






简介在东京发生灵性灾害【灵灾】已经有数十年。为了拥有国家阴阳师资格而在各地分方的养成学园读书的土御门春虎是一个连感觉灵气【见鬼】的才能都没有的超吊车尾!?【BLACK BLOOD BROTHERS】的闾之耕平的新作在【VENUS VERSUS VIRUS】的铃见敦的手中迅速漫画化跨越出版社的一大大计划这真令人瞩










简介因为善良之神与邪恶之神转世、更迭,神界内部矛盾逐渐升级,以毁灭之神为首的一众神祇向以海神、修罗神为首的另一众掌权神祇发起了战争。而就在这个时候,同时掌控海神、修罗神两大神诋之位的神界执法者唐三的妻子小舞却怀孕了。神界的危机由此升起,唐三预感,除了神界内部矛盾之外,还有巨大危机即将到来,这危机又是什么呢?神界传说,是拙作斗罗大陆II绝世唐门之后,一部承上启下的神界故事,在这里,大家会看到很多熟悉的身影。 同时,这一部神界传说,也将是未来斗罗大陆3的前传。











隔离带 2





内容简介:《春眠药水姜糖》简介:“你承诺过会在事情尘埃落定之后和我说清楚其间的来龙去脉,趁着现在没有人的时候,你要不要考虑不和我说清楚?”男人的视线明显闪躲,始终没有和导演对上半秒钟(我家爱豆不 经撩)。倒是没别的特殊原因,他不过是期望着能够尽可能地完美她的每一次愿望,从第一次见面到现在成了最亲密的恋人,他亲眼瞧见她的每一次变化,他只是觉得她值得而已(我家爱豆不经撩)。亲眼见证着她为了这个角色付出多少,他也只是和导演商量而已,“可是如果真的要这样追本溯源的话,悦悦的确是在现场用演技征服了你们不是吗?我知道您惜才(我家爱豆不经撩)。”干脆用严丝合缝的话语将面前的人捧上了神坛,顺带着还在用着最谄媚的话语夸奖着他,“您是我见过最有才艺且最惜才的导演,我知道您是舍不得放过潜力股的(我家爱豆不经撩)。。1w0-28382 >>




内容简介:苏红珊一睁眼发现自己穿越到了古代,茅草屋,破院子,吃了上顿没下顿,还附赠了个壮汉子夫君和一对面黄肌瘦的儿女。可谁能告诉她,她的人设为什么是恶毒继母?努力改了人设,修复了母子关系,做美食 ,开酒楼,发家致富,把日子过的蒸蒸日上。可为什么这好好的继子继女忽然摇身一变成了皇子公主?就连自家这壮汉子夫君都成了将军?只是这将军也实在太虎,苏红珊忍无可忍大怒:“韩夜霖,你无耻!这日子没法过了!”韩夜霖:1w5173-25526 >>


内容简介:本文将于10月26日周三入v,当天三更,请多支持,十分感谢!【单元故事,每个故事不同世界主角,重生,甜文,涉及现代古代未来星际末日远古西幻等。非快穿,是重生故事合集。】现代重生:死的惨 重生后玩养成的高傲富家大小姐x渣男丈夫和白月光的私生子远古重生:穿越远古丛林死后大彻大悟重生后不想再作决心照顾傻鸟好妹子x傻白甜远古丛林猛禽傻鸟末世重生:重生前并不喜欢弟弟重生后改变想法决定当个好姐姐x无亲缘关系瞎子温润如玉好弟弟未来重生:重生前觉得人人都不喜欢自己但重生后拥有了读心术发现并不是这样的妹子x无血缘关系外表严肃冷淡内心活泼痴汉好哥哥西幻重生:重生前典型光明圣女人设被谋杀后变成美艳村姑妹子x暗恋自己从前马甲的阴沉孤僻黑暗法师等等……各种妹子重生后的故事。注意:小兵的书友提供的《重生攻略手札》是扶华写作的一部好书,如果大家都喜欢重生攻略手札最新章节内容,勿必支持下作者扶华购买正版图书收藏。感谢书友们的陪伴。1w0-48101 >>


内容简介:宇宙风暴来袭,无数神格陨落,万神殿中只剩下一片死寂和黑暗。诸神行走于世间想要重新点燃神火,带来的却是遍布多元宇宙的残酷杀戮和与毁灭。黑暗时代还未开启,穿越而来的楚云却已经被架上烧锅成为 哥布林的美食,然而被投入烧锅的楚云神奇的进入到了【镜世界】中!无论是法术武技还是经验装备都可以在这里得到,甚至于还可以在这里建立属于自己的国度!PS:异界文、伪DND、镜世界、无视其它标签(一个月后才能修改)1w0-61555 >>


内容简介:他是仙门天玑宫宫主玄离神君,他是无间血域之尊,两者本该两不相干,因缘际会,相识相交……再后来,神君归位,魔尊紧追成为神君座下弟子。魔尊常言,不能急,要徐徐图之。十三,你这是又招了哪门烂 桃花!唉!连碰个头发都这么大的反应,路漫漫呀!1w0-65291 >>


内容简介:  【她一心专注挣钱搞事业,他却要带她捅破这天……】————————————————————————这个修真界繁荣兴盛,和平无争,三万年前布下这局棋,静待她的到来。层层迷雾被揭开,是谁 遮了她的眼?1w0-2997 >>




