



















类别玄幻 冒险














内容简介:被誉为末日女杀神的沈茗死后再度醒来,成为了和平世界里一名十八线开开开外,声名狼藉的花瓶艺人沈姝茗。为了填饱肚子,沈茗表示无论什么活儿她都接了!于是,著名的花瓶美人开始霸屏全网。—综艺演 员们的竞技请她来参加,并给了天谴剧本。沈茗:哦,不就是给人做配表演出错嘛,简单。竞演直播当天,面若桃花,妩媚动人的沈茗表演了一出贵妃醉酒,不小心把实心木桌一拳打碎后。观众们:……!这这这还是侍儿扶起娇无力的杨贵妃?确定不是刚从梁山下来的哪位女壮士?—综艺一起去旅行请她来参加,并给了作精剧本。沈茗:哦,不就是装柔弱一点嘛,简单。可眼着如风拂柳般的花瓶美人一人扛俩行李箱,穿着高跟鞋压根不抖的上下楼梯四五趟,完事了在镜头面前面无表情娇嗔好累人的时候。观众们:……!你好歹喘个气流流汗啊。没看到隔壁阳光肌肉型的流量小生都开始抖腿了吗?—综艺悠闲生活请她来参加,并给了CP剧本。沈茗:哦,不就是跟陆影帝表个白嘛,简单。第一期播出,只见沈茗一个人扛起大斧头熟练的砍柴,烧火,一个人干翻三亩地,在大庭广众之下边啃着苞米,边面无表情的跟陆影帝说:我喜欢你。观众们:……?你但凡笑一笑,苞米啃的速度慢一点,我们特么就信了!被沈茗蹭了不知道多少热度的陆影帝眯着眼看了她许久,莞尔一笑:“那我们从今天开始交往吧。”综艺首播当日,收视爆表,全网瘫痪。众网友开盘下注这对CP什么时候解绑。可眼看着花瓶美人上野外生存类综艺带飞全员,演电影打戏流畅自然从不用替身,替受到欺负的女艺人仗义出手,拿到影后桂冠被那位当众求婚时。他们这才顿悟,这对CP锁死了啊。1w0-1409 >>


内容简介:结婚前,女友为了给她弟弟结婚,狮子大张口索要五十万彩礼,肖锋一怒之下踹了扶弟魔女友!随后被绝美女总裁看中,肖锋成为了女总裁家的上门女婿,但万万没想到,自己竟然是京城大家族的唯一继承人… … 从此肖锋成为了有史以来最狂,最无敌的上门女婿!1w0-2382 >>


内容简介:上一世识人不清,舒安被欺被辱含恨惨死。重生回到十七岁,正值命运的转折点。被好姐妹陷害,被渣男欺骗?看她如何扭转乾坤,将坏人踩在脚下!经商致富,笑傲八零这一次,舒安可不会再当那个笨蛋了要 是早知道未婚夫是个宝,她肯定早早拽进自己手心里1w17573-25985 >>


内容简介:我真的不想做神豪啊无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《我真的不想做神豪啊》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市言情小说,小兵免费提供我真的不想做神豪啊最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅 读。1w0-28942 >>


内容简介:接档文《和她先婚后爱了》求预收池小姐眼中的景小姐:狐狸精暴发户景小姐眼中的池小姐:财迷拜金女一次意外过后,她们看对方的眼神开始变了……两个口嫌体正直的女人日久生情的爱情故事(日是动词) 清晨,某酒店,总统套房的大床上……池嘉穿好衣服:“景芮,就算全世界男人和女人都死光了,我也不会看上你!”景芮:“麻烦池小姐记住自己说过的话,以后别再来找我。”次日,清晨,某酒店,总统套房的大床上…池嘉穿好衣服,“我警告你这是最后一次!”景芮:“池小姐,我也不想有下次。”若干天后,两人酒吧相遇。景芮:“身份证带了吗?”池嘉:“带了……”主CP:炸毛贪财小设计师X性感多金餐厅老板副CP:欢脱痴情设计总监X温婉可人御姐总裁入坑须知or避雷1主副CP都是先做后爱,简单粗暴,不喜勿入;HE,不拆CP;2非现实向的轻松甜文(总裁有很多时间谈恋爱的那种),剧情偏骚气带颜色;行业描写非专业,见谅;3有直掰弯情节,但不存在被男人伤才去选择女人,爱一个人无关性别,仅此而已;4基本日更三千,偶尔偷懒。————作者菌推文区————预收现代甜文《一直恋着你》,腹黑年下X心机御姐。完结现甜文《你好撩人》,小妖精X老干部疯狂撒糖。完结甜文《和她假戏真做了》,直女互撩假戏真做。完结甜文《等你说爱我》,乖乖女碰上老司姬。香菜专栏提供大量完结甜文,专治文荒。1w0-33370 >>


