


















简介《绝地天通》系列之《绝地天通 灰》:本篇讲述了拥有等价交换一切异能的少年“灰神”与他外表迷糊实际能干的的女助理,一起解决众多事件的故事(每周三、周五更新)另,《绝地天通》漫画宇宙其它联动漫画——黄/黑/初/狐,剧情相对独立,偶有关联,无观看顺序,任意食用!欢迎加入官方交流QQ群:563351294








类别都市 恋爱 生活






内容简介:小兵提供天予昭晖大神最新作品《短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军》最新章节全文免费阅读,短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军TXT下载,短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军全文字更新,短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军无弹窗!请 关注狂人小说网短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军吧,本站最新最快更新短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军的最新章节。1w0-82057 >>




内容简介:惊悚电影里,你的房门总是深夜被人敲响,所以你决定……,“再续一年房租!”战争电影里,你刚向战友炫耀了妻女照片,却受命奔赴前线,你决定……,“我将带头冲锋!”仙侠电影里,你作恶多年,臭名 远扬,竟偶遇情缘,你决定……,请认真扮演好您的角色,剧本没有彩排,每一刻都是现场直播……1w0-60189 >>


内容简介:【团宠双马甲双洁男女主互撩】初次见面,她闯进他的房间,撞上刚出浴的他,淡定的顶着他危险的目光,放肆的调戏:“帅哥,身材不错啊”第二次见面,在盛大的宴会上,她明艳张扬,前脚虐完人,后脚就 凑到他身边,又乖又软的问:“听说我是你挡箭牌女友,那哥哥能帮我这个工具人一个忙呗”从此,秦爷家里多了一个作天作地的小妖精,每天在他心尖上撩火。众人都说,安家的真千金处处比不上假千金,是从乡下长大的土老帽,连假千金的头发丝都比不上。结果,连同假千金,全被强势打脸,被虐的心肝脾肺,哪哪都疼。众人又说,真千金就算比假千金乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《秦爷怀里的真千金又美又撩》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69303 >>


内容简介:灵溪马上就要出道了,却发现自己变成了一颗蛋,不知道被谁抱走了!灵溪在蛋里好饿啊,好不容易破壳了,一睁眼就看到了正看着自己出壳的帅气大哥哥……灵溪宝宝“大哥哥”白修面无表情“叫爸爸。”― ―少女灵溪“爸爸”白修严肃着脸“叫哥哥!”各位书友要是觉得《人鱼宝宝在星际》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76794 >>


内容简介:悲剧的简介还是修改吧总之就是一群奇奇怪怪家伙在海贼世界的故事……目前除了主角之外还有桔梗巫女一只……谏山黄泉一只……两仪式一只……绯村剑心一只……法修一只……鲁鲁修一只……爱德华一只… …如此……1w46507-57793 >>


内容简介:风月大陆上有四个国家,南梁、北齐、东越、西林。其中,四国又以南梁国最为富庶。时值南梁神武年间,河清海晏,孝文帝昭惠皇后于端阳佳节诞下一女,帝心大悦,即刻为公主赐名“秀绾”,因是嫡女,尊 国姓“慕”,封柔嘉长帝姬,居揽月宫,享千户食邑,荣宠无限。于是,慕秀绾——这位身份尊贵的南梁公主便在皇宫中开始了她无忧无虑的生活;除了父皇母后,一母同胞的太子哥哥、殷武王九哥哥、小妖皇弟……都对她好得不得了!只是……为什么随着年纪的增长,哥哥弟弟们对她的态度变得越来越奇怪……竟个个都说爱她到底是哪里出了错,她不是亲人吗……(np血缘禁忌养成占有)1w0-109045 >>




内容简介:叶青储备物资等待末日降临,却意外重生到一九六一年。没有家人,没有亲戚,独身一人来到陌生时代。吃饭要粮票,穿衣要布票,出门必带介绍信,锅碗瓢盆要工业券,二两豆油是一个月供应。经商是投机倒 把,养殖要割尾巴,找工作要凭城镇户口。作为一个来历不明的“黑户”,外挂只鸡肋空间里有限物资……叶青很迷茫,怎样才能活下去?1w46957-107309 >>




内容简介:  她曾经历了长平之战,见证了数十万人的坑杀。她曾率领大秦铁骑,与六国逐鹿天下。她见过天下三分,山河破碎。也听过那袅袅的隆中琴音。贞观盛世她曾一醉今朝,那千古女帝又是如何芳华?她鲜衣怒 马过,也曾羽扇纶巾。做过田舍农,也为过教书生。却没人知道,这么一个人,活了两千年。嘛,比较轻松悠哉的历史文吧,因为个人原因可能并不能做到完全符合历史,经得起考证。但我会尽力查全资料来写的。第一次写这种文章,我还是希望写的有趣一些,哈哈。最后,变身慎入哈,单身向的。书友群:239590070 二群:256080940 应援群:2427718561w0-403 >>


内容简介:一个如梦如幻的帝国,一场热血淋漓的穿越,一段亦真亦假的历史。宋辽夏三足鼎立、女真、蒙古,北方的蛮族仍旧此起彼伏。历史的大潮蠢蠢欲动,仁人志士前赴后继,流不尽的英雄血,老大帝国的命运,是 被征服?......还是被征服?感谢各位读者的伴随,本书将于近期更新完结——鼓元吉于2020年5月。1w0-1680 >>

Plastic Girl

From Rebellious Love: Endou Maya is a high school girl who has the looks of a model but always ends up getting nervous and making ugly faces in front of the camera. But whenever it's time to eat lunch at the modelling agency, she becomes lively again! That's because she gets to see Pierre, the lunchbox seller, who she's actually in love with! Will something happen between them? And what will Pierre think? From Intercross: Maya is a very beautiful high school girl who works for a modeling agency!! And the person she loves is... Pierre, a lunch box seller?! Who exactly is he actually? And what will come out of Maya's love?

