
































内容简介:灵气复苏:献祭!亿万倍暴击!【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:灵气复苏:献祭!亿万倍暴击!】穿越灵气复苏世界,幸好有献祭暴击系统!……楚风看向一头紫甲地行龙尸体,默念一声:“献祭!”刹那间,系 统空1w0-65934 >>


内容简介:英雄辈出的时代,李世民、窦建德、王世充、李密、李元霸、宇文成都……大浪淘尽,千古风流人物。这是一个充满机遇的时代,隋末群雄争霸,美人似玉,江山如画。高冲面对李唐的强势兴起,面对六十四路 烟尘,他敢与之争夺天下否?1w0-3937 >>


内容简介:我走了,别来找我,对不起,就当是我自私。这些日子,我一直在想,你是真的爱我,还是爱我因为我同她长的相像。原来除了我,还有一个人曾今也让你感到幸福,想要娶的女子。我曾想着若我对你坦白,你 亦会同我坦白,可是你没有。我不愿自己活成为别人的影子,做了别人的替身。这段缘起是因我的执着,那现在还是因我而缘灭吧,今生你我注定有缘无分罢了。不要为了我做傻事,我亦不会,我们便天各一方好好的活着,若有一日再见,便1w0-32749 >>


内容简介:林凡获得一套超级打工系统,本来以为至此就可以升职加薪,变成高富帅,迎娶白富美,走上人生巅峰……谁知道,绑定的系统相当坑爹,高富帅是不可能了,只能一辈子给人打工卖命……但是,谁说打工仔就 一辈子没出息?!谁说只有当老板才算是出人头地?!老板经理靠边站,土豪恶霸必须死!系统在手,天下我有!【展开】【收起】br各位书友要是觉得《超级打工系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!超级打工系统最新章节超级打工系统无弹窗超级打工系统全文阅读1w0-86049 >>


内容简介:订婚三年,无数个缠绵日夜。可他却在事后,边穿衣服,边告诉她:“我要结婚了,和别的女人。”他叫她滚,有多远,滚多远,再也不要出来碍眼。怀孕了?那就打掉!为什么,因为你活该……他一次次惨然 的伤害她,从不顾虑,从无怜悯。直到她掉下悬崖,真的再也不会出现……1w0-25386 >>


内容简介:  S8,RNGvsG2,那场BO5是RNG也是uzi的至暗时刻,从那时起,RNG这支顶级战队不可阻挡的走向衰落!叶青,一个普普通通的高中生,他待在家里,无奈且难受的看着RNG落败,看 着uzi的痛哭,明明有着电竞天赋的他选择了平庸,所以他只能选择无能狂怒……一个伴随着风暴而来的系统却给了叶青另一条路……呃……只是吧……这系统,怕是在拼夕夕上买的吧!别人家的系统都是各种秒天秒地秒空气,在看看自家的……除了会嘲讽就只会吐槽了!而就是这个吊儿郎当的系统,指引着我们的主角叶青一步步走上了那无数顶级职业选手所梦想的荣耀之路!书友群:1138824404,想加就加吧1w0-3186 >>


内容简介:七年前一场意外,沈千树怀上了夜陵的孩子。七年后,小童画红遍大江南北,成为国民儿子,看着突然冒出来的夜陵,“hello,便宜爹地?”。夜陵看着粉妆玉琢的小王子咆哮,“我的小公主呢?”。沈 千树准备带儿子跑路时被夜陵逮住扑倒,“要跑可以,先把小公主还给我,我们再生一个!”1w23856-65239 >>




内容简介:听闻,烈阳国公主除了美貌一无是处,欺男霸女骄纵蛮横,棒打鸳鸯恬不知耻利用权力逼迫丞相府大公子娶了她。重生醒来,沐云初决心洗心革面,做个韬武略样样精通流芳百世的好公主。听说,丞相府大公子 想复合,结果被顾家那位冷面武器、百战不殆的少将军打了一顿。听说,当初瞧不起公主的那位大才子追求公主,结果被顾家那位冷面无情、百战不殆的少将军打了一顿。听说,天下第一杀手想给公主当侍卫,结果又……1w4944-106620 >>