内容简介:  一个在飞雪天被送到武王府的婴儿,他是谁?  一个巨大的阴谋背后,隐藏着多少无耻的面孔。  婴儿终于长大,十年断魂磨一剑。  少年狂歌,胭脂香味。  雪我之恨,爱我所爱。  当江湖变 成血狱,佛亦握屠刀。  经历最黑暗的岁月,涅槃重生。  快意恩仇血染刀兵一腔热血酬天地。  铁骨峥嵘英雄无悔善恶轮回终有报。  -------------------  点燃武侠死灰,再现热血江湖!重拾英雄梦想,再写恩怨情仇!  ---------  新书《楚门狼》开始连载。寒氏武侠,品质保证。武侠盛宴,不容错过!  -------  VIP群:46264678---普通群:46264395  1w0-565 >>




内容简介:我是一个僵尸,你相信吗,很奇怪吧,在现在这个现代化的世界里还有我这种怪物存在,而且我还是生活在这个城市的熙熙攘攘的人群中,也许在某趟客车上和你同做一车的人就有我,也许我们曾在一个戏院里 一起看过戏,甚至在某个热闹的大街上,那个和你擦肩而过的人就是我,不要惊慌,我很普通,我也曾经是人,我现在是一个披着人皮的怪物,来进入我的世界吧,看看那天和我擦肩而过的人是不是你自己。1w0-99040 >>


内容简介:我命浮沉,血染风云;男儿重诺,一诺千金!唐承风本是这个国家最神秘部队的王,却为了一个承诺提前退役回归都市,本来只想低调守护在她身旁,然而风云际会暗嘲涌动,于是男儿一怒只为红颜!1w0- 1006 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者绝世小垃圾的经典小说:《清冷仙尊爆红娱乐圈》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说预收:《如果星星曾许诺【娱乐圈】》求收藏吖,文案在下边。修真界千 百年来天赋最高的修真者白沅仙尊在渡劫期被九道惊雷击中。白沅被劈到了一个身缠丑闻,被粉丝,经纪人,渣男抛弃以后选择自杀的小明星身体里。面对这样的绝境,白沅仙尊只想说:逆天改命,我熟。白沅参加一档近几年最火爆综艺的消息在网上传开,众人:笑死,就白沅这么糊也能上这个节目?有她我不看。节目开播后,众人:靠靠靠,老婆好美,老婆鲨我。下期没白沅1w0-75762 >>


内容简介:妖国降临,修真界风雨飘零,众多修真大能惨遭重创,败守玄天宗。刚洗完澡的莫弃:“大胆妖孽,贫道一眼就看出来你不是人,无量天尊,看我火球术!”某妖族大能:“火球术?哈哈哈哈,你是准备把我笑 的魂飞魄散吗?我乃天地大妖,万灵共主,不死不灭,亘古永存……”莫弃的手中出现了一个拳头大小的火球,猛然投掷而去。火球带着金红色的尾焰,划破虚空,以超光速飞行,刹那间撞入1w7420-25245 >>

Yuki No Touge Tsurugi No Mai

The closing stages of Sengoku (Warring States) Japan. A setting commonly explored in Japanese manga through vivid scenes of gory battles, samurai, and feats of bravery, honour, and loyalty. Iwaaki Hitoshi dares to go against the popular grain by not focusing on the 3 famous unifiers, but by depicting stories of a society in transition. Rapidly changing cultural norms and class expectations pit the old versus the young, the war-weary versus the war-mongers, and the parochial versus the foward-thinking. The first story, 'Snow Ridge,' explores the changing role of samurai and provinces while the second story, 'Sword Dance,' deals with kendo's evolution from warfare to art.


10 years ago there was an explosion that broke seals of the demon world... that time demons came to the human world. To keep them away, special wards were created, which kept demons in one place... but not only demons.. also humans who survived the explosion were imprisoned there. A few years after the explosion, a special delegation was sent to check inside the ward, and to save humans left there... but there were no longer any humans... there were ouma... fusion of demon and human that could use demonic powers while having the rationality of humans.... Sleeper is a band which has 6 members... among them there is Mika, whose powers are not know yet and Row, who sometimes can't hold his demonic nature... this is their story...

