




简介 长期不愿去学校的家里蹲大学生向启虹,某天受到大学教授兼好友的委托要帮忙照顾其侄子!突然多了一位性格难以捉摸的学弟兼邻居,早已习惯独自一人生活的他能和对方好好相处吗?




























内容简介:手机阅读《末世之我靠签到拯救世界》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读在末世艰难求生的半夏窝囊的死在了末世的第十年。一朝重生在末世的两个月前,意外得到了一个签到系统的半夏决定默默苟住小心求生。可是 这个该死的签到系统总给她开下下签是什么意思,都末世了还要在意欧不欧的问题她上哪里哭?!老娘不干了!什么,签到一百天送绝世好签?签到五百天送神兵?签到一千天送剑仙?我干了!别无办法的她在两个月后开着破皮卡开始了她的捡垃圾拾破烂的末世之旅。路上捡到快死的,走丢的,被抛弃的别嫌弃,洗洗都还能用。没想到她集齐了一队‘老弱病残’最后竟然莫名其妙成了救世主……事实证明,按时签到会有惊喜真从天而降。本文又名《我有特殊签到技巧》,《靠一些玄学苟命》,《签到送男人》,《我男人是限时体验卡》,《老公大我九万岁》既皮又怂话多还爱怼人热衷捡破烂非洲酋长女主vs又仙又冷三棍打不出一个字真佛系老男人绝世仙剑男主【展开】【收起】1w0-97981 >>






内容简介:隔日更新【女主丰乳肥臀非丑有肉有剧情NP】战国纷乱,国色坍圮。八荒枭雄,涿鹿中原。本迫以美色侍人,死于非命的绝色越姬——越鱼。却重生回到六年前,战乱初端,江山尚安,枭雄未起。前世妖姬误 国色,今生须眉与君随。她一改倾国绝色,成为丑颜奴。然而,令越鱼未曾想过的是。那些个她曾经倾佩的风华绝代的男人,却一个个道貌岸然,表里不一!竟想要色诱丶勾引她!呸,男人。(男主四丶五只不多不少我大概分楚国篇和越国篇寒假把楚国篇写完,总字数不超过25w)【本文免费作为回报肉酱只求收藏与留言】毕竟一章三四千还要追求高质量望大家谅解!另外此为春秋架空np双结局肉酱微博:各位书友要是觉得《丑颜奴【限】》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!丑颜奴【限】最新章节丑颜奴【限】全文阅读丑颜奴【限】全集txt下载丑颜奴【限】无弹窗小说丑颜奴【限】52001w0-98162 >>


内容简介:美好生活韩东是貌似纯洁创作的经典的小说作品美好生活韩东小兵提供美好生活韩东最新章节全文免费阅读,美好生活韩东下载,美好生活韩东全文字更新,美好生活韩东无弹窗!请关注美好生活韩东吧,本站 最新最快更新美好生活韩东的最新章节。1w30789-81000 >>


内容简介:机缘?历练?资源?虚拟宇宙中全都有。所以,我只需要默默的发育下去,早晚我能站到全世界的巅峰。——苏离额,已经是世界巅峰了?那就把目光放到全宇宙!本文,现实世界偏日常,虚拟宇宙偏科幻,日 更6000,喜欢的来!1w0-84616 >>


