
































内容简介:文案①:谢如愿以为她这把火烧得足够将自个儿骨灰扬得阎王爷都找不齐,却没想到他老人家还真不找了——直接把她扔回景元二十年,让她重来算了。她站在玉京长街上边哭边控诉老天爷投胎不自由,抬眼却 瞧见故知打马而过。谁知这匆匆照面,就让“故知”打起了她的主意——“萧侯,等会儿去不去娴花楼喝酒?”“你们去吧,本侯有正事。”纨绔们稀奇问道:“瞧你说的,有什么正事?”“本侯左思右想,觉得甚是后悔。”少年笑吟吟1w0-92045 >>


内容简介:混沌初开,天地本没有正邪之分万物为求永生之道,皆因善恶而动心起念,道不同不相为谋,渐渐形成了正道与魔道两大势力,至此光明与黑暗对立。本书讲述了一位天生经脉不全,没有丹田的废物少年,再一 次意外中偶或奇遇获得天地初开始便与天地共存的混元之心语混元定天鼎,以定天神鼎为丹田混元之心为心重续经脉,一步一步走上巅峰的传奇故事。面对爱恨情仇该如何抉择,天地秩序又该如何铺陈。且看少年楚枫如何如何走出一条不同的逆天各位书友要是觉得《混元帝尊传》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71814 >>


内容简介:   荒古元年,祸乱爆发!苟活于乱世的叶秋,本以为自己的人生会结束在这一场祸乱当中。   没想到……   他突然意识到自己好像已经无敌了!   随手种下的葡萄,竟然是传说中的仙果 ……   随手打造的兵器,竟然是传说中的仙器……   随手画出的一幅画,竟然有通天本领,可掌日月山河,摧枯拉朽……   琴音佛动间,竟蕴含无上剑意,千里之外杀人于无形。   混沌天地下,一首浩然正气歌,震惊群雄……   某圣地大佬:“求求你了,别秀了,你秀的我头皮发麻。”1w0-2073 >>


内容简介:  命里有时终须有,命里无时要强求。  这是一个长生果的故事。1w0-522




内容简介:“走过路过千万不要错过啦!”“绝对没有空的!”“嘿要不要来开个罐子啊?保证能开出好东西!”莫然在火影的世界开了一家专卖罐子的店,每一个罐子都有可能开出神奇的宝物!“老板,你不是说绝对能 开出好东西吗?我都开了100个罐子了,怎么全都是废品?”“你才开了100个算什么,我都开了1000个罐子了!才得到了一个冰遁的血继限界!”“都闭嘴吧,你们那已经算不错了,我开了10000个罐子,也只是得了一双万花筒写轮眼而已!”想要变强吗?那就氪金吧,多开点罐子,恢复药剂,体验卡,复活币,血继限界,秘术都能够开出来哦!1w0-61954 >>


内容简介:地球最后一个飞升者失败灵魂穿越到平行空间附身成为一个贫穷岛国酋长利用修真的手段发展国家的故事。ps1:布灵阵在海中抓鱼、布灵阵改造岛屿种植,打造世界第一海鲜大国,世界第一水果大国,世界 最受欢迎旅游国度,世界ps2:种田文,种田文,本文会有些平淡,故事情节循环渐进。各位书友要是觉得《修真的酋长》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-37997 >>

无可救药的……(HPSS) by 月落猪蹄

内容简介:无可救药的……(HPSS)by月落猪蹄小说全文免费阅读完整版在线阅读小兵年下HP文案HPSS文。N年前的恶搞东东,最近终于写完了,整理下重新发上来吧。至于那些会锁的章节,就没办法了。哈 利同学会到学校当教授,然后卷入了一堆事情里面。顺利拐到教授,有包子出没,攻受请叫字母顺序,敏感者勿入。因为本文已经写完了,所以假设有1w0-99560 >>


内容简介:  一曰:乡下回京的姜家四姑娘,得罪了权倾朝野的摄政王,人生怕是要完。  岂料画风变成这样:  姜奈:“王爷,我给你算了一卦。你今天辰时前出门,九成九会遭雷劈。”  摄政王:……有何化 解之法?  姜奈:来我阴阳斋购一神器,可避大祸。  暗卫:……这不一锅盖么?属下觉得您似乎又被坑了。  本王翩然风采岂是一锅盖可压?让你们看看,何谓头顶锅盖风轻云淡。  二曰:四姑娘大字不识一个,半点文墨皆无,写的文章怕是狗屁不通。  上京书院院长:四姑娘上知天文下知地理,尤其对古姜国历史文化颇有研究,为学术上作出极大贡献。  群众:怕说的不是同一个人叭?这个院长八成是个托儿!  三曰:四姑娘克母克兄克叔婶姐妹,得送去庵里放养几年磨磨心气儿。  叔婶姐妹:哭唧唧,求求乃们别造谣了。命苦哇,你们每造谣一次,我们就集体倒霉一回。  数年后,姜奈牵着小版摄政王逛街。  儿子好奇问:娘亲,为什么坊间尚存一赌局,赌你在爹爹手里,活命不过三旬?  姜奈一脸心虚:这事要从一副山居图说起。  当年娘亲年少无知,把你爹坑在一副画里,差点把他给活活饿死啦……  儿子:……您当时怎么想的呢?  姜奈:就觉得他怪可怜见的,饿得腰太细了……1w0-1883 >>


