




类别悬疑 玄幻 恋爱








类别恋爱 穿越 古风




简介【每周五、周日更新】 我们的女主角是一位超能力少女,但她的超能力并不是像电影漫画里那样,她的超能是只要穿裙子就会传送一些让人羞耻的物品......












类别都市 恋爱 生活






内容简介:重生异世的楚天舒,发现自己正在与人拜天地,成婚对象居然是当朝公主!要命的是,参加婚礼的人,似乎都巴不得自己这个废物早点死!面对路人白眼、大母加害、强者压迫,身怀金手指的楚天舒很想说:“ 尔等皆是蝼蚁!”天命加身,身怀至宝,修无上功法,娶绝色美人,战至尊强者,握生死权杖!当他凌驾于世界之巅的时候,心生感慨:此一生,总算没有辜负穿越者的威名!1w0-3839 >>


内容简介:《皇上把七公主嫁给一个败家子》最新章节列表由小兵提供。皇上把七公主嫁给一个败家子最新章节情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读皇上把七公主嫁给一个 败家子最新章节。1w7221-64823 >>


内容简介:悲惨男王明穿越斗罗大陆,发现自己身处绝世唐门世界,他该如何生存下去……开局一级魂力等级,没有系统,没有金手指,没有……在这样的状况,王明只能……“霍挂大神,能留个腿位给我抱么!”l0n s3v31w10244-83959 >>




内容简介:那双手在呻吟的叫唤下,也越来越用力的抓捏揉搓。一张大嘴也开始舔舐苏樱的粉颈、香肩,然后是那团白馥馥的丰腴乳峰,同时一个身体重重的压了上来,底下那根硬物不时的在蜜洞口摇摆。那大嘴逐渐往苏 樱的下半身移动,他先是亲吻着那深深的乳沟,然后一路吻到那深邃而迷人的肚脐眼上,不断又吸又舔,还不时用舌尖去刺那漂亮的小凹洞,最后来到了那神秘地带,热呼呼的嘴巴凑了上去,贪婪地吻着那蜜洞中的汁水。苏樱体内的欲火已经完全被点燃,她稍稍抬起身来一看,天啊!苏樱暗自叫了一声,正在爱抚的竟是堂叔:陈有金。1w0-71348 >>


内容简介:  江阮看上了一个肤白貌美的心外科医生。  得知傅医生家世凄惨,父母双亡,她升起怜悯之心,果断把人拐回了家养着。  只是养着养着,忽然发觉有点不对劲。  自家小奶狗好像多了几个和人设不 符的称呼。  百亿影帝叫他三爷,娱乐公司老总叫他大哥,连一众名门闺秀都往他身上凑。  几个月后江阮震惊发现,小奶狗竟然是那个凶残狠戾,世界级豪门继承人傅三爷!  身份曝露,某白切黑傅三爷微笑:“你嫁给我,我命给你。”  江阮:“……”  有话好好说,拿把手术刀在她面前晃悠什么?  之后,成双入对出行照被人曝光。  众女友粉暴走:乡村野鸡!三爷只是玩玩!  江阮众小弟冷笑:瞧不起我家小祖宗?  当天,江阮各个隐藏的神级马甲曝光……  全网瘫痪。  当日,傅三爷点赞二人被爆的出行照,并发博:不好意思,我是我家夫人罩着的,我才是那个小白脸。  众吃瓜群众掀桌:求大佬您要点脸!1w0-3705 >>


内容简介:晏卿的妹妹下凡历劫,却被人设计,每一世都穿成下场凄惨的女配角色。为了拯救妹妹,快穿退休·满级大佬·晏卿,再次踏上了世界穿梭之旅,硬核护妹,虐渣逆袭。然后——被赶出家门的真千金:不好意思 ,我的首富哥哥来接我了。被抛弃的白月光替身:不好意思,我哥说你皇位没了。被打脸的炮灰女配:不好意思,国家宠我哥我哥宠我!提示:主角是哥哥晏卿,这是一篇带妹逆袭文。1w0-4487 >>




内容简介:太阳系毁灭后,逃出来的人们在南门二重建了文明,新文明中,陈景辉抽选成为移民遥远星系的移民执行者者,等他的星舰抵达那里时,却发现那里竟然也有一个人类文明,他们中还有掌握超自然能力的存在。 诡异的力量,照进现实的梦中,纷乱的土地……陈景辉的星舰抵达了这样的星球。1w0-27073 >>