内容简介:专栏预收《我后台硬,粉我!》《当大佬遇上抽卡系统快穿》求收藏。——离世后,国宝级科学家连月,与从主神空间叛逃的0073系统绑定了。一人一统和一些即将崩塌的世界意识做交易,换取生存的机会 。①穿成架空世界的懦弱姐姐(已完成)穿成即将要替弟弟下乡的姐姐,甩掉偏心的爹妈,一心促进科技发展!②被迫退圈的全网黑做了科学家(已完成)当资源短缺,人类移民计划被搁浅,那个被全网黑的连月带领团队踏上了新发现的X星,成为了全网夸!③成为全村的骄傲问成为村里唯一一名大学生,如何带领小村致富。答发展旅游业,成为国内外人人向往的伊甸园④在末世里当救世主⑤和虫族不得不说的事⑥学渣的自我修养⑦仙人抚我顶,结发受长生未完待续……PS故事不分前后排雷1所有世界架空,不接受写作指导2无逻辑,杠精勿入(重点!)————专栏预收(求收藏)《我后台硬,粉我!》华裳诞生于祖龙的墓里,自有记忆起便被束缚在祖龙身边。在那里,龙脉教她虚怀若谷,谦虚谨慎。祖龙教她剥皮抽筋,五马分尸。弓箭弩教她十步杀一人千里不留行。围棋教她步步为营,谋定而后动。兵马俑教她吟唱千百年前的小调。直到因缺少信仰之力灵体越来越弱,祖龙和墓里的器物商讨后不得不将华裳送到现世。——2025年,花国高层突然收到一条短信“朕,秦始皇,朕在西安有个崽崽,限三日内赶到带走妥善照顾!如若不到,朕将带领三军踏平西安!”花国高层……——娱乐圈某黑粉论坛——“你们有没有觉得华裳有点邪门,我就骂她一句,梦里被兵马俑追着念了三个晚上大悲咒。(目光呆滞jpg)”“你不是一个人,我也……我就说了句她整容了,已经连续两天梦见自己被祖龙削骨整容了。(心如死灰jpg)”“她是真的邪门(神色恍惚jpg)我就说句华裳是不是有后台,有干爹。现在已经连着五天做梦变成太监被人叫干爹了。(捶地大哭jpg)”“有被楼上安慰到,感谢。”“感谢777777”“感谢99999”祖龙今夜找你了吗祖龙的三十多种酷刑,你体验到第几个了黑粉的108种死法————预收《该如何挽回你,我的球宝!》团宠地球离家出走啦(无cp文,详情见文案,感谢。)——预收《长公主的小哭包(重生)》心狠手辣登基为帝长公主X自卑敏感哭包小太监(详情文案见专栏,感谢)——预收《我以为你是巨婴》科技强国大女主爽文(详情文案见专栏,感谢)——完结文《绿茶靠种田名扬天下(穿书)》p1w0-104407 >>


内容简介:爱情,如果说世上真的还有爱情那些念念不忘的事,那些耿耿于怀的事那些甘之如饴的事,那些刻骨铭心的事那些你的事,我的事,那些渺小而伟大的事听说,月亮已经忘记了。月球是地球唯一的天然卫星,上 亿年1w0-73609 >>




内容简介:拓跋尘是圣龙宗的一名普通弟子。同时,他也是一名穿越者,来到斗罗大陆六年了,在武魂觉醒的那一天,他充分的认识到了自己咸鱼的身份。从那一天起,他的目标就从装逼打脸变成了努力升级,不求别的, 只要能在斗罗世界安安稳稳的生活下去就可以了,毕竟在后期,他们圣龙宗加入了武魂殿,宗主拓跋希被唐三直接秒杀,随后宗门也是没落下去。虽然斗罗大陆后面没有介绍圣龙宗的下场,但是拓跋尘估计,应该没什么好下场,所以为了活下来,他要努力升级。各位书友要是觉得《斗罗大陆之白甲圣龙》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-60141 >>


内容简介:他是财大标准的草根阶层,混进校园、住进美女公寓,就是当个跟班,还整天被人鄙视。自认为优点无数,实际上倒霉到家。她是财大公认的第一校花,所有狼友心目中的女神,所有男人理想的对象。文静优雅 ,一尘不染。两个看似完全不会有交集的人,因为一次意外走在了一起,会擦出什么样的火花?《极品公寓》小说推荐:穿越之娱乐香江、女总裁的神级保镖、我真的长生不老、龙王殿(又名:都市豪婿)、上位、终极小村医、神棍小村医、国际供应商、官榜、全球高武、重生之资源大亨、我的绝色总裁未婚妻、我才不会被女孩子欺负呢、美女总裁的最强高手、夜的命名术、赘婿当道、我的美女总裁老婆、直播之荒野挑战、捡个杀手做老婆、仕途天骄1w0-73093 >>



Goshoku No Fune

Circumstances have intertwined the fates of five strangers. As a team of five, they make their living running a freak show. As a family of five, they live on a small covered boat together. In the midst of a terrible war, they embark to add to their number the kudan, a monster rumored to tell the future. Nominated for the 19th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize. Winner of the Grand Prize for manga at the 2014 Japan Media Arts Festival.

