
















制造麻烦的孩子一等奖!!!高性能仿生机器人v.s.超能力学生的暴走校园生活!!!Dr.莫拉(moral) 创造了超越人类的高性能仿生人『阿尔法』。其被创造的目的是为了使世界陷入混乱!!但是,一旦启动,她只能像低智能的AI一样进行简单的对话。Dr.莫拉决定让这样的阿尔法通过在御影石高中特殊科的学习和经验积累来进一步发展……!?


















内容简介:都说穿越历史,知道剧透,就能规避风险、正确站队,养成潜力股,抱紧粗大腿。剧透在手,天下我有,实乃走上人生巅峰一大金手指。然而现实是说好的救世主不务正业,说好该消停的反派搞事不止,只想吃 瓜看戏的自己成了被赶上架的鸭子。神仙乱窜,剧情神展,每天都在怀疑自己学的是假历史。面对着这个貌似哪里都不对的世界,姜沅芷镇定地抹了一把1w0-84038 >>


内容简介:穿越到了海贼王的世界,成为在东海恶名昭彰的不死之身巴基。以自己的班底,创造震惊世界的不朽之名——活着的传说,大神巴基!ps:没有系统,纯粹的恶魔果实开发者,热血搞笑狡猾腹黑风格(大概可 能)。【书友群:639063167】各位书友要是觉得《海贼王之大神巴基》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-74212 >>




内容简介:一档前景不被看好的选秀节目,出了一个逆天级流量偶像,每条微博都有千万转发量,然而……全特么是许愿的。众人都说,苏锦黎是靠抱大腿出道的。其实他们不知道,这些影后、社会大佬、投资商、财阀家 族掌控者,遇到他之前都是倒霉蛋。而他,是能让人转运的锦鲤精。秒天秒地的哥哥:“别那么累了,我的热度随便给你蹭蹭,你就红了。”财阀家族掌控者:“别当明星了,做我的儿子,亿万家产以后都是你的。”苏锦黎:“我想再试试……”文案二:当初苏锦黎要出山历练,爷爷语重心长地对他说:“你是纯阴体质,不仅仅会给善良的人带来好运,还会吸引阳气重的人,阳气越重越喜欢你。”苏锦黎信心百倍地表示:“没事的,我是蓝孩子!”1w38282-95756 >>


内容简介:  苟?不存在。 本尊从开局就是以雷霆之势崛起。 本尊也想低调,但实力也不允许。 修炼?不存在。 本尊平日里喝喝茶,发发呆,只要座下万千弟子修炼不停,本尊修为自然就跟着一日千里 。 弟子没天赋?不存在。 本尊神之右手逆天改命,天山派最不缺的就是拥有旷世天赋的弟子。 数万弟子难以驾驭?更不存在。 在本尊天道之眼下,一切人心无所遁形。 从方浪穿到这个修仙世界,做这个九流宗门天山派掌门开始,就已经注定无敌,哈哈哈。【本书标签:无敌流、种田、掌门流、无女主】本书又名《我摊牌了,我全身都是挂》《不用修炼就无敌,好烦》、《超神大掌门》、《我师父实在太高调了》、《仙界之劫》、《我真的没想无敌啊》。《无敌的日常生活》、《我的徒弟都是仙王》。1w0-2959 >>


内容简介:小兵提供洛水冬汐大神最新作品《丞相他就是不肯篡位》最新章节全文免费阅读,丞相他就是不肯篡位TXT下载,丞相他就是不肯篡位全文字更新,丞相他就是不肯篡位无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网丞相他就是 不肯篡位吧,本站最新最快更新丞相他就是不肯篡位的最新章节。1w0-85032 >>


内容简介:【【创新传奇】星空作品】灵希帝国十二位封号强者冠绝天下,万族来朝,被誉为剑圣的林峰,因为种种原因被放逐,离开天帝城来到了一个边陲小镇。他本以为是归隐山林的田园生活,但却在这个安静祥和的 小镇遇到了一件件诡异的事件,血月魔女,金色暗影,暗裔,天使?他究竟是跳出了苦海,还是……走近了深渊?PS追过乾坤仙域的朋友,可以直接加书架了,实力保证!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我被妖女篡位了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78948 >>


