







blood lad

简介在魔界的某个地区做为地盘老大的吸血鬼 斯塔滋。厌恶着自己作为吸血鬼一事、在他身为深爱着日本文化的山寨王的某一天、一个日本少女 柳冬实闯了进来活生生的人、而且是日本人,这让见到他的斯塔滋感到非常的浪漫。但是、在击退侵略者的短暂时间里、冬实被怪兽给吃掉了!! 虽然对变成幽灵而失去魅力的冬实感到有些失望的的斯塔滋表示了其一定要让少女复活…!























内容简介:花言言穿成了书中的恶毒炮灰女配,飞扬跋扈,没事就修理闻岫煜,终致其黑化灭了花家满门。额滴神啊,不行,不行,我得弥补。“听说闻岫煜一个戏子的儿子,还想读书,简直痴人做梦!”安排,安排,立 刻安排,花言言立马就让闻岫煜上了学堂!“那闻岫煜住的院子,风雨飘摇,连下人都不如!”换,换,马上就换,让闻岫煜住到本小姐隔壁院子,那边宽敞,有利于身心健康!闻岫煜内心OS:她是脑子摔傻了,还是知道了我的计划了,不管是哪一个,反正都是要弄死的!但是打脸来的太快了,一不小心,就被花言言征服了,果然,男大不终留啊!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《死对头今天黑化了吗》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73464 >>




内容简介:  从圣尊被害,跌落痴傻凡人,柳韶白摩拳擦掌准备重回巅峰,削了狗男女。  结果斗了千年的死敌,却第一个出现,变身各类美男,全方位无死角的在她眼前搔首弄姿。?  柳韶白得知真相后:“XX X是你?”  某人:“是我。”  柳韶白:“XX?”  某人:“是我。”  柳韶白:“那XXXX?”  某人:“是我。弱水三千,只取一瓢,三千是我,一瓢也是我。”  柳韶白:“是是是,就是你,只有你,唯有你!”  某人垂眸,却见代表好感值的魂石分明纹丝不变:“呵,女人都是大猪蹄子,满嘴浓情蜜意,你倒是动一动心啊?”  【死对头总想撩我肿么破】1w0-90 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者言晚安的经典小说:《顶流小可爱成了六个哥哥的团宠》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【团宠爽文超甜娱乐圈】某吃瓜论坛爆料:被全网黑的假千金沈听 溪竟然做出这种事儿!众黑粉普天同庆:苍天有眼,沈听溪终于要退出娱乐圈了吗?楼主回帖:不…她不仅回家继承亿万家产,还有了六个护妹狂魔的亲哥哥……众黑粉:???我不信!!!数月之后,沈听溪成为娱乐圈顶流,整个圈子都为之震撼!红毯之上,沈听溪和某位神隐多年的大满贯影帝狭路相逢,少数几个黑粉叫嚣:沈听溪你得到了全世界,你也得不到这个男人的心!1w0-68666 >>


内容简介:  这是一个科学和魔法并存的世界。  这里有人追求强大的魔法,也有人寻求永恒的真理。  异世穿越而来的理科学霸,从小小的图书管理员做起,左手魔法,右手真理,一脚踢开了新世纪的大门。   有人称他为魔法的先行者,有人说他是科学的奠基人。  也有人这么形容他。  在新世纪,布莱尔是邪恶的象征。1w0-115 >>


内容简介:国以民为本,民以食为天。---《三国志》因为一幅祖传的古画,吴为获得了自由穿越现代和明末的能力。明末,小冰河来袭,建州叛乱,赤地千里,四海鼎沸。。。。。。陕北安塞县,旱灾十分之极,拥有 现代近乎无限资源,吴为能否拯黎民于水火?有了食物,百姓才能不沦为流贼,朝廷才能征召起抗御外敌的大军。这是一个关于改变民族命运的尝试,一切从解决饥饿问题开始。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《穿越明末当土豪》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82517 >>


内容简介:简介:洛昭穿越成为周武王姬发的弟弟,受命摄政,从商末周初开始,建立家族,历经王朝轮转,传承不断。br“洛氏绵延至今,两千三百余年,从始祖素王昭摄政起,九摄国政,俱还政于王。见到了多少王 朝兴衰,气数尽时,皇族破落。至尊之位,受国之垢,承国不祥,洛氏绝不沾染分毫。天命自有定数,洛氏敬天而知命,岂会逆天而行,觊觎神器。”姬姓洛氏,世有盛名。千载以来,有摄政辅政者,权倾天下,不可一世;有救时宰相,慨然为天下先,挽天下之倾颓;有无双神将,戡平乱世,再造社稷。故有言,洛与皇,共天下。展开作者:花非花月夜所写的《祖宗保佑:我建立了千年世家》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-125247 >>


内容简介:姜芷穿越前是个根正苗红的好青年。如今成了个貌美心黑不择手段的恶毒农女。她想,一定要洗心革面重新做人。杜长肃是个被恶毒姑娘一家欺压的阴鸷少年。他想,若是有朝一日他扶摇直上,定要她为曾经的 所作所为,付出1w0-86801 >>


