




名门望族伯爵的独生子 为了家族荣誉而出生的孩子.”以斯帖” 被父母强迫接受下任家主的命运 遭受着虐待的以斯帖的生活非常孤独. 这时出现在他面前的新园林师”郑院” 看着被教育而受伤的以斯帖 与其他怕惹主人生气而回避的佣人不同, 郑院是唯一一个照顾以斯帖伤口的人. 对于如此温柔的郑院 以斯帖不由自主陷进去.. 他暗恋着郑院... 10年后的今天 郑院打算离开回乡. ”别走.” ”如果去的话,我会杀了










类别热血 穿越 后宫 福利


















内容简介:  嗯!简单说,这是一本网游,玩家驾驭了法宝,飞剑……互相pk人品贱格度的故事  1w0-738




内容简介:  穿越成修真世界的一个废柴,那还修你妹的真?  一道七彩霞光之后,杨真直接吊炸天了!  他看过的功法,直接满品满级,学都学不完!  他炼制的丹药,不但起死回生,还能青春永驻!  他锻 造的武器,上打神王大帝,下捅黄泉幽狱,每一件都让天地颤栗,让神魔退避!  “我杨真从不装逼,因为我真牛的一批!”  …………  一群:542062672(已满)二群:818906415(未满)1w0-1429 >>


内容简介:  仙武纪元,三月三。  在掌门的不懈努力之下,青云道宗终于迎来了第八位弟子叶平。  为了能让叶平留下,也为了能够得到叶平的尊重,宗门上下用尽各种手段哄骗。  吹嘘自己是绝世剑道天才, 绝世修行天才,绝世炼丹天才,绝世炼器天才,绝世占卜天才,绝世阵法天才,绝世鉴宝天才,绝世气运之子。  而且为了维持天才形象,更是一通乱教。  随便划一道剑痕就让叶平领悟绝世剑意。  随便拿出个大锅就让叶平炼出极品丹药。  随便拿出一枚铜钱就让叶平算出绝世天机。  本只是希望叶平能够晚点发现真相,多在宗门待一待。  可让所有人都没想到的是。  这个新来的小师弟.......居然真学会了。  ----  本书又名《修仙真的好难啊》,《平平无奇小师弟》,《如何能让小师弟相信我们都是理论派?》,《这不是有手就行》,《只要你们敢说我就敢做》,《原来这个世界上真的有天才》,《资质平平小师弟》1w0-1742 >>


内容简介:女主文案:别人穿,苏好好也是穿,原以为是个甜宠文,结果她穿到男配因爱生恨杀了女主,最后自杀的结局。苏好好:我抱紧男配大腿,绝不变心。然而,她,好像,抱错了,大腿……穿越大神误我。男主文 案江淮十二岁时捡了个五岁的小姑娘,长的怪好看,就是脑子有毛病。要是不管她估计会活活饿死,可怜的。男主智商180,女主负数。伪兄妹养成系作者文案:算是日常向养成系宠文吧,其实我也不确定。微博:晋江二呆本文将于二月七日入V预收文求预收——《撩过的世子黑化后》文案:林娇娇身为江湖人士,多年前撩了位世子,目地达成在一众师兄姐的帮助下,她诈死在世子怀中。多年后两人再遇,林娇娇成了自己众多替身中的一员。面对被砍了手,被割了耳朵,被拔了牙,被……的众多替身姐妹们。林娇娇:她要是露出真容,岂不要被他挫骨扬灰?瑟瑟发抖……众所周知,顾凌白心中有个白月光,天下的女子都想取而代之。顾凌白:跟死人争,公平点,先去死吧。微博:晋江二呆各位书友要是觉得《穿书男配哥哥别黑化》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96555 >>




内容简介:  “江小白的嘴,害人的鬼!”  大符师江白研制灵运符时被炸死,一睁眼就成了十八线小明星江小白,意外喜提“乌鸦嘴”技能。  好的不灵坏的灵?影后的嘴大约是开过光!  娱乐圈一众人瑟瑟发 抖:“影后,求别开口!”(无男主文嗷~)1w0-64 >>