内容简介:他有绝世功夫,大少公子统统踩在脚下!他有逆天医术,死人都能救活!他还有一双超级神眼,战斗,催眠,样样行!书友群:四六七五六八六六三vip正版订阅群:六四七九四九六六九1w11903-2 9625 >>


内容简介:秦洛昇穿越了,穿越到一个虚拟技术极度发达的平行世界。 进入《命运维度》,意外觉醒SSS超神天赋,获得升华之力和魅力值MAX。 当别人还在为爆出一件黄金装备而沾沾自喜时,他已经满身神装。 当别人还在小心翼翼的揣测NPC性格和喜好时,他已经和众多NPC推心置腹,各种隐藏任务,特殊职业,无敌技能,逆天装备,不要钱的给他送。 1w0-3360 >>


内容简介:虞兮枝穿书了,成了仙侠文里存在感极低的宗门二师姐。按照剧情,原主会因为嫉恨女主小师妹的千万宠爱而心灵扭曲,彻底黑化。成为小师妹证道的垫脚石,被一剑诛之,落得个神魂无存的下场。虞兮枝为了 活下去,通宵练剑,奋力升级,结果末了,她体内竟然藏着能一波送她到大宗师境界的汹涌灵力。再看看同门里还在辛辛苦苦筑基的诸位师兄妹、还没到洞玄期的掌门。突然觉得,故事可能和自己想的不太一样——这明明是满级大佬重回新手村!所以二师姐到底是个什么高危职业!都这么厉害了还能被小师妹一剑穿心?!不行,她还得再练练。于是大家眼睁睁看着与世无争的二师姐开始一心问道。先是在宗门内的选剑大会上,劈断了大师兄的剑;在试炼小秘境里力压他派精英弟子,轻松取得先天秘宝;又在五派三道比剑大会上一剑成名,拨得头筹,一夜之间成了所有人的女神。开始崭露头角的虞兮枝再无可能被一剑穿心,只有一点让她很苦恼。为何每次她装完逼耍完帅后一回头,总能看到那个原书里真正黑化、心狠手辣毁天灭地的反派小师叔,正在托着下巴含笑看着她?心狠手辣盛世美颜假娇弱·小师叔X戏精上身力拔山河假娴静·二师姐本文要点:·轻松仙侠向,剧情向,升级流,依然私设如山,为爱发电,随心所欲。1w0-2650 >>


One day, a regular Earthling girl called Eri is visited by a pair of strange but somewhat cute aliens from the planet ‘Mal’, telling her that she has been selected as the best marriage candidate for their prince. When she refuses, one of them stays to ‘prepare’ her for and perhaps persuade her into marrying their beloved prince! Another Fujiko classic!

Kyou Kara Ore Wa!!

After Mitsuhashi’s family moves into a new neighborhood, he decides to use the opportunity to become a delinquent. Upon meeting Itou he finds out that he wasn’t the only one who had this idea. Making friends and foes along the way will these two take over their school or just end up as wannabes? wo boys, Mitsuhashi Takashi and Itou Shinji, meet each other at a salon. It turns out both boys are transferring to a new school and decide to take the opportunity to reinvent themselves. No longer will they be run of the mill high school students, they will become the biggest delinquents Japan has ever seen!

Takuhai Cupid

Delivery Cupid is a collection of six short stories. The title story is a romantic comedy about Tsubasa, who is half-human and half-cupid. In order to become a full cupid, he must successfully unite a couple. However, the target is an evil man named Norimasa who shows no love for anyone. When Tsubasa accidentally ends up as Norimasa's match, the trouble begins. Are Tsubasa and Norimasa attracted because of cupid magic, or is it true love? Contents: 1) Delivery Cupid (Takuhai Cupid) 2) Love♥Beam!- a student is given a magical gift that will make anyone fall in love with him. Should he use it on his handsome classmate? 3) Cinderfella: A Fairy Tale- poor paper delivery boy has always had a crush on the young master of the house. When he gets one night to be with his beloved will it be enough? 4) With You Forever (Forever With You)- a young boy in a hospital begins a friendship/romance with a death angel. 5) Ai Scream (Ice Scream)-A hot, hot summer has an ice cream vendor fantasizing about his cute customer. 6) Under the Star Light (Ooki na Yozora no Shita de) - A waiter is fired from his job in a fancy restaurant, and ends up spending an evening with a bum on the streets. 7) Delivery Cupid, Afterward- Does Tsubasa deserve a second chance? 8) Afterword *As listed in the American publication released in July 2007 by Boysenberry Books.* **The ones in bold have been scanlated!**

