










类别玄幻 都市








类别恋爱 霸总 生活








杨家大少杨海浪因为感情问题被情绪失控的前女友当街打伤住院,不仅如此还上了新闻头条,老爷子当即发话,让杨海浪在住院的医院也就是自家医院实习,对外表示改过自新重新做人。 原本以为可以换个地方继续浪天浪地的杨家大少不想在这次的实习中遇到了影响他一生的对手。






内容简介:吾是浮游子,志在记苍生!元能111身体素质1修为10五商剑术100五商剑术大成!修为突破灵境!职业:修道者姓名:商蝣号浮游子修为:灵境三重天【99910000】能力:游商天下(踏遍千山 万水,归来仍是少年!)灵法:磨剑法大成御兽法大圆满身体素质:66666666评级:一颗星(潜力有限,节哀顺便!)PS只手握苍生,游商行天下!游商书友群:八一五五二九五九七1w0-81942 >>








内容简介:我姓武,大家都叫我小武。兄弟你听好了,下面是我的一些经验之谈——跟龙族打的时候别听它说什么,只管打,一直打到它死为止;揍妖精比较麻烦一点,最好别让它看见你,要打黑枪;搞兽人就是一个字, 裸绞!魔鬼敢来找麻烦,那就死命掰它的角,它一定跪;好了,我现在要去酒吧打架,更多简介内容等我回来再写1w0-96864 >>


内容简介:以身祭天后,叶婉汐意外穿回现代。从此,娱乐圈有名的绿茶作精,成了各界大佬保驾护航的第一团宠。房地产大佬:“预留现房百套,小师妹想住哪套住哪套。”金融巨鳄:“我的钱就是小师妹的钱,随便花 ,别客气。”知名大导:“从今往后,我的戏女主都是小师妹!”电脑天才:“敢黑我小师妹,都给我小心点哦。”吃瓜路人&黑粉:这背后肯定有什么见不得人的py交易!封·首富·大师兄:“……”我看你们是欠收拾了!1w0-29530 >>


内容简介:死后,季琰才知道自己一直暗恋的学霸也喜欢自己。一次重生,让他有机会回到校园。被围在人群中的季琰用余光扫了一眼某学霸的方向。只见学霸正阴测测地盯着他。老天啊,学霸他真的喜欢我吗???这就 是一个前世相互暗恋的人因为误会而错过,这辈子回来弥补遗憾的故事。学霸攻文,争取年前写完与编编商量了一下下周二(V,入望大家继续支持我各位书友要是觉得《学霸他不可能喜欢我》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-66622 >>


内容简介:大劫将至,九大仙器散落诸天。药童何江修被永恒仙鼎砸中,就此踏入波云诡谲的修真界。风云际会,神魔争霸,谁能寻觅到一线生机?且看一个卑微的小修士,踏诸天,碎九霄,仙路独尊!1w0-8470 4 >>


内容简介:失恋醉酒男人61好运好孕!水一清在白眼狼竹马渣变后,浑身上下都显露着一个字,丧!放纵的来个一醉解千愁!结果从受害人,变成加害人!受到她加害的男人还不正常!是天使,是魔鬼!是猛兽,是禽兽 !是戏精,是蛇精!是病态,是变态!是精神分裂,是人格分身!总之变化多又快,她是赶不上节奏,摸不清套路。抗议,挣扎,放弃,认命,最后给他打上娃儿他爸的标签!1w0-32260 >>