Mahou Tsukai No Namida

Collection of oneshots: 1) Mahou Tsukai no Namida Yoichi dies nearly every day... but every time he wake up just with a dream of his death. And why his beloved Shiraku-san appeared in these dreams? 2) Mahou Tsukai no Shippai Yoichi is now living with Shiraku-san, but his air-headed behavior is still causing problems. 3) Koi to Obake no Sodatekata Yorito's parents and their familiar Rurimaru died ten years ago, fighting against evil majinas; and his older brother was injured. Now it is Yorito's task to protect the village against the majinas together with his familiar Himaru. But he is still only 18 years old and Himaru is still weak. He wants desperately to grow strong and be able to protect his older brother. But it seems his older brother is keeping something from Yorito. 4) Muchi to Obake no Shitsuke Kata Continuation of the story about Yorito and family familiars. 5) Secret News Two talked-about newcomers to the General Affairs section are assigned to a sour-faced boss. While working day and night to protect goodwill within the company, they get their hands on some outrageous information! 6) Mahou Tsukai no Yoru


From Dan of Population GO: The Momoru Club, is full of odd people acting, well, oddly. The goal of the club it is reflected in its full name 'The Liven Up The Moyama Shopping District Club'. However, most members cannot do even the most basic of service related tasks. It is good that these characters act oddly, how else are they going to liven up the Moyama Shopping District?

Anime Tenchou

From BH007 (Because someone has to do it): Anime Tenchou - the title given to the manager of an Animate chain store. A young man was entrusted with this position after the old one was ambushed and beaten to death by some shady people. Thus begins his ridiculous adventures as an Anime Tenchou... (Slapstick Comedy genre)


Zula summary: Zula summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Zula. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine summary: You have many opportunities when it comes to reading novels these days. Many new writers create a great pool together with old and famous ones, so you have the possibility to choose the best for yourself. That's very useful, in fact, because not all the writers and books are the same.

Some are really good and interesting others might not be so well. Also, tastes are different, and not all the readers like the same genre. That's why you should check book reviews like this one before purchasing, and you will increase your chance to get what you want.

In the text below, you can find some basic details on the Methods to Save the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Heroine novel. The book is quite interesting and hides different twist and turns which enable an exciting reading experience.

The story starts when a Korean woman reincarnates into a young girl whose life is in danger again. She is, in fact, in serious trouble and near to the death, however, her grandma and villain are there to save her life. They, fortunately, succeed in their intention, so the girl gets another chance to live a fulfilling life without any problems. He imagination is now very rich, so she imagines various things in different ways. For instance, the villain becomes her chief in her dreams, and he is more than good on the position. The girl receives a high regular salary that is always delivered as promised without any delays.

And the job is truly good for the girl because she has had previous working experience in similar positions. So it is all familiar to her, and she can work without obstacles. Unfortunately, not all the things are so ideal as her job. The Villain's fiance creates a dangerous plot that is potentially harmful to the workers including the girl. The fiance cheats on the villain with the Emperor and looks for the most suitable way to get rid of him. That's why she makes a plan to poison him.

Unfortunately, her evil activities are not only the danger for the villain, but the girl is also in the danger because others might start believing that she is the killer.

Also, another group close to the Emperor and fiance can harm her too. That would lead to a big problem, so the girl makes a plan to save the villain and stop the poisoning. In the end, she succeeds to stop the evil activities of that woman and rescues the life of the villain. However, the

girl comes in touch with the poison that transforms her into a little girl. Others notice her generous act including the n.o.ble family, so they decide to accept her as a part of their n.o.ble line.

These are main and basic events from the novel, however, you will definitely notice many more details, so do not wait. Take this book as soon as possible and enjoy the content.

Wild Ducks

Wild Ducks summary: Wild Ducks summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wild Ducks. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Peter the Hermit

Peter the Hermit summary: Peter the Hermit summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Peter the Hermit. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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