








类别恋爱 校园 萌系




简介即将面临职场挑战的大学实习生,竟然收到了一个神秘初中生的告白威胁?! “不做我的女朋友,就滚出这家公司!” 好不容易获得了梦寐以求的工作,难道会以这种因垂死听方式被终结?小鬼的告白到底是认真的还是另有目的? 虽然年龄相差,思想相差无限!2017年最搞笑的姐弟恋故事即将上演!




















内容简介:  能力越大责任就越大,能力越强那么我们得到的就应该更多……  给钱杀人……  哪怕是上帝……  给的钱到位,我也能够帮你解决他!1w0-2868


内容简介:薛芷虞作为一名医师,一朝穿越到薛府废物三小姐身上,母亲不受宠,父亲不重视,还有府里不安分的姊妹姨娘们,她真的受够了,竟然这样,她决定要好好的活下去,首先得有足够的银两,那就开一家小诊所 好了。他,是一人之下万人之上的摄政王南宫烨,为人温文儒雅,看起来极好相处,经常给人如沐春风的感觉。一开始薛芷虞也这么以为的,直到接触了一天之后,她差点就要哭着跑出去跟说这些话的人表明真相了,这位爷简直是有病,而且还病的不轻,什么温文尔雅那都是狗屁!“既然你都知道了,看来只能把你娶回府才可以帮我保密。”“我可以拒绝么?”“要么成为死人,要么成为我的人,你选一个,”南宫烨笑的很是腹黑的盯着眼前早就惊呆的某人。“算你狠!”本书1v1,男强女也强,高甜系列,甜到发齁!!!各位书友要是觉得《摄政王妃又双叒跑路了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-105063 >>


内容简介:高三少年张卓,在人生最倒霉的时刻获得了一幅宇宙之中最强大的铠甲。通过对魔甲的步步解析,从而获得各种各样的能力。他能够使用全宇宙五万两千一百一十二种语言,通读世界文学史以及最艰难的空间数 学,有缜密的思维以及堪比计算机的精算能力。他是天生的格斗之王,他能够把计算完美的融入到格斗之中……1w0-31645 >>


内容简介:〔免费玄幻,最热爽文〕少年陆鸣,血脉被夺,沦为废人,受尽屈辱。幸得至尊神殿,重生无上血脉,从此脚踏天才,一路逆袭,踏上热血辉煌之路。噬无尽生灵,融诸天血脉,跨千山万水,闯九天十地,败尽 天下英豪,修战龙真诀,成就万道龙皇。群号:5702747701w883-25853 >>


内容简介:王立无意间来到了木叶村,并且获得了合成系统!影分身手里剑之术手里剑影分身之术螺旋丸雷切螺旋闪电丸地爆天星豪火球之术溶岩爆裂于是王立开始缠着鸣人,疯狂向其讨教多重影分身之术,以及击败三代 火影的那招禁术!王立:要不去找木叶丸学吧!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《木叶我能合成忍术》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76987 >>


内容简介:  很多主角嘴上总是说追求平凡,想要过自由自在混吃等死的生活。可这些人的内心,哪个不是想变得不凡。 男人,有点野心挺好的。我叫伊贰三,一个肾病重症患者,本以为连混吃等死的机会都没有,可 现在老天却给了我变不凡的机会,那么我要努力做到超凡。1w0-2450 >>


内容简介:景如星替姐出嫁,嫁给传言中又老又丑的残废三爷,然而私下里的三爷不仅年轻英俊身强体壮,而且有着不为人知的神秘背景,一再颠覆她的认知。初相识,三爷冷酷无情,“守好你的本分,服从我的命令,如 果你敢对我有非分之想,别怪我不客气!”恋爱时,三爷霸道,“乖乖做我的女人,除了我,不许看任何男人,想都别想!”求婚时,三爷腹黑,“洁白的婚纱,手捧着鲜花……这是哪首歌来着?”“咱们结婚吧!”“好。”“……”1w0-28238 >>


内容简介:  【高订过万,国术精品】“散打、拳击、柔道、泰拳、截拳道、空手道......不管你练的是什么,功夫,两个字:一横,一竖;对的,站着;错的,躺下。”——武术皇帝、直播一哥、功夫巨星:吴 理。......当吴理拥有了武学系统,发现直播就能变强【直播间人数突破十万,获得十万粉丝值】【消耗粉丝值,八极拳提升为大师级】【消耗粉丝值,兑换被动技能肌肉先生】...... 吴理:“当全世界都在看我直播时,我就是全世界最强的男人!”(书友群:934679565,500粉丝值可入)1w0-1683 >>


内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:我!魔剑,仙宗签到三百年】穿越到仙侠世界中,成为剑冢内一把剑的剑灵,可让苏白没有想到的是,激活的居然是魔剑签到系统。在正道剑冢内,成为了一把魔剑,是怎样的一种感受 ?签到100次,获得神格【永恒不灭】。签到1000次,获得技能【寒极无双】。……签到10万次,获得天赋【诅咒之灵】。并且,这一签到就是三百年。某天,当太玄剑宗遭受灭宗之时,新晋宗门圣女慕凌霜含泪请出魔剑,当魔剑出世,天下皆为止震颤!小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72831 >>