内容简介:小兵提供天予昭晖大神最新作品《短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军》最新章节全文免费阅读,短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军TXT下载,短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军全文字更新,短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军无弹窗!请 关注狂人小说网短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军吧,本站最新最快更新短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军的最新章节。1w0-82057 >>




内容简介:“这家伙,口味是有多重,这都下得去口?”一觉醒来,她看着镜子里的自己,爆炸头血腥纹身脸化得像鬼,多看一秒都辣眼睛。重生前,她另有所爱,一心逃离,与他发生关系后对他恨之入骨。重生后,她瞄 了眼床上的美色,严肃思考,这事后留下阴影的,貌似应该是他?上一世脑子被门夹了放着绝色老公不要,被渣男贱女所害,被最信任的闺密洗脑,落了个众叛亲离的下场。这一世,任各路牛鬼蛇神处心积虑巴不得她离婚让位,不好意思,本小姐智商上线了!1w0-69857 >>



Jafuu No Stra

The beginning of the end of the world. Humans face not the fate of death, but being enslaved to cruel demons. After eons of peace in the human realm, a heinous race of demons has suddenly appeared. With the wizards extinct, the only hope against the demons seems destroyed, but from this despair ridden land a mysterious boy has appears. Could he be the messiah who’s come to save humanity? A magical fantasy woven by the bond between two brothers who’ve been torn apart, be ready to carve the roar of victory in your soul!

Hotel Traffic

An one-off side story of Tokumaru Madoka and Hasune Kazuma, the main couple of Koi Cha no Osahou (Tea for Two) A comedy in a love hotel room.

Tengoku No Honya (Heaven's Bookstore)

This was actually created as a promo for a movie by the same name(Heaven's Bookstore). http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0423360/Satoshi-kun, a drifter, arrives in heaven to work at a bookstore as a substitute manager. There he meets Rui, a girl who also temporarily works there. Follow the daily events of these two people as the place they are in (Heaven's Bookstore) help those regain what they lost.

Plainwalker Of The Stigma

Talented Engineering Professor Wi Geonwoo' was fired from the research center he worked at all his life and was kidnapped by a mystifying light, only to be dropped into a mysterious world. Engineering Professor Wi Geonwoo was approached by an entity that called himself 'A God With No Face' and was forcibly given a blue stigma. In this new world, individuals with blue stigmas are hunted, while the ones with red or crimson stigmas are considered the hunters who seek out their prey. Will Wi Geonwoo' with his blue stigma, be able to survive as one of the hunted? 'I will be your strength, so lend me your body.' To make matters worse, Ash Glaive,' a strange slime-like individual appeared. Together with Archmage Ash, and the imagination and monster-like bodies of the engineers, they start the war against the red stigmas.

The Adventures of Herr Baby

The Adventures of Herr Baby summary: The Adventures of Herr Baby summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of Herr Baby. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Marjorie Dean High School Senior

Marjorie Dean High School Senior summary: Marjorie Dean High School Senior summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Marjorie Dean High School Senior. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Darkyn - If Angels Burn

Darkyn - If Angels Burn summary: Darkyn - If Angels Burn summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Darkyn - If Angels Burn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heavenly Jewel Change

Heavenly Jewel Change summary: Heavenly Jewel Change is a compelling and attractive story written by Tang Jia San Shao. It is a mixture of several interesting genres such as Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, and Romance. There is something nice for different tastes within the words of this novel, so that should be a good motivation for many to check out this book. It is published in an online version, and you can find it on NovelOnlineFull. 
Heavenly Jewel Change is not overly long considering other books from this website. They can have several thousands of chapters and even more in some cases, while this novel currently has below 300 different chapters. It is maybe still no ideal for short story readers, however, you can simply handle it if you prefer long stories.
Many of the novels published on the website are really good, and this one belongs to the same category as well. It is very well-rated and the popularity is growing too. So the content is definitely good. 
Heavenly Jewel Change is a story of magic and power in a quite cruel world where all fight to gain more personal benefits. The skills can help them to reach their goals faster and without big problems. The magic, of course, plays an important role in such a world, however, the main character is a boy who needs to survive and develop in such an ugly word. He was born in a small village, but many expect his success in the recent future. 
However, things are not so easy at all, and the boy is forced to struggle in different ways. He is young and not yet skilled as older magicians, 
so he often ends up at the life's bottom. However, destiny will change for him when G.o.ds notice his efforts. They will pull him up again by giving him different powers. The boy becomes much stronger after G.o.d's intervention, and it opens new opportunities for him. 
Still, it is necessary to understand the danger did not disappear yet and the boy has to be cautious in order to avoid various traps and trick created by his enemies. 
One of those rivals is going to be extremely dangerous to the boy, so the battle is going to be unpredictable as well. The group is, however much stronger than an individual, and the boy will have a chance to join the army and fight together with other warriors. That can open various possibilities for him, and the boy can have a much better chance if they have companions next to his side. The readers, on the other hand, have an opportunity to follow the development of this exciting story by reading the content. It has a lot to offer, so you should not miss such an excellent chance, especially if you are a fan of online stories like this one. Heavenly Jewel Change is waiting for you, and only free time is necessary for a convenient reading experience. Everything else is less important when it comes to such an excellent action.
Read Heavenly Jewel Change light novel here

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