vs迟钝直男,相差158CM的同居生活混乱开启!简单的日常生活就此变得步步危机,陈河发誓要找到让小惠恢复正常的办法,但变大之路会如此简单吗?紧追不舍的校花、诡异的保安大叔、居然还有奇怪的神秘精英从天而降?!一出“爱你在心口难开”的青春喜剧欢乐上演。




内容简介:书友群209739077,欢迎大家加入讨论!生死间的行走,善恶中的杀戮,血与骨的王座,只有强者,才能登顶!地球上的方恒穿越到了一个血脉稀薄的少年身上,得逆天血脉,悟武学真谛,战大陆强者 ,在大陆上翻云覆雨,只手遮天!“战斗吧,只有战斗,才能变的更强!”1w0-1046 >>


内容简介:胡言穿越到了玄幻世界,不过却是一个将死的大反派——狐仙。不过,幸好还还有一个奸商后悔值系统,索性可以编写自己的过往。于是胡言就可是了自己反派的洗白之路。死亡禁区。他看着倒在自己怀里的狠 人魔帝,忍痛斩下自己的仙人骨,“师尊,天道弃你于不顾,我来渡你。”九幽之下。一袭僧袍的他捧着一颗白莲子,将其种在了自己的眉心。“菩萨,你渡了我,却为何没有渡自己呢?”魔渊之中。他只身一人,杀入魔宫,为世间免除多少的杀戮。九天之上。他与仙人对弈,胜仙半子,避免三界众生成为香火之奴。直至最后他化凡为仙。所做一切,尽皆为了庇护所爱之人,为了保护整个世间。然而却被世人误解。1w0-96315 >>


内容简介:1984年,香港影坛划时代的一年,因为84年的年尾,20岁的陈平安,从美国回到了香港。他最爱说的话:“我是个讲究人。”“信平安,得永生。”他偶尔也会说的话:“要是你不答应,把你手脚打断 !”“如果你敢拒绝,划花你的脸蛋!”这就是他,上帝与撒旦的结合体,香港影坛的守护神,护佑香港电影长盛不衰的——大平安!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《香江一九八四》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80664 >>


内容简介:【【2019云起华语文学征文大赛】参赛作品】穿成自带锦鲤好运的团宠老幺,成了爹娘手心里的宝贝疙瘩,简直美滋滋!家里穷的叮当响?不怕,她有锦鲤好运,干啥啥挣钱,走路都能被金元宝绊倒!爹娘 包子,极品亲戚欺负?不怕,她有锦鲤好运,谁作妖谁倒霉!重生而来的堂姐想取代她团宠地位?不怕,她有锦鲤好运,天之庇佑!不过……隔壁的那个死对头,怎么看她的眼神越来越不对了?【双洁宠文1v1,虐渣打脸爽炸天】1w0-82730 >>


内容简介:(架空民国,身心干净)和她拜堂的是六爷,洞房花烛夜是七爷。“嫁给一个瘸子的滋味如何?”七爷捏着她下巴问。“做我的姘头,我给你霍家的一切。。”六爷搂着她小腰,兴味渐浓。十年等待,喻伊人见 到…1w0-76511 >>


内容简介:2021年放寒假那天,主角贺云刚从北京大学放假回家赶往高铁站路上,路过家乐福超市买了一大包好吃的,因为家里还有个10岁妹妹,这一大包零食就是给他妹妹带的,当然也准备坐高铁路上吃,他家住 在南京市里,坐高铁回家还是蛮快的,他这一大堆零食全都装在他的行李箱里,满满一箱,基本上都是零食,其他的就是给他爷爷和他爸用自己打工钱买了机械手表,以及给他妈妈买的女士机械手表。还贴心的给他爷爷又配了一台复古的收音1w0-48097 >>




内容简介:许多文学作品中都会出现一个藏在阴暗处,如同阴沟里的老鼠一般令人作呕的龌龊小人,卑微地爱恋着主角,为此不择手段,无所不用其极。他们妄想得到主角,带给主角莫大的心理伤害,甚至身体伤害。系统 给酒疏的任务,就是以彼之道还施其身,惩罚这些文学作品中丑恶的角色,让他们后悔对主角造成的伤害。资深反骨仔酒疏欣然接受任务,然后气疯了系统。黑夜里是谁跟在你身后,送给你的玫瑰里藏着刀片,房间里贴满了你的照片?——这是他们独一无二的爱酒疏让那些从未被爱过的偏执者们明白了何为温暖的偏爱。1w0-93429 >>


内容简介:(一对一宠文,无虐!)她,是上古神族白泽一族留下的唯一血脉,体质强悍,有着通天的本领。世人皆叹此女风华天下,无人能挡!可是,逃出了万人追杀,逃出了时空裂缝的她,却唯独逃不出他的手掌心! 一场阴谋,她血脉的秘密被暴露于世,上古血脉引得各方争夺,他护她!在她面前,他不惜卸下了一切,把温柔全给了她,只为了把她捧在手心里,不让受到一丁点的伤害!初见时,他们争锋相对。因为一句各位书友要是觉得《一品医仙:邪皇宠上天》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-95733 >>