内容简介:汪扬被车撞的整个人穿越了,而且掉到了绝世高冷的财阀掌门女神床上被强爆,这你敢信……为了哄女儿,他变成了歌神、影帝、拳王、玩具大师、体育健将、驯宠师、厨神、作家、导演、漫画家、建筑师、飞 行员、手机制造商、科学家、主持人、荒野求生家、海洋探险家……简而言之,这是一个铁血少将,穿越变身全能奶爸,痛并快乐着的日常……各位书友要是觉得《全能奶爸日常》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-99793 >>


内容简介:陛下心中有个白月光是由不吃糖包所写的穿越架空类小说,本站提供陛下心中有个白月光最新章节阅读陛下心中有个白月光全文阅读陛下心中有个白月光免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现陛下心中有个白月光更 新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-79717 >>


内容简介:小兵提供狂气科学家大神最新作品《猛男并不想要日常》最新章节全文免费阅读,猛男并不想要日常TXT下载,猛男并不想要日常全文字更新,猛男并不想要日常无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网猛男并不想要日常 吧,本站最新最快更新猛男并不想要日常的最新章节。1w0-71652 >>

Orlelian No Kishihime

Orlelian no Kishihime summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Orlelian no Kishihime. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Three And A Half

Collection of oneshots : 1) 3 1/2 Three guys share an American Forces house, but one of them, a most conservative guy, cannot put up with the other two guys' profligate sex life... 2) Dessin Two guys often repeat cycles of 'parting' & 'getting back together' just like a game. But one of the guys becomes unable to keep it up... 3) Torso A student who indulges in masturbation with a mannequin torso knows sex with a flesh-and-blood guy for the first time... 4) Sasayaka na Yokubou (A Modest Desire) A bullied homosexual student who has a taste for 'peeping' adores two very cool guys who look like kings in their school. The student saves them in exchange for observing their sex. 5) Metamorphosis A guy who bears a load of debt by 'seminar of self-development' tries prostitution and is broken in by a rich guy who seems to like to dominate in kinky sex, but what is this guy really after? 6) Vanilla Boys A guy finds a lover at Shinjuku, a famous gay date spot, for the first time by pretending he likes hard core sex but in reality he is more into gentle 'vanilla' sex.


Nitta Arata is a typical 21 year-old junior attending college of science and engineering at Toaru University. He is bright, he's in the engineering program after all, but he definitely is from a working class background. He has been working his way through college for the past 3 years without major incident, so being swept up in a warped experiment of an equally warped professor was the last thing he expected in the second half of his college days. One day, Arata received a letter asking him to meet someone whose initials were 'N.H.' at a relatively secluded location on campus. The letter looked suspiciously like a 'love letter', but Arata had his doubts. More likely it was a cruel practical joke perpetrated by one of his buddies, especially when the initials matched those belonging to 'Nogi Hatsune', also know as 'Miss Engineer', the reigning heartthrob of the engineering department. Why would somebody like her be interested in a nobody like himself? The short answer was that she would not be interested, but why take the chance of missing out? So there was Arata, in ultra-cynical mode, waiting at the appointed location when he was suddenly grabbed from behind! His last thoughts as world turned to black was that the gloved hands covering his mouth and nose reeked of ether... This manga is for an older teen audience.


There are several stories in Dakishimetakunai: 1) Electricity (Denki) - A high school student despairs of ever making friends on account of his appearance scaring everyone off. However, the new transfer student with the unique and 'electrifying' physique shows up in time to prove him wrong. 2) I Don't Wanna Hold On You (Dakishimetakunai) - When middle-aged salaryman Masato is laid off, Tatsuya, a host hires him to take care of his apartment… and other, more personal services. But when Masato starts to have doubts about accepting Tatsuya's money, what will Tatsuya do to stop him from leaving? 3) Reason For Desire (Yokubou no Riyuu) - The rich and lonely young businessman gets into a scuffle with a castoff vagrant. He gets a bit more than he bargains for when he takes the man in as live-in housekeeper. 4) Secret Knife (Himitsu no Naifu) - Two solitary people walking similar paths, one an assassin for the yakuza, the other a Shinigami (a Grim Reaper), meet and find their way to mutual love and understanding. 5) Rose and Knife (Bara to Naifu) - Sequel to Secret Knife. Yato comes upon an old partner who is bent on 'reteaching' him how to be a ruthless killer once again. Kamui, however, will do anything to keep that from happening. 6) Keep Up Your Right! (Migikawa ni wo ki wo tsukero) - I Don't Wanna Hold On You omake Keep Up Your Right! omake

John Barleycorn

John Barleycorn summary: John Barleycorn summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of John Barleycorn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

American Papyrus: 25 Poems

American Papyrus: 25 Poems summary: American Papyrus: 25 Poems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of American Papyrus: 25 Poems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Poniard's Hilt

The Poniard's Hilt summary: The Poniard's Hilt summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Poniard's Hilt. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ovind: A Story Of Country Life In Norway

Ovind: A Story Of Country Life In Norway summary: Ovind: A Story Of Country Life In Norway summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ovind: A Story Of Country Life In Norway. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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