


类别历史 热血 动作


类别悬疑 恐怖 冒险 惊奇 丧尸






简介【读者交流QQ群:488944432,周四、六凌晨更新】程一日是人气超高的男校医!富二代出身,人品绝佳!长相更是迷倒众生。从小到大都是女生眼中的“白马王子”,成绩优异样样第一。然而新学期开学,程一日就被首次见面的女老师乔清推倒了!为了挽回“王子”的颜面,程一日决定向风云人物乔清发起挑战,将其攻略! 男友力MAX的女老师 X 傲娇小王子! 令男老师们脸红心跳的爆笑恋爱喜剧拉开帷幕!








类别恋爱 霸总 少女














内容简介:  【Z大十大校草系列之六】大佬校草肖启昂转学到国际经济系,全校女生好兴奋,忙着冒粉红泡泡。莫歆儿也好兴奋,忙着给大佬拍泳装照、写情书、画漫画……卖给女生们,生意好得不得了。不幸败露, 莫歆儿被肖启昂堵在角落里咚住:“你就这么想从我身上赚钱?”莫歆儿嘴角抽抽地怂:“要不赚的钱我们五五分?四六?三七?嘤!”肖启昂:你要我卖我自己?*刚开始的肖启昂,“我怎么可能喜欢莫歆儿?这哪是口红印?是她蹭我领口的印泥!”后来的肖启昂,往自己领口蹭印泥,死乞白赖,“歆儿,全校都看到你印在我领口的口红印了,你要对我负责任!”莫歆儿:大佬总是碰瓷我,怎么办?*——大佬走了小作精的路,让小作精无路可走。——说好的少年成名的商界大佬,在小作精那里亏得连心都不剩!1w0-3326 >>


内容简介:海圆历1484年,洛克斯惨败于卡普和罗杰联手,与神之峡谷一起消失。而吃了黄泉果实上位果实——幽冥果实的海贼的尸体,阴差阳错被来自地球的灵魂占据。从此大海上多了一个传说——四皇之上有冥皇 !1w0-31403 >>

楠楠的暴露系列 (转载)

内容简介:楠楠的暴露系列转载)楠楠的暴露系列转载)sodu,楠楠的暴露系列转载)小说,楠楠的暴露系列转载)顶点,楠楠的暴露系列转载)自慰天使,作者:楠楠。以描写几个有暴露癖的女子的故事,内容涉及 ,暴露,自慰,1V1性交,群交,女女1w0-81936 >>






内容简介:小农民李二蛋,意外获得神奇的泡妞系统。从此以后,身边围绕着各色美女。泡妞的同时,系统还奖励各种宝物,技能,在世外桃源一般的小山村,过上了神仙都羡慕的逍遥生活。“你有这么牛叉的系统,你怎 么还是个副村长那?当也当个大村长呀!”“咳咳!小点声,别叫那漂亮的母老虎听到。你丫的懂什么?没有听说过好男不和女斗?我让着那只母老虎的,早晚有一天,我要叫这只母老虎给我唱征服。”1w0-2253 >>




内容简介:  “公子不愧是正义表率!”“风华绝代,儒雅随和,嫉恶如仇!”“天不生公子,正道万古如长夜!”……别夸!别再夸了!本公子才不是什么正道表率!本公子想要做坏事,要做反派!修邪功,戮长街, 屠满门,乃至谋朝篡位!本公子真的很坏!PS:已有600万字万订《异世界的美食家》、300万字精品《造梦天师》、《打造超玄幻》,日更万字,放心观看~群:1081561535,欢迎加入~1w0-4405 >>


内容简介:爱不过偷抢拐骗爱不过偷抢拐骗小说阅读其他小说类型小说爱不过偷抢拐骗由作家Pear创作1v1潇潇爱了纪楚颐很久,久到快要疯魔。在这僻静的小城,她偷抢拐骗,终于实现她的梦,上了纪楚颐。小兵 提供爱不过偷抢拐骗最新章节爱不过偷抢拐骗最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-104512 >>