内容简介:小兵提供杜养吾大神最新作品《我能制造副本》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,我能制造副本小说txt下载,我能制造副本小说笔趣阁,我能制造副本无弹窗!本站最新最快更新我能制造副本小说最新章节。1 w0-71030 >>


内容简介:一个16岁的小胖哥张小龙,因为学院导师的算计在自己喜欢女孩子生日那天,开始了他意外的人生,莫名其妙加入军队,接受有史以来最严酷的732训练,毕业分配后进了铁血女军惹是生非不断……1w0 -45184 >>

Viking No Hanayometachi

In the Viking Brides series: 1-Byakuya no Princess (The Reluctant Princess) Elli has no memories of her homeland or father, having been raised abroad by her mother with her sisters. When a mysterious man breaks into her house, she finds out that she’s royalty of the far-off land of Gullandria, and that her father is the king! With a reunion in the cards, will Gullandria prove to be all Elli hopes, or will she escape into the arms of the man who brought her there? 2-Gekka no Ayamachi (Prince and Future...Dad?) Princess Liv Thorson honestly believed she could skulk back to America, her uncharacteristic night of passion a secret known only to a sympathetic sister...and the Viking prince who possessed her underlisse. Then came the baby trifecta--woozy tummy, fainting spell, rash--telltale signs that she and Finn Danelaw had made a lot more than love.... Finn Danelaw was used to hearing all kinds of utterances from women, but 'no' wasn't usually among them. He had, however, a proposal for beautiful Princess Liv...and though he'd planned a seduction along with it, he'd learned a long time ago that all good things come to those who wait. For the test results, that is. The pregnancy test... 3-Shukumei no Deai (The Marriage Medallion) He’s going to be my husband? Princess Brit is forced to marry to preserve the royal bloodline, so she flees the palace and heads for the distant North Sea. But on the way there, her plane crashes, and she is thrown against the steep cliffs. She’s hurt and terrified! As if in answer to her pleas for help, a dark shadow appears. Is he the legendary black knight? No—it’s Eric Greyfell. He’s as beautiful as a hero from Norse myth, but his heart is as impenetrable as a stone statue. And he’s the man she was expected to marry! 4-Kamen no Prince (The Man Behind the Mask) Dulcie has arrived at a foreign palace to celebrate the wedding of her best friend, the princess of a small country. There, she meets Prince Valbrand, a man with a scar on his face. A hideous burn scar, marring the face of a beautiful man. What cruel fate must he have endured? On the night of the ball, spurred by curiosity, Dulcie dances with him and realizes that she has fallen in love.But as Dulcie grapples with her emotions, a tragedy awaits.

Suriipingu Biyuutei Wa Nemurenai

• Hoshiiro no Okurimono (Star Colored Gift) I have always believed that this meeting was fate. I thought that your smile, everyone’s laughter, and the happy times were going to continue. We wish upon a shooting star, hoping that we would be together always. Thinking that the wish would come true… • Antique Wish e Youkoso (Antique Wish) Nishina has always been in love with Haijima Kaname since the day she saw him cry. One day, she follows him to Antique Wish. What's gonna happen next? Will her wish be granted? • Sleeping Beauty wa Nemurenai (Suriipingu Biyuutei wa Nemurenai) Chiharu's sleeping face was so beautiful that Minoru kissed him. But because of that, Minoru teaches Chiharu a lesson in…?!

Vanilla Star

Ever wonder what happened to Takeshi, the poor side character who got dumped by Sahara in Aisanai Otoko? Heartbroken and lonely, Takeshi turns to internet porn for comfort, where a new AV actor catches his eye. He tries to find more about the boy, desperate to meet him, but the road to love is never rockier than when the object of your affections is in the porno trade... This is in a series of four, that are sequels or direct spin-offs. The list is as follows: 1. Te wo Tsunaide, Sora wo 2. Amayakana Toge 3. Aisanai Otoko 4. Vanilla Star

Yu-Gi-Oh Ocg Stories

In the distant past, the prosperous nation of Kama waged war against the nation of Spectra, resulting in the creation of an AI that wiped out all humans. Centuries later, Raye, the last surviving human, lives amongst an android society on the outskirts of Kama. On the night of her 13th birthday, her peaceful life is upended when Spectra attacks, destroying her home and forcing her friends to the front lines. Desperate to save everything she loves, Raye calls upon humanity's last bastion: 'Sky Striker', the Kama-developed secret technology made to turn humans into the ultimate living weapons. …Unexpected, right? In this newest adaptation of Yu-Gi-Oh, the focus of the plot is not on the card game, but instead the many storylines featured in the cards. The first arc surrounds the Sky Striker series, with more to come in the future.

Love Wins

Love Wins summary: Love Wins summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Love Wins. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Town Life in Australia

Town Life in Australia summary: Town Life in Australia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Town Life in Australia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Baby-sitters Club - Stacey And The Haunted Masquerade

Baby-sitters Club - Stacey And The Haunted Masquerade summary: Baby-sitters Club - Stacey And The Haunted Masquerade summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Baby-sitters Club - Stacey And The Haunted Masquerade. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Rose O' the River

Rose O' the River summary: Rose O' the River summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rose O' the River. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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