内容简介:摸金天师活人回避小说全文阅读作者风尘散人,该书描写了葛天中为寻找失踪父亲,阴差阳错地被卷入三方势力和两个世界的争斗漩涡中心,面对异星势力的入侵,葛天中在花月和青衣的帮助下,勇闯生死之地 ,成功阻止多伦打开传送之门1w4839-25620 >>


内容简介:未婚夫为了和小三在一起,竟然将她弄晕卖给别的男人。爷爷被害,家产被抢,在她走投无路时,全城最权贵的男人竟然出现在她面前求婚。原以为只是一时兴起,没想到他却上了心。本站提示:各位书友要是 觉得《甜妻撒娇要抱抱》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61006 >>


内容简介:十年前,算命的人说他是天煞孤星,有鹰视狼顾之相。十年后,他登临绝顶,国士无双。十年生死两茫茫。陆征荣耀归来,有恩报恩,有仇报仇,定下三月之期。这一次,他誓要杀尽天下负恩之人,一战封神! 《都市之无敌杀神》是清风精心创作,小兵实时更新都市之无敌杀神最新章节并提供全文免费阅读。1w0-82646 >>


Garnet and Krys are two little girls stranded on a planet in the Walpurgis system which has been ruined by war. They wander around with their robot named Carrot having cute little war-wrecked alien planet adventures. Someday, they hope someone will hear their distress signal and come to rescue them.

Monster Night

Monster Night summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Monster Night. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Witch Of The Old World

A 64-page fantasy/sci-fi one-shot that ran in Afternoon. Winner of the Four Seasons Award but didn't get serialized.

Dear Green

Continuation of Yukari and Otoumi's story, which begins in Hitomi no ounowa (dear green). 1. Forever Flatmates Yukari and Otoumi know they must one day reveal the truth about their relationship to an important person: Ryouko. Especially after she sent invitations to a celebration of her upcoming wedding. How will she react when she finds out that her best friend's dating her ex-boyfriend? 2. The One I Like the Most A schoolgirl's crush causes a hiccup in Yuraki and Otoumi's relationship. 3. Living Together A humorous flashback to how Otoumi and Yuraki come to live together. 4. The Situation to Take For Granted With parental pressure on Otoumi to make marriage plans, he becomes aware of what he takes for granted ~ and what he certainly doesn't. 5. Love's Murmurs (oneshot) High school student Shinya reacted badly when Takashi ~ his boyfriend of six months and an electronic salesman ~ suggested he should go home for New Year's. 6. Repeated Problem Although Takechi rejected his closest friend Hakata's unexpected love confession, he doggedly kept their friendship going. But when gossip about Hakata's homosexuality begins to circulate at their university, Takechi is forced to question his friendship with Hakata. 7. The Relationship That Can't Be Washed Away Continuation of Takechi and Hakata's relationship. 8. Afterword 9. Vacation Time A humorous two-page look at one day of Yukari and Otoumi's home life.


Luna summary: Laneige is pretty and smart, but only thing that she is missing is wealth and last name. A commoner like her can’t really get a good education even though she is smart. And people who are not n.o.bles don’t have last names to verify who they are. There is this one academy in the whole country called Royal Academy. They said it’s for the education, but unless you are rich or already have large amount of knowledge, there is no way for a normal commoner to enter this school. Laneige studied her b.u.t.t off to get out of poverty, and she was able to get into this school, BUT female student spots were filled. The school couldn’t give special treatment to Laneige because then the n.o.bles will uprise and complain to the school. Still the school couldn’t let Laneige go because she had an outstanding grade, so their method was to disguise Laneige as a male and let her stay in the school.
When you are a commoner, you can study your b.u.t.t off to get into the school. But there is still a hierarchy in the school. When commoners enter the school, they are a.s.signed to one child of a n.o.ble who is older than them. Those commoners are called j.a.pry. They are to stay and follow the person to “see” and “learn” better and faster. But that’s only an official excuse. Basically j.a.prys are their personal servants.
Laneige becomes the j.a.pry of the country’s most powerful n.o.ble’s second son. She was prepared to meet a spoiled brat, but he was little different than she thought….

Fredericksburg and Its Many Points of Interest

Fredericksburg and Its Many Points of Interest summary: Fredericksburg and Its Many Points of Interest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fredericksburg and Its Many Points of Interest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition

The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition summary: The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Vocational Psychology: Its Problems and Methods

Vocational Psychology: Its Problems and Methods summary: Vocational Psychology: Its Problems and Methods summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Vocational Psychology: Its Problems and Methods. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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