内容简介:第二次忍者大战,忍者界战火纷飞。穿越成为木叶村的宇智波一族成员,天赋平凡的宇智波月需要经历一次次严峻的考验!本文讲述的是平凡的忍者故事,没有内功,没有神兽,没有神器。重生就是最大的金手 指,强者的成长不需要太多的束缚!且看宇智波月如何一步步踏上巅峰,在忍界成就修罗之名!花开无月出品,必属精品,如有雷同,算我抄你!无月已完本作品《火影之炎帝》,《火影之闪光》,信誉之作!书友群:316099377本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《火影之修罗降世》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84612 >>


内容简介:  再度睁眼时,莫德来到了弱肉强食的海贼王世界。  身怀【猎人笔记】的他,能通过狩猎强者来壮大自身的实力。  于是,为了立足,他将目光望向了那一个个名声在外的大人物。  七武海、  海 军大将、  四皇、  这些成名已久的强者皆有可能成为他通向顶点的里程碑。  至此。  在海贼眼中,他是祸害。  在海军眼中,他亦是祸害。  -----------  已完结小说:美食猎人、火影之祸害、刀剑神域之活下去。  群号:1644346641w0-877 >>


内容简介:一夜迷情,醒来发现自己居然睡在前男友的床上,乔念笙泪奔!“夜擎天,你这是强暴,你犯法的你知不知道!”“是么?我记得昨天晚上可是你主动的,你还说我很棒”婚后,乔念笙夜夜被扑倒,直喊受不了 ,终于在一个月黑风高夜,拿钱扶腰,翻墙走人!可是为什么,不管走到哪里,都有人弯腰叫她“夜太太”?终于把某个逃跑的小女人抓了回去,夜先生心情大好,直接压在身下,眉眼带笑:“老婆,我棒不棒?”“棒!老公你最棒了1w0-129423 >>


内容简介:“师兄,你昨个同师傅下山除妖可有给我带那家铺子做的糖饼子?”“师兄……我求你。”南洛城已经分不清楚自己身上沾染的血,究竟是他的,还是旁人的,他只是觉得心口疼的不行“温夜歌!你要真的要取 我性命,能不下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读能换一个人?只当我最后一次求你,别用你自己的手杀我,换一个人就好。”他从来都知道我最怕疼,一点疼都受不了,但到最后他似乎忘了,不然也不会用他那把剑刺向我。我怕疼,但我从未怕过死,我只是不愿死在下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读你手下,不愿我爱的和亲手取走我性命的人会是一个人。心脏疼到了一定的程度,肉体好像就感觉不到了疼痛。原来他从未信过我,从未有一天……他这数载岁月之中,受尽蛊毒侵蚀折磨,但他最大的痛苦还是拜那下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读位自己曾一心护着的师兄所赐,他恨透了他,更恨透了谷风派以及修仙世家的众人。自此以后若让他死,必然是以所有门派为其陪葬,谁也拦不住他……?下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读1w0-29071 >>


内容简介:曾经,他是人人都能踩一脚的狗屎。现在,他是阎王爷的最强女婿。以后,他要换一个活法。阎王爷说:“记住,你是老子的女婿,以后尽可无限嚣张!”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我!阎王爷的最强女婿 》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-57974 >>

Animal X: Genshi Sairai

Far away from home, Yuuji and Minato have carved a place for themselves in Alberta, Canada, with their new baby daughter, Yui. Yuuji works at a University, while Minato – though still as childish as ever despite being a new dad, works at the conservation center as a mediator for the better understanding between humans and Dinosauroids. It’s been a year since the contagion called X Syndrome had been unleashed on the human race. Just as distinguished government officials and police force began to regain control of the situation, the existence of the Dinosauroids became known by the academic community. Dinosauroids – while they have a tendency to possess superhuman abilities, female births are extremely rare and problematic. Which is why the existence of Yuuji (a converted female Dinosauroid), and the newly born Yui are so valuable and sought after by many – most of whom wont hesitate to resort to dubious means to acquire either one of them! True to words, Yuuji has indeed become the beauty as many had predicted – provided he takes off his heavy glasses of course! He is never short of admirers – both males and females, including a University student Linea, and the various Dinosauroid males eager to mate with a Dinosauroid female. And this is where the role of a female in a heavily populated male Dinosauroid society comes to play. Add to that, the various nefarious people after the newly born Yui, both the parents Yuuji and Minato might have their hands full this time around as well. This is the third and final installment of the Animal X series.