内容简介:“请问苏疾大师,您作为世界顶级精灵培育家,培育了您的一系列超强小精灵,有什么秘诀分享给大家吗?”某记者问到。“秘诀我的秘诀就是大力出奇迹,干就完了。”苏疾一脸真诚的回答。“那您赢得世界 精灵大师赛冠军是怎么回事”“嗯,作为一名培育家,赢个比赛不过分吧?”苏疾镇定自若,然后口袋里掉出一个精灵球,跑出一只胡帕。“救,救命啊,我只是做个采访。”看着跑掉的记者,苏疾摸摸额头,喃喃自语“下次用什么精灵装逼合适呢”1w0-78717 >>


内容简介:现代大学生萧雨,不小心穿越到异界,成为一个领地的领主,带着魔兽争霸的四座基地,召唤出强悍的兽人步兵,精灵族弓箭手,美丽的泰兰德,咆哮的剑圣格罗姆,誓要重新聚集起来家业,建设领地,干掉所 有敢觊觎领地的人,称霸这个世界!小萨新书发布《大灾变》,希望大家多多支持!1w0-3748 >>





Sweety Gem

From Evil Flowers: Once upon a time … A pretty princess has just been born in the kingdom of Party Land. The three fairies are invited to her baptism. When they are filling her benefits, the malicious witch excluded from the festival launches a curse against the poor child… The day of her fifteenth birthday, the princess Rubis crunches on a poisoned apple and is captured in a quite particular jewel: the Sweety Gem. In 1998, Yan, a young mannequin, finds the jewel and embraces it by accident … The princess is released from her long sleep…

Tenkuu Seiryuu

From IvyScan: The Lord of Sanwa’s son Lamkha saves Kanan, who collapsed on the road, and brings her home. In Sanwa, where the Messengers of Heaven or Flying Serpents roam the skies, a legend has been passed down the generations. According to the legend, a Holy Dragon fell from the heavens following a battle against a Black Dragon and was buried in Sanwa. What is the truth behind the legend?

The Sun And The Moon

From Manga Mania~ On the day Sari transfers to her new school, she confesses her love for her cousin Kazuomi. After being subtly rejected, she find out that Kazuomi's best friend Mizuki is also interested in him. Because those two are like the sun and the moon, Sari's determination to be Kazuomi's girlfriend begins to waver. How will this interesting love triangle develop?

Make Love Shiyo!!

[Taken from ShoujoMagic] : 1) Let's Make Love!! (Make Love Shiyo!!). (v01 ch1 to 6) Mari Nishimiya is a high school junior who's tired of playing it safe. Less concerned with her summer session and more with achieving the love of a lifetime, she ventures to a foreigners' pub with her childhood friend, Yuuta. There, she meets Leon Gardner, an American dancer with a talented tongue (...meaning, he's bilingual)! While Yuuta disapproves, having an unrequited love for Mari himself, he and other enemies of this international relationship may be powerless to stop it when Leon joins Mari's class as... (!!!) Let's Make Love!! - Farside Story (Make Love Shiyo!! Chou - Bangaihen). (v01 omake). Shinjo Mayu parodies her own work by inserting new dialogue into some of her pages from v01. It's the tale of the Gardner family, where Leon is Papa, Chris is Mama, and Mari is their daughter! Additional curiosities included. Let's Make More Love!! (Motto Make Love Shiyo!!). (v02 ch7). Mari wants to have an adult Christmas with Leon. Why is Leon so set against it? Let's Always Make Love!! (Zutto Make Love Shiyo!!). (v02 ch8). Attending the international wedding of Leon's friend, Randy, has Mari thinking in a new way about her future. But when Mari begins to feel strangely sick and misses her period, the circumstance forces her to make an early decision! But Leon suddenly has to leave for America!? Why?? Mari isn't going to like the reason Randy gives her... 2) I Don't Need Any Scenario! (Shinario Nante Iranai!). (v02 ch9). This ground-breaking short story was Shinjo Mayu's first work to contain a provocative sex scene and to mark her as a pornographer! Read the freetalk to learn more! Yuuya is the manager of the drama club, and he's very strict and exacting about how the student thespians handle their roles. Chiharu is supposed to be playing a woman in love, but there's no emotion in her performance! So it's handsome Yuuya's job to teach her how to long for a man... Was this scenario in the script!? 3) I Want to Be Painted with Your Color (Anata no Iro ni Somaritai). (v02 ch10). This short story is Shinjo Mayu's debut work. Kazumi Inoue wants to be transformed by the magic of a white wedding dress, and then painted in a man's color. The biggest delinquent in school, Kazuya Sakurai, wasn't who she had in mind, though! He's intent on painting her a different color -- why? Kazumi will have her wish - a transformation through the magic of a wedding dress - but not in a way that anyone expects! (v02 omake). A whopping nine pages covering a variety of topics. Get a sneak peek into Shinjo Mayu's office, find out her favorite stories and characters, see Leon with a top knot, see Leon touch Yuuta in inappropriate ways, and at long last the burning question is answered: How are chihuahuas significant to this serialization!?

Artifact: A Daredevils Club Adventure

Artifact: A Daredevils Club Adventure summary: Artifact: A Daredevils Club Adventure summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Artifact: A Daredevils Club Adventure. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Great Opera Stories

Great Opera Stories summary: Great Opera Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Great Opera Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

School Choice or Best Systems

School Choice or Best Systems summary: School Choice or Best Systems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of School Choice or Best Systems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Macleod of Dare

Macleod of Dare summary: Macleod of Dare summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Macleod of Dare. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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