内容简介:“我不做人了!”夏荒看着蛛丝从手腕射出,裂到耳边的嘴角笑出了声。………………夏荒一觉醒来世界变了。斯塔克工业是什么鬼?蜘蛛侠?在当他以为自己来到了美漫的世界时,环太平洋爆发怪兽,哥斯拉 和金刚喝酒…………夏荒貌似察觉到事情没那么简单,富人靠科技,穷人靠变异,在获得基因融合系统后,果断选择了不当人。1w0-84508 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我,真的可以吓死人】【2019火热新书】千万不要惹我,我真的可以吓死人!!!你受到了饿死鬼的攻击,惊吓值1,您有惊无险……你受到了红衣女鬼的攻击,惊吓值66, 您有惊无险……你受到了百鬼夜行的攻击,惊吓值999,您有惊无险……【叮咚】:感受到了宿主的愤怒,目标锁定,惊吓值十倍威力转化为攻击!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-76446 >>


内容简介:【《被偏执小狼狗告白后》在线求预收!专栏收藏!】安陌自幼被病痛折磨,二十岁便英年早逝。死后的他因长相绝美,千年一遇,被穿越局收揽,成为了一名维护各个位面世界的——病弱美人。安陌:累了, 毁灭吧。【星际】喜怒无常控制不住精神力的元帅x声音极具安抚力的病弱人鱼安陌:“既然我说什么都能安抚你的话,那么接下来请欣赏《报菜名》。”高冷元帅:“……”【末世】偏执重生丧尸王x坐轮椅的残疾幼师安陌:“乖乖躺好,今天我们来讲《农夫与蛇》、《东郭先生与狼》、《我与丧尸王》的故事。”丧尸王:“……”【直播】人狠话不多野王X厌食症主美食副游戏主播安陌:“今天打游戏被对面野王打废了。关了游戏让我们心平气和地做一道油炸野王,裹上面粉和面包糠,放进油锅里,炸至金黄酥脆捞出,隔壁小孩儿都馋哭了。”偷偷来看老婆直播的野王:…………【阅读指南必读】1白月光专业户受X反派专业户攻。2快穿,世界很多,私设很多,请勿较真,不喜点x。3病弱点到为止,不会太惨,人设需要。不是无脑万人迷,不是毒舌。4本文跟随剧情循序渐进,点进文中默认接受剧情逻辑和文中设定。封面是找画师约的图。5以前排过很多雷,只希望大家看文开心,结果直接上升作者人身攻击,说我分裂……那我不排了,能看下去就欢迎,坑品有保证。——————预收——————《被偏执小狼狗告白后》祁青暮家庭背景复杂,上了大学后所有的开销都由自己赚取,落魄可怜。偏偏是这样简单好拿捏的背景,加上那张俊美的长相,令他被众多目光窥觊。几方不好惹的人凑到一起,齐齐逼迫他做出选择的时候,一个如狼般阴鸷狂妄的高大男生冲破黑暗,闯入他的生活中。祁青暮:索性都疯了,那就挑一个最疯的!传闻顾屿是个疯子,二十出头的年纪却像一个在社会上浴血厮杀的老油条,他仗着年轻有势,狂傲不羁为所欲为,对看上的人不折手段。听说他看脸抢了个‘男朋友’回来,过程蛮横无理,圈内众人都忍不住去看热闹。却没想到——祁青暮:把手给我。疯子顾少:呵。一边嗤笑一边双手并拢递了过去。多年后,白手起家年轻有为的祁设计师回忆最艰难的那段时光,忍不住对着采访镜头露出和煦温柔的笑容。“我和我的爱人相濡以沫,相互救赎。”晚上回家,‘小狼狗’咬着他的后颈,耳鬓厮磨。“哥哥,我需要‘救赎’……”1w0-48482 >>