内容简介:开始每天更新时间为晚上1130—本书文案—锦鲤精裴宁在龙门前蹦跶了两千年,终于一跃成为一条——没鳞片没龙角没爪子的小秃龙!!为了修得圆满,她只能绑定了个系统下凡进修,拯救美惨强女主!第 一个世界【娱乐圈】(已完结)裴宁穿成人见人厌资源咖,原主还要和女主抢男人!裴宁:“我该怎么拯救女主?毁灭我自己吗?”系统:“原剧情里,女主因为渣男脚踏两条船意外车祸,亲亲只需要让女主远离男主就行了哦。”裴宁:“这个简单,横刀夺爱我在行!”系统;???于是,恋爱综艺上……裴宁堵住女主,在所有人以为要撕逼时,牵起了她的手。“乔颂,我们组CP呀!”渣男赶到,晓之以情,动之以理,希望她退出节目。“裴宁你相信我,我喜欢的人只有你!我全心全意只爱你!”裴宁反手一个录音交到女主手。“乔颂,这个渣男不值得,你喜欢我好不好。”综艺前网友:“大小姐划水怪,臭不要脸蹭我家乔颂热度!”上综艺后网友:“冷傲冰山美人和软萌大小姐太配了!鲨我祭天为这二位助兴!”裴宁一路爆红,踹掉渣男和女主和和美美,就在她完成任务脱离世界之际。小世界中,一只凤凰冲天而起。“撩完就跑,哪那么容易!”第二个世界【校园小甜饼】拽姐扛把子性格缺陷学霸小结巴裴宁:“若有一天你学会反击,势必将那些泼你脏水、狠命踩你的人拽入深渊,你不必回头看,因他们只配仰望你。”【预收】《穿成顶流A的隐婚前妻》拿了大满贯的影后苏团团穿进了一本abo文,成了顶流A墨苋的隐婚前妻。粉丝:“苏团团演技差!爱捆绑!她专门蹭我家墨苋热度,心机女不得house!”粉丝:“苏团团要作品没作品!只会拿那张假脸卖惨博同情!赶紧滚出娱乐圈!”苏团团:“……奖杯我都拿腻了。”上竞演综艺,苏团团指导选手演戏,跨级吊打夺得第一。上台领奖时苏团团谦虚一笑:“常规操作罢辽。”下竞演综艺,苏团团全副武装偷摸去看墨苋演唱会。粉丝问:“这位姐妹,你也是墨苋老婆吗!!!”苏团团傲娇推了推墨镜:“不,我是她前、妻。”——顶流A墨苋被苏团团厚颜无耻缠上后不得不负责,要求有三条。“隐婚,无X,对你没感觉,别在我身上浪费时间。”她从未对苏团团上过心,看着这个女人掌握财富密码,蹭她热度,作天作地,只有厌恶没有爱情。直到苏团团一场车祸醒来坚决要和她离婚。苏团团:“渣女,海王,我不干了!”离婚后她看着苏团团脱胎换骨,专心演戏,部部爆火,一朝变成万人迷。墨苋这才知道,那一夜有人设计陷害,如果不是苏团团自愿顶替背锅,她早就从顶流摔入泥潭。首映礼上墨苋偷偷去支持,看着苏团团和小鲜肉举止亲密,从头到尾没有看她一眼。墨苋将她拽到更衣间,红着眼眶:“老婆,我不能没有你。”苏团团嗅着逸散的信息素,低声一笑, >>


内容简介:“我不做人了!”夏荒看着蛛丝从手腕射出,裂到耳边的嘴角笑出了声。………………夏荒一觉醒来世界变了。斯塔克工业是什么鬼?蜘蛛侠?在当他以为自己来到了美漫的世界时,环太平洋爆发怪兽,哥斯拉 和金刚喝酒…………夏荒貌似察觉到事情没那么简单,富人靠科技,穷人靠变异,在获得基因融合系统后,果断选择了不当人。1w0-84508 >>