内容简介:【推荐预收文章《黑月光重生后竟然洗清革面》↑】【第一世界很多人反应剧情很乱,描写也有问题,大家先别看,我会在后面不定期地修改留】谢知年是个渣攻扮演者。当他完成任务准备封神的时候,却突然 绑定了洗白系统,系统028奉旨下达命令:“为了平复目标人物的崩坏,请你重回原世界,进行洗白任务,降低他们的黑化值。”第(1)世界:他是挖取丹心的师尊,手底下养着个听话的乖徒,在刷取黑化值后,变成杀人不眨眼的魔头,兴师动众带着邪门歪道的徒弟回来复仇。某‘乖徒’裂开嘴角,他废掉对方的修为:“师尊的长生死了,他死在最爱的时候,现在活下来的只有本尊崇明,对你恨之入骨的魔修。”↓第(2)个世界:他是背叛大佬黑红的明星,大佬禁欲又寡淡,关键是三年都将他捧在手心,给他比别人更好的资源,黑化后变得生人勿近,对娱乐圈的水看透。某‘大佬’眯着眼缝,用骨骼分明的手指敲击着桌面:“听说他毁了容,我也不会心疼他点,他混不下去想自暴自弃,我有什么资格去管他,像他这种哗众取宠的人,娱乐圈不多了。”↓第(3)世界,他是定位重生的恶术风水师,对象是重生回来的天才,对他既爱又恨,本以为没有重生而再次爱上对方,结果发现一切都是一场骗局。某风水师嘲讽地笑着,提着把夺命刀:“我被同一个人骗了两次,他彻头彻尾把我当成傻瓜,如今用装可怜这一套,我不会再相信他了,我会让他死在我的手下,做成恶鬼跟在我的身边。”↑论最后的真香定律:是后悔莫及!本文又名《每个想虐心的人都反被虐了》①比惨,没人比谢知年更惨。②比手段,没人比谢知年更高明。③比血液,没人比谢知年更充足。只见谢知年苍白的面容上带着悲伤,他捂着胸口处的血液,垂眼看着每黑化的男主们,眼里没有半点的清明,奄奄一息地说道:“我要死了,你们别哭。”内心却是:我痛苦,我装的。谢知年:cue下洗白工作做得好,黑化男主瞬间为我倾倒。位面一:嫉妒徒弟的仙界师尊位面二:风水界贪生怕死恶术攻位面三:渣了大佬跑路后的明星后续还有世界。阅读需知:①暂时定下位面,更新顺序不定。②此文一旦发出,绝对有保障。③攻是任务者,但最后会1V1,和所有黑化男主集成的真实受在一起,他们两个会成为新一代的主神。1w0-81294 >>



The Moment When A Fox Becomes A Wolf

Gook Eun-Song is your average high school girl... that is until her attractive younger sister stole the man she had a crush on. Depressed, Eun-Song purchased a bottle of alcohol and crawled into a supposedly cursed closet in her father's furniture store. Yu Ha is your average typical bad boy. He even broke traffic regulations just to end up being chased by a couple of police officers. Oddly enough, he also ended up in the same closet where Eun-Song is asleep from drinking too much. Yu Ha ends up sleeping in the cursed closet with Eun-Song by his side... just to find out the next day, their bodies have been *gasp* switched! Can anything else possibly go wrong for our poor heroine? Read this manga from left to right

Persona 4 - The Ultimate In Mayonaka Arena

Persona 4 - The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Persona 4 - The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tenshi No Pocket

From ShoujoMagic]: A collection of short stories 1) Angel's Pocket (Tenshi no Pocket) - When Sui refuses to date a stalker guy at school, he's insistent to the point of being scary. Sui starts to run, but then slips on the stairs... and lands on top of Taki -- the school delinquent! The stalker is still in pursuit, so Sui makes like she's going to run again, but Taki grabs her and kisses her!? The stalker gives up... and although one of Sui's problems has gone away, she now has a whole new one: Taki demands compensation for saving her. She has to become his slave...!? It's out of the frying pan and into the fire for poor Sui! 2) To You, the Avante-gardes - High school senior Mishima Kasuga hates the fact that she can't say no to anyone's requests... especially now that it has attracted the 200% weirdo junior Ikeda Tomoo to her. Rumor has it that when he wants something, he'll chase it to the ends of the earth. Can Kasuga find the nerve to say no to him? Or, better question: Does she want to...? She's going to have to figure it out soon, because graduation is coming up, and there's an entire junior class of girls who've developed crushes on Tomoo since Kasuga punched the glasses off his surprisingly handsome face! 3) I Have Love - Minazuki Kaoru, age 17, is a high school junior who still makes embarrassing mistakes like a freshman, but this one has got to be her worst... she accused the handsome goateed guy of being a pervert, ran away from him, and then found out that he's Nachi Takeshi, age 22, her new student teacher! He wanted to be a novelist, but turned to teaching when he realized he had no talent for it. All the girls in class are attracted to his boyish charm, yet he seems to lavish his most immature moments on Kaoru. In spite of herself, Kaoru wants to know more about Nacchan's world, through his novels. What will it take to make him open his books -- and his heart! -- to her...? 4) 9 o'Clock Bomb - Sakada Mayu was saved from a tight spot on the street by Nagato Hiroshi, a cute boy from her class, and then got a little too obvious about her attraction to him. That's when they were stopped by a photographer and asked to participate in a 'best couple' competition. Mayu was hesitant, Nagato wasn't -- and they won first prize! They're not really a couple, but now Mayu wants to change that... She gathers all her courage and coerces him into going with her to the fireworks festival at 9:00 PM -- and something's bound to explode!

Gimai Seikatsu

From classmates to brother and sister, living under the same roof. After his father's remarriage, Asamura Yuuta ends up getting a new stepsister, coincidentally the number one beauty of the school year, Ayase Saki. Having learned important values when it comes to man-woman relationships through the previous ones of their parents, they promise each other not to be too close, not to be too opposing, and to merely keep a vague and comfortable distance. On one hand, Saki, who has worked in solitude for the sake of her family, doesn't know how to properly rely on others, whereas Yuta is unsure of how to really treat her. Standing on fairly equal ground, these two slowly learn the comfortable sensation of living together. Their relationship slowly evolves from being strangers the more the days pass. Eventually, this could end up in a story about love for all we know.

A Mind That Found Itself

A Mind That Found Itself summary: A Mind That Found Itself summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Mind That Found Itself. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fugitive Slave Law

Fugitive Slave Law summary: Fugitive Slave Law summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fugitive Slave Law. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Old Familiar Faces

Old Familiar Faces summary: Old Familiar Faces summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Old Familiar Faces. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Language Of Bees

The Language Of Bees summary: The Language Of Bees summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Language Of Bees. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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