Nitta Arata is a typical 21 year-old junior attending college of science and engineering at Toaru University. He is bright, he's in the engineering program after all, but he definitely is from a working class background. He has been working his way through college for the past 3 years without major incident, so being swept up in a warped experiment of an equally warped professor was the last thing he expected in the second half of his college days. One day, Arata received a letter asking him to meet someone whose initials were 'N.H.' at a relatively secluded location on campus. The letter looked suspiciously like a 'love letter', but Arata had his doubts. More likely it was a cruel practical joke perpetrated by one of his buddies, especially when the initials matched those belonging to 'Nogi Hatsune', also know as 'Miss Engineer', the reigning heartthrob of the engineering department. Why would somebody like her be interested in a nobody like himself? The short answer was that she would not be interested, but why take the chance of missing out? So there was Arata, in ultra-cynical mode, waiting at the appointed location when he was suddenly grabbed from behind! His last thoughts as world turned to black was that the gloved hands covering his mouth and nose reeked of ether... This manga is for an older teen audience.

Oujisama Game

A series of interconnected romantic comedy one-shots involving a Royal Family with 7+ sons in line for the throne and the men they fall in love with. The series also occasionally chronicles the romances of other palace employees and secondary characters. 1) Prince vs Slave - The youngest (7th) prince Shuki, gets hugged by new slave, Fuanron, that seems to know young prince. Shuki starts to bully the slave till their roles get reversed and he even takes place of the prince's teacher, Riiren. Who is Fuanron in reality? 2) Prince vs Assassin - 1st prince, Ryuuen, gets attacked by Seiran, but he defeats him and makes a deal: the assassin can try to kill him all the time, but if he fails, then he must spend the night in the prince's embrace; and so starts Seiran's life as an official consort. 3) Right-handed Priest vs Left-handed Priest - Rei has been in love with Ryuuen (the 1st prince) for years and now he has finally become the minister of the right. He thinks he can get closer to the 1st prince, but there is an obstacle, the minster of the left, Rai, that says that he is in love with Ryuuen too. 4) Mercenary vs Prince (vs The 4th Gun-Warrior?!) - 6th prince, Kagetsu, fell in love in Jin, who helped him with his wounded feet. Now he escapes from the castle everyday to tell Jin that he loves him, but the mercenary doesn't believe him. Suzaku always comes to drag Kagetsu back to the castle, but what are his real motives? 5) Scramble Showdown (?) - Short comics (one page for each) with pairing: Jin x Ryuuen x Seiran, Rai x Seiran, Kagetsu x Fuanron x Shuki, Rei x Shuki (x Rai x Fuanron), Suzaku x Riiren x Tailor. This story of 2nd prince is also featured in the manga, Ousama Game. 王子様★ゲーム


Shima Akio and Soma Yoshino are lovers, facing the reality of their fourth year in university. No matter how much they try and think things over, they can't quite figure out what to do about their parents, their friends, or even their own relationship. This is the story of their youth. Youth fraught with pain and regret.

Undefeated God of War

Undefeated God of War summary: Youth, is meant to be used to shed sweat under the sun!
Youth, is to continuously engage in battles, and secure the win!
The endless journey on Heaven’s Road, an endless expedition, a testimony of a hot-blooded youth’s legend!
A dream every man harbors, with the ignition of the blood! Forever young, Undefeated G.o.d of War!

'Puffing Billy' And The Prize 'Rocket'

'Puffing Billy' And The Prize 'Rocket' summary: 'Puffing Billy' And The Prize 'Rocket' summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of 'Puffing Billy' And The Prize 'Rocket'. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Nina Reilly: Unlucky In Law

Nina Reilly: Unlucky In Law summary: Nina Reilly: Unlucky In Law summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nina Reilly: Unlucky In Law. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Last Respects

Last Respects summary: Last Respects summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Last Respects. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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