Tsumi Koi

Compilation of short stories: - Tsumi Koi / Sinful Love “If you want me to stay quiet, then have an affair with me too” Yashiro witnessed her classmate Maki, who is extremely popular with the girls, with a girl who wasn’t his girlfriend. Tired of her uninspiring days Yashino suggested that she become Maki’s “lover”, but because of these circumstances she finds herself being charmed by him and she can’t stop herself from falling in love with him…!? - Until I Fall in Love About twin sisters, Tae is the older twin and Rie is the younger. One day, Rie begs Tae to switch places with her. Rie has a crush on a boy who sits next to Tae. Finally Tae agrees. In Rie's class, Tae is surprised to discover that Rie sits next to a cute guy, the one on the soccer team that she saw after school a few days ago. Then, Tae has a good time sitting with the boy. He's funny and nice. When he invites Tae to watch him play soccer, Tae agrees, but then she realizes that he invites her as Rie.. - Let's Meet in Dream! Fuzuki has been having some strange dreams recently. In them, she is at school, and she is talking to a cute young teacher. Fuzuki is in love with this teacher, and he knows it. They always hand out on the roof of the school, where he smokes a cigarette. Every night she has dreams about him, and they hold very real conversations. But the thing is, Fuzuki doesn’t know who this guy is! Why is Fuzuki dreaming about this guy? Does he dream about her? Will they ever be able to meet in person? - Tears of Goldfish It was a summer festival 5 years ago, and a young girl was kissed by a cute boy while fireworks exploded all around them. But one of their classmates saw them kissing and teased them. They were elementary school kids, so their accusations are rude and obnoxious. The girl, Iyo, was embarrassed and denied it before the boy, Tsujiai could say anything. Ever since that day, she and Tsujiai, haven’t spoken. Now they are once again placed in the same class after 5 years. Iyo feels awful and awkward. But it’s obvious he still hates her… - Love Spell Momoka and a friend are standing at their classroom window, checking out some cute senpai boys. Momoka prefers boys with shorter hair. Her friend says that Shibahara isn't Momoka's type. Shibahara is a boy in their class, and he has long hair that obscures his face. The next day, Momoka finds out that Shibahara arrives to class with a new, short, haircut! And wow, he is actually very cute! Momoka can’t believe this. Could he had overheard her conversation yesterday? Or is this a coincidence? Could he really have cut his hair for Momoka? Momoka suddenly finds herself very aware of Shibahara. Is she falling for him?


Yoshika and Yukina are best friends at school. Yukina is both physically beautiful and possesses a kind and gentle personality that charms everyone who knows her, including her wonderful boyfriend. Yoshika is less traditionally beautiful and has a less alluringly feminine personality. In addition, she desperately likes Yukina's boyfriend. While Yoshika does care for her friend, she is also deeply envious of her. One day, a demon in the form of a house cat appears to Yoshika and offers her the supernatural power to take whatever she wants from her friend. How far will Yoshika let her jealousy of her best friend take her?

King Of Fighters

King of Fighters Kyo: Based on the 2D fighting game series King of Fighters. King of Fighters is a battle between the strongest teams of 3 in the world. The story revolves around Kyo Kusanagi one of Japan's team when they reach the end of the King of Fighters '95 tournament and what follows after they get back to Japan. King of Fighters 2000: Based on the 2D fighting game series King of Fighters. King of Fighters is a battle between the strongest teams in the world, the teams are composed of 4 since the King of Fighters'99 tournament, also the hero since KoF'99 has changed to K'. The story follows K' starting from 9 months after KoF'99 and his entry into the King of Fighters 2000 tournament. King of Fighters 2001: Based on the 2D fighting game series King of Fighters. King of Fighters is a battle between the strongest teams in the world, the teams are composed of 4 since the King of Fighters'99 tournament, also the hero since KoF'99 has changed to K'. The story resolves around the KoF'2001 tournament. King of Fighters Zillion: Based on the 2D fighting game series King of Fighters. King of Fighters is a battle between the strongest teams in the world. This series happens after the fight against Yamata Orochi at the KoF'97 tournament. It revolves around the disappearance of Kyo and Iori and N.E.S.T.S.'s connection to it.

Toukyou Erogance

From Serenus Dreamers: The main character is a pervert...!? What will become of the fate of the guy she wants to make as her boyfriend...!?

The Fist Of God

The Fist Of God summary: The Fist Of God summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Fist Of God. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Six Centuries of Painting

Six Centuries of Painting summary: Six Centuries of Painting summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Six Centuries of Painting. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Andreas: The Legend of St. Andrew

Andreas: The Legend of St. Andrew summary: Andreas: The Legend of St. Andrew summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Andreas: The Legend of St. Andrew. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fat and Blood

Fat and Blood summary: Fat and Blood summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fat and Blood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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