Hishoshitsu No Himitsu

1) For Tomorrow The Nagaoka General detective agency is on the verge of bankruptcy. Nori, the son’s owner, is doing everything he can while his father is away to keep the business afloat, despite his lack of experience with investigating. His biggest challenge? The lazy, perverted ex-cop, Aoi-chan, who is their best and only detective. It seems a waste of his talents to be with the agency, but he is determined to make Nori his. So, when Aoi’s childhood friend and rival, Miyasako Yukari, shows up to offer them both an investigative job worth more money than the agency has seen in a while, he reluctantly accepts. But, the job is almost too easy. And, it seems rather suspicious that Yukari would request both Nori and Aoi to work the case. What is his real reason for hiring Nori? What kind of unexpected danger is waiting? 2) For the Two of Us Nori and Aoi are struggling with their newfound love and have yet to complete that final step to consummate the relationship. On top of that, Yukari is keeping Aoi incredibly busy with troublesome jobs, which is the agency’s only source of steady income. Nori takes on a case to search for a missing father, and Aoi tells him to leave the job to him, but then suddenly leaves for an indefinite amount of time claiming the need to do some work for Yukari. Nori begins to feel guilty at his inability to effectively contribute to the agency and his fear of giving himself completely to his lover. But, when Yukari shows up the following day looking for Aoi, Nori learns that his lover has lied to him. Will Nori be able to solve the case of the missing father on his own? And what will happen between the couple if Nori is able to locate Aoi? 3) The Secret of a Secretary Usami is the manager of the secretaries for YM Company, run by Miyasako Yukari. He is constantly witness to Yukari’s immoral and perverted behavior with all of the secretaries. It is the secret of the secretary room that many of the young men within were transferred there for the sole reason of becoming Yukari’s sexual flavor of the week. What’s worse is how Yukari shamelessly uses them as a tool to blackmail ther companies. Usami respects his director, but can’t understand that side of him. Even more, he can’t understand why he has feelings for the man; why he wants to push the director down and dominate that proud guy. The very idea excites him. What will happen when he finally confesses these desires to Yukari? Will his dreams of topping the confident director be fulfilled? And why does he have the feeling that Yukari has his own agenda? 4) The Boss’s Secret Yukari hasn’t changed at all, much to Usami’s dismay. But when Yukari has sex with others, Usami rarely complains even though he is jealous. Usami’s desires to be seme are also strong, but he has not yet learned to fight for what he wants. Is Yukari teasing him too much? 5) The Devil & The Love Revolution Iwata Daichi is a newbie teacher, finally landing a job as a P.E. teacher. But, on his first day touring the school, he stumbles across another teacher, Yoshizawa, in a compromising situation with a student. In his efforts to question and scold Yoshizawa, Iwata is forced into his own compromising situation and taken advantage of by Yoshizawa, who threatens to use their encounter against the new teacher unless Iwata holds his tongue about what he saw. Iwata has always believed himself to be straight, but when starts to see things in a new light afterwards, and becomes a confidant for students in love. A series of misunderstandings shows both teachers how much they may have misjudged one another. Will Iwata realize his true self when Yoshizawa decides to be serious with him? 6) Their Position Kamio and Akagi work for the same company, having joined at the same time and being the same age. Time and time again, though, Akagi excels over Kamio. Whether it’d be by achievements, popularity with the ladies, or in school, Akagi is always ahead of Kamio. So, when Akagi’s business proposal is chosen, he wants Kamio to be his assistant, telling his coworker that ‘Kamio is enough’. Kamio believes it is to pick on him and treat him as an underling. But, what can Kamio believe when Akagi confesses the true reasons for choosing him as an assistant? Is it really just to make fun of him or does Akagi have deeper feelings for his contemporary? And what are the two of them to do when they are accidentally locked within their office building overnight?

Otome, Sakazu Ni Chiru Na Kare

From Ochibichan: Ibuki Noa is an eighteen-year-old girl who has never had any experience with love. In order to maintain the family’s inn, her mother then made her go to Oofujiya Inn to carry out a secret plan to find a spouse! To only just experience her first love, how would the spouse scout go…?

Kodomo No Omocha

Sana Kurata, a child actress, faces many problems in her classroom, including a major one - her bullying classmate, Akito Hayama. Sana's outgoing and friendly nature leads her to work towards correcting all of the problems around her. Her 'meddling' irritates Akito but at the same time captivates him, just as Akito's gloomy nature irritates Sana and compels her to change him. As these two opposites attract each other, they face many hardships which bring them closer to a mutual understanding. A story of growing up, letting go, falling in love, and falling out. It chronicles the relationship of Sana and Akito throughout elementary to high-school. This manga won the 1998 Kodansha Manga Award for shoujo. An extra epilogue book called 'Deep Clear' is available on MangaFox which is set a few years after the end of the Kodocha series. 'Deep Clear' is a cross-over with Obana Miho's other work, 'Honey Bitter'.

Daisy's Necklace, and What Came of It

Daisy's Necklace, and What Came of It summary: Daisy's Necklace, and What Came of It summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Daisy's Necklace, and What Came of It. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Principles of Teaching

Principles of Teaching summary: Principles of Teaching summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Principles of Teaching. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Brassbounder

The Brassbounder summary: The Brassbounder summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Brassbounder. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The History of Don Quixote Vol 1

The History of Don Quixote Vol 1 summary: The History of Don Quixote Vol 1 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The History of Don Quixote Vol 1. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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