The Soul Chaser

Paris, XIXth Century. A little girl disappears under strange circumstances while playing with her doll at her home's garden. The police start searching for her, with no success; they just find her doll, stained with blood. Some time later, Fabrice, a young Parisian from a good family, decides to give his fiancee, Sophie, a doll he's found on an antique shop. Though reluctantly at first, she ends up accepting his gift. Later , that night, the young lady is woken up by some strange noises she can't find out where they come from. She convinces herself they're just her imagination, so she goes back to bed. But she's not alone in her room anymore... Everything points to her disappearing like that little girl. The police, once again, can't find a single clue on Sophie's whereabouts, so Fabrice, desperated, is determined to search for her by himself. His search will not only reveal that under Sophie's disappearance there are powerful supernatural forces lurking, but will imperil his life as well. But Fabrice will not be alone: on his search, he will have the help of such peculiar characters as Adriel, hidden under the appearance of a nice bookseller; Ruby, his enigmatic assistant; and The Master of Ceremonies, a mysterious and disconcerting being, who can only be found on the famous Parisian cemetery of Pere-Lachaise... (Published by www.MangaMagazine.net)

Doll's Folklore

From MangaHelpers: The sole survivor and witness to the serial kidnapping case that drew national attention 10 years ago was Oyamada Yusuke. In the end, a total of 108 children vanished into thin air and the case remains unsolved. Since that incident, Yusuke has been able to see evil spirits and has been attempting to seclude himself from society. But one day, he meets Kanon, a member of the anti-doll organization. She explains that the spirits that he has been seeing are called dolls and are the manifestation of people’s incredibly strong emotions. Yusuke accidentally releases a doll named Makina that even the organization had to resort to simply imprisoning instead of destroying. However, Yusuke learns that Makina has a connection to the kidnapping case that he was involved in years ago! [vyc]

Kokoro Ga Sakebitagatteru N Da.

Jun is a girl whose words have been sealed away. She was once a very happy girl, but because of a certain thing she said when she was very young, her family was torn apart. One day, the egg fairy appeared in front of her and sealed away her ability to talk in order to stop her from hurting anybody else. Since this traumatic experience, Jun lives in the shadows away from the limelight. But, one day, she is nominated to become an executive member of the 'community outreach council.' On top of that, Jun is also appointed to play the main lead in their musical...(Source: Official website)

Doll's Folklore

From MangaHelpers: The sole survivor and witness to the serial kidnapping case that drew national attention 10 years ago was Oyamada Yusuke. In the end, a total of 108 children vanished into thin air and the case remains unsolved. Since that incident, Yusuke has been able to see evil spirits and has been attempting to seclude himself from society. But one day, he meets Kanon, a member of the anti-doll organization. She explains that the spirits that he has been seeing are called dolls and are the manifestation of people’s incredibly strong emotions. Yusuke accidentally releases a doll named Makina that even the organization had to resort to simply imprisoning instead of destroying. However, Yusuke learns that Makina has a connection to the kidnapping case that he was involved in years ago! [vyc]

In Accordance with the Evidence

In Accordance with the Evidence summary: In Accordance with the Evidence summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of In Accordance with the Evidence. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The General''s Little Peasant Wife

The General''s Little Peasant Wife summary: She transmigrated into an orphan, thinking that she still had her boyfriend with her, yet in an instant, her world crashed. For the position of heir, he said, “Yao’er, why don’t you become my second wife?” A sentence destroyed her wishful thinking, causing her to end their relationship of two lives cruelly. Leaving the hustle bustle, she then lived in a forest, wanting to find an honest man to spend the rest of her life with. But not long after getting married, she realized that the honest man she married was a bit dishonest.
“Are you not an ordinary hunter?” she stared at the man pretending to be innocent in a furious manner. Is the ending going to be this way? Of course not, the story had just begun from the moment she changed her future.

The Fatal Falsehood

The Fatal Falsehood summary: The Fatal Falsehood summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Fatal Falsehood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Mysteries Of Paris

The Mysteries Of Paris summary: The Mysteries Of Paris summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Mysteries Of Paris. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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