Uwasa No Futari

[From Memory For You] : First volume : 1) The Rumored Couple (Uwasa no Futari) (3 chapters) : Aoyama and Akabane, the president and vice president of the student council, are such a good match (in the slashy way) that there're rumors around that they're an item. Though both of them were supposed to be 'normal', everything gets complicated when Aoyama suddenly kisses Akabane saying it was an 'experiment'. As the experiment escalates, their hearts begin to flutter and their everyday life is turned upside down. If this goes on the rumour'll prove to be true... but is it really okay if things turn out this way?! 2) A Drug Against Unrequited Love 3) Hanamaru Lunch 4) The First Walk 5) The First Assistance Volume 2 : 1) The Rumored Couple (Uwasa no Futari) (5 chapters) 2) Selfish Recipe 3) The Father's Diary 4) The Secretary's Diary From BLU Manga: High school students Hiroshi and Seichi are the closest of friends, which only adds fuel to the fire of gossip about their supposed romantic involvement. When quashing the lascivious rumors becomes impossible, will these friends do the opposite and give everyone something really to talk about?! From the artist of Just My Luck, Shinobu Kokoro and Kyo Kara Maoh comes a walk along the fine line that separates friends from something way more!

Issho Ni Neyou Yo

From Operation Boredom: Ichiko Usami is a fifteen-year-old runaway girl. One day, while she's loitering around the riverbed with nowhere to go, a masked boy named Kohaku suddenly appears in front of her! Ichiko faints and Kohaku takes her to the mansion he shares with several others. Even while lost in wonderment at the individualistic residents, Ichiko gradually opens up to them. But why is she somehow frightened by the fallen children shoes?

Into the World of Medicine

Into the World of Medicine summary: Rong Qinyan, is a 21st century successor of a medicinal family, proficent in medical knowledge. But in the end, died in the hands of her relatives. Murong Qingyan is Sheng Hong Continent’s Murong family’s legitimate miss. But even though she is a legitimate daughter, she is the Murong family’s shame because her appearance is ugly and her meridians are blocked, making her a trash that cannot cultivate.
After she transmigrated, she became her.
When she reopened her eyes, the originally unable to cultivate trash let everyone fall in shock. Flipping over clouds, disobeying the heavens and changing fate, letting those that originally looked down on her regret it deeply.
Contracting divine beasts, concocting immortal pills. Meeting G.o.ds, killing G.o.ds; meeting Buddhas, killing Buddhas; swearing to let all those that looked down on her view her in a new light.
When the trash turned into a universally shocking prodigy, when the ugly appearance was shed off, she was no longer the original her. In the whole couese of events, whose heart did she actually steal?
Her ex-future husband regretted it deeply to no avail. The family that looked down on her is now immensly remorseful, yet they can’t change anything else.
When she stood at the peak of the world, he was always by her side protecting and guarding her. letting her be able to freely soar in the sky.
He said: “In my life, I have nothing else. I only wish to love you forever.”
She said: ”If it is what you desire.”

Old Maid

Old Maid summary: 20XX. j.a.pan has become a super-aging society with half its population going over the age of 65. To put an end to the blockage of the society, a law has been worked out: “The Unmanaged Elderly Migration Law” or “Ubasute (abandoning old woman) Law” for short. Making every effort to save his grandmother from the evil law, high-schooler Kurata n.o.buhiko’s fate is…?

O, Juliet

O, Juliet summary: O, Juliet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of O, Juliet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Peach Pit Landlord

Peach Pit Landlord summary: Li Yuan was struggling at the bottom of society, however out of the blue a peach pit appeared. He did not know that at that moment, the peach pit will completely transform his life.
With this peach pit, Li Yuan not only strengthened his body, but also changed normal crops to rare highest quality items.
Henceforth Li Yuan started to manage a farm, established a ranch and bought a fishing ground. Not only did he become the number one crop supplier, but also possessed a land to govern, making him a genuine landlord.
He had leisure time to enjoy beautiful landscapes, pleasantly touring the mysterious world, tasting top-notch culinary cuisine, effortlessly chatting with females, this beautiful life is no longer a dream!

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