内容简介:沈迟意看了本狗血言情,里面的女配卑微仰慕男主数年,男主对她不屑一顾。后来女配被人算计了给男主的父亲瑞阳王为侧妃,成了男主庶母。原书里,女配对男主因爱生恨,利用美貌将瑞王迷得团团转,又尽 职尽责地给男女主搞事添堵,里通外敌,最后凄凉惨死。现在,沈迟意成了这个女配。不幸的是,她刚进王府,瑞阳王奄奄一息,男主权柄渐盛,在王府内外只手遮天。为求自保,她打算疏远男女主,找机会脱离王府。万万没想到,男主竟对她起了别的心思沈迟意沉声怒斥:“我是你小妈,世子知不知道规矩!”男主拈着她一缕1w0-28460 >>


内容简介:汪尘意外穿越到了修仙世界,成为云阳派外门的一个练气小修。宗派之内,等阶森严勾心斗角;山门之外,妖魔横行邪崇遍地!实力弱小的汪尘决定要苟到天荒地老。然而苟着苟着,他蓦然发现自己成为了大佬 !1w0-95593 >>


内容简介:九千年前,仙武帝尊率领百万神将打入太古洪荒,却无一人归来,只有一缕真火遗留世间。九千年后,门派废徒叶辰,被赶出宗门,无以为家,机缘巧合之下偶得真火,再踏仙武之路。这是一个神魔仙佛并立的 世界,这是一个诸天万域混乱的年代,叶辰的逆天征途,由此开始。各位书友要是觉得《万界神主叶辰》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w3822-4658 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者林雪灵的经典小说:《枕边呢喃》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【下本《暖冬》、《娇养》求收藏呀!】1陆扬九岁那年,妈妈带了一个小姑娘回家,告 诉他这是他未来媳妇儿。此后十三年,陆扬一直把纪茉当作未婚妻。全世界都以为陆扬喜欢纪茉。只有纪茉知道,陆扬并不喜欢她。订婚前的一天晚上,纪茉留下一封信,自此从陆扬的生命里消失。信很简单,只有寥寥几个字——“陆扬哥哥,我走啦,不要来找我。我知道你不喜欢我,不用勉强,后会无期。”2纪茉离开三年,陆扬几乎找遍半个地球。依然了1w0-75807 >>

Gekka No Kimi

From ShoujoMagic: This manga is loosely based on The Tale of Genji / ??????(Genji Monogatari) and is a MUST read! When the Emperor takes a new Empress, she is barely older than the Emperor's son Hikaru. She becomes both the one woman Hikaru loves and the one woman he can never have. And so Hikaru's feelings roam as his body wanders from bed to bed, seeking a replacement for her. When he finds the girl he believes can take her place...he commits a terrible sin. Now, a thousand years later, Hikaru's nightmares become reality as he is punished for past deeds in a new life--the greatest playboy in all of history...shakes like a lamb when any girl touches him!


Ouji summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ouji. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fushigi Na Hito