Ikenai Hinata-Kun

Hinata Koga, a college student who works part-time at a karaoke bar, has to train the new employee, party-going Kai Kimura. At work, Kai suddenly asks: 'Koga-san, you're gay, aren't you?' Hinata has to go out with Kai so he doesn't tell anyone else. But when Kai wants to make things physical, how will he deal with Hinata's strange condition of not being able to feel anything?!

Isekai Onsen e Youkoso!

Isekai Onsen e Youkoso! summary: Kamijou Tak.u.ma was one day caught up in a hero summoning with his whole cla.s.s.
While each and every one of Tak.u.ma’s cla.s.smates got powerful abilities, Tak.u.ma got Drilling (Hole digging).
Branded as useless, Tak.u.ma was driven out of the Royal Castle. While inevitably digging a hole, he chanced upon hot springs. With a great effort, Tak.u.ma was determined to run an Onsen. However, that Onsen included a cheat-like effect of raising stats upon entering──
He runs the Onsen while sometimes kicking his annoying cla.s.smates around.

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine summary: You have many opportunities when it comes to reading novels these days. Many new writers create a great pool together with old and famous ones, so you have the possibility to choose the best for yourself. That's very useful, in fact, because not all the writers and books are the same.

Some are really good and interesting others might not be so well. Also, tastes are different, and not all the readers like the same genre. That's why you should check book reviews like this one before purchasing, and you will increase your chance to get what you want.

In the text below, you can find some basic details on the Methods to Save the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Heroine novel. The book is quite interesting and hides different twist and turns which enable an exciting reading experience.

The story starts when a Korean woman reincarnates into a young girl whose life is in danger again. She is, in fact, in serious trouble and near to the death, however, her grandma and villain are there to save her life. They, fortunately, succeed in their intention, so the girl gets another chance to live a fulfilling life without any problems. He imagination is now very rich, so she imagines various things in different ways. For instance, the villain becomes her chief in her dreams, and he is more than good on the position. The girl receives a high regular salary that is always delivered as promised without any delays.

And the job is truly good for the girl because she has had previous working experience in similar positions. So it is all familiar to her, and she can work without obstacles. Unfortunately, not all the things are so ideal as her job. The Villain's fiance creates a dangerous plot that is potentially harmful to the workers including the girl. The fiance cheats on the villain with the Emperor and looks for the most suitable way to get rid of him. That's why she makes a plan to poison him.

Unfortunately, her evil activities are not only the danger for the villain, but the girl is also in the danger because others might start believing that she is the killer.

Also, another group close to the Emperor and fiance can harm her too. That would lead to a big problem, so the girl makes a plan to save the villain and stop the poisoning. In the end, she succeeds to stop the evil activities of that woman and rescues the life of the villain. However, the

girl comes in touch with the poison that transforms her into a little girl. Others notice her generous act including the n.o.ble family, so they decide to accept her as a part of their n.o.ble line.

These are main and basic events from the novel, however, you will definitely notice many more details, so do not wait. Take this book as soon as possible and enjoy the content.

Anything Goes_ A Biography of the Roaring Twenties

Anything Goes_ A Biography of the Roaring Twenties summary: Anything Goes_ A Biography of the Roaring Twenties summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Anything Goes_ A Biography of the Roaring Twenties. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Brother Jacques

Brother Jacques summary: Brother Jacques summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Brother Jacques. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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