1. Mysterious Person Ruka is a high-school girl who holds affections for her teacher, Tokio. But one day, a mysterious person shows up and claims that he has come from the past! Not to mention, he calls himself by the same name as her beloved teacher, Tokio. What’s more unbelievable is that both “Tokio” have the exact same scar engraved on their palm… 2. A Small Love Story Hashi is one of the two sole members of her school's literature club. The other one is the romance-novel-loving club president Madoka. By chance, he finds out that her deceased grandmother happens to be one of his favourite authors. When he asks her to provide him with some original material, it sparks a change in her disinterest in love stories and their relationship. 3. Cloe the Devil Chroe is a loner because she has a reputation of bad things happening around her, especially to people who piss her off. What her classmates don't know is that she's a demon who causes misfortune on whomever she beholds. One day, while being confronted by a group of girls, Kikuchi defends her, causing her to look at him in surprise, which in turn causes him bad luck. Chroe starts avoiding him, scared of accidentally causing him harm, but Kikuchi is relentless in his pursuit. Chroe finds herself being drawn to him, but how is a relationship possible when she can't even throw him a glance without something bad happening to him? 4. Alice in Wonderland Ruu's mother just committed suicide and everyone can't stop gossiping about it, except for her new boyfriend, Mitsu, who acts like everything is normal. With everything going on, Ruu wants to seek comfort from Mitsu, but since her mother's passing, he hasn't touched her. Does Mitsu want her to disappear, too? 5. Sugar-Coat Ako is a seventeen-year old who is in love with her cousin (who also happens to teach at her school), Shou. Shou is getting married in a month and Ako is acting out to get his attention, and to prove to herself, and to him, that he cares about her. Shou is getting increasingly worried by Ako's erratic behavior, which only started somewhat recently. Can Ako get over her feelings? Or will she lose herself in a path of self-destruction? 6. The Star and The Heart Mini and Mani are identical twins who are best friends, and do everything, and go everywhere together. To help people tell them apart, Mani wears star earrings and Mini wears heart earrings. Life is great, until Mini suddenly acts loopy and distracted. Mani discovers that Mini and Suga have fallen for each other, and Mani is jealous that despite being identical, someone likes Mini, and no one likes her. On another level, she also feels that Suga is taking her best friend away from her. To what lengths will she go to to keep her sister close?

Bitansan Ekisu

1)Essence of Fine Carbonic Acid- Yasuomi is the descendant of a vampire clan, but hates the taste of blood, so he takes essence in the form of kisses (Virgins preferred). When Shige met Yasuomi at a goukon, he had no idea what he was in for, and now Yasuomi won't leave. But is Shige just a food source? 2)A Temporary Contract With Him- Hibikitani is a mediocre salesman whose envious of his super elite new boss Sakakibara. Being upbraided by Sakakibara, an annoyed Hibikitani promises a better sales performance in exchange for a night with him, and to his surprise Sakakibara agrees! 3)The Legendary Inhabitant Room- Oonuma is one of the few students spending the holidays at the dorm. But he gets to spend more time with his roommate, Teraiwa. Unfortunately the dorm, and especially Oonuma's room is plagued with rumors of ghosts, and Teraiwa is very mysterious sometimes... 4)Restraint- Overly emotional Shizuka and calm and cool Manabu are a couple that's always fighting about something, but the heat of an argument can turn into something else very quickly! 5)The Stars That Fall in the City- Businessman Wakamiya is interested in no strings attached sexual relationships now that he's in his old age. When adorable younger man Soeda enters his life, he finds it hard to resist him. But Soeda is loud, and bold for his cute appearance, will the contrast be too much for Wakamiya? 6)A Cruel Man- An older uke supervisor and his young seme subordinate share an intensely physical connection with a dark twist...

Tales of Northumbria

Tales of Northumbria summary: Tales of Northumbria summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tales of Northumbria. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Tempo Loss Bishop Exchange Of Haruhi Suzumiya

The Tempo Loss Bishop Exchange Of Haruhi Suzumiya summary: The Tempo Loss Bishop Exchange of Haruhi Suzumiya is a Haruhi Suzumiya short story written by Sō Sagara that appeared in the 30th anniversary Sneaker Bunko ent.i.tled The Sneaker Legend.

Counterfeit Bride

Counterfeit Bride summary: A young man is being forced to cross-dress as a bride to replace his young lady who refused to marry since she already had her own lover.
And the groom had prepared a surprise for the supposed bride, yet he was the one who got the surprise for the bride he had imagined was not as his imagined before, —personality wise.
So, the life of the counterfeit bride and ‘her’ groom began.
With both party having their own secret, how would their life like?

David Dunne

David Dunne summary: David Dunne summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of David Dunne. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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