







类别热血 校园 爆笑 竞技 运动 日漫
























内容简介:  苏辂,人在北宋,老家眉山。生为衙内,苏辂从小锦衣玉食、娇生惯养、胸无大志,只吃得下软饭,正积极找人接盘,让自己后半辈子可以继续当一条没有理想的咸鱼。对于自己的未来,他已经做好万全的 规划:要是实在找不到养得起他的老婆,他不介意继续留在家里啃老。七岁那年,苏辂回到老家,赫然发现自己两个堂哥一个叫苏轼,一个叫苏辙。苏辂眉头一皱,觉得此事并不简单!***搞笑风,日常流,新人求支持~1w0-3905 >>




内容简介:  如果14-15赛季的乐福、欧文没有受伤,如果15-16赛季没有那一跨,如果16-17赛季没有渣渣垫脚导致莱昂纳德的受伤,如果17-18赛季保罗和伊戈达拉都没有受伤,如果18-19赛 季克莱没有受伤,如果生涯早期库里没有那么多的伤病,那么历史会怎样?1w0-3068 >>


内容简介:  美食up主陈羽进入游戏异世界。系统提示:击杀魔物角兔,完成新手教程,获得游戏初始奖励。陈羽看着这只新手教程里刷出来的名为角兔的魔物,鲜活好动,体态肥美。“先不管什么新手教程和初始奖 励,这兔子……无论怎么看都很好吃吧?”群:9482119601w0-3192 >>


内容简介:星星闪耀时笔趣阁,星星闪耀时sodu,星星闪耀时小说,星星闪耀时顶点,星星闪耀时十月当归,文案一:霍豫第一次见到卫嘉璇时,看到她的眼睛就想到了天上的星星。从此以后,他叫她“星星妹妹”。 文案二:卫嘉璇爸爸生她时三十有三,于是她刚大学毕业就被今年快九十的奶奶开始安排各种相亲。忍无可忍的卫嘉璇找到了霍豫诉苦。一向年少老成、持重寡言的年轻男人在她抱怨完后,神色淡淡地提议道:“要想不被催婚,只有结婚一个办法。”卫嘉璇眉头紧皱,委屈巴巴地看向霍豫,突然眼睛一亮,计上心头,真要比年轻有为,她奶奶给她介绍的相亲对象没人能和眼前这位相比啊。“哥,我们假结婚吧?”文案三:一场国内金融界大佬聚集的慈善晚宴上,不到三十的霍氏掌门人霍豫因其帅气逼人、高冷禁欲的外形意外走红。之后霍豫的微博粉丝数不断猛增,但他的微博如同他的人一样,低调而刻板,难以从中窥探出他的私生活。某天夜里,不知多久没有更新过微博的霍豫突然有了动静。霍豫:已婚,勿扰。配图是他怀里抱着一个年轻姑娘,小姑娘肤色白皙、五官精致,已经在他怀里睡着。众人纷纷猜测霍豫怀里的人是谁。不久后霍豫点赞了他微博下说他怀里人酷似卫嘉璇的评论。霍豫发微博的前一天晚上卫嘉璇与一当红男星的绯闻被传得沸沸扬扬。吃瓜群众等了一天,没想到最先等来了家属澄清。先婚后爱,六岁年龄差。你我本无缘,全靠我套路说好的假结婚呢1w0-117324 >>






内容简介:出身宁诚伯府的李安好,有柔明之姿,懿淑之德,性资敏慧,奈何幼年丧母,时运不济,一年又一年的蹉跎,将至双十年华还深居闺中,不想帝王相中其慧资,一朝入主中宫。帝后大婚当日帝王:你可知朕为何 娶你?一身凤袍安坐凤榻的李安好:臣妾愚钝,还望皇上明言。皇帝:朕要你执掌凤印,坐稳中宫。李安好蹙眉静默。皇帝:朕相信你能做到。李安好起身行大礼:皇上说臣妾能,臣妾就能。女配一:穿史者。女配二:做了预知噩梦的太后侄女。女配三:皇帝有异心的生母。女配四:皇帝养母(太后)。女配……不尽。女主:我安好,诸女还请各自珍重……几年后,李安好看着将宫里祸害了个够的大儿子狼吞虎咽地跟弟弟妹妹拼谁吃得多,不禁仰首望天。皇帝到底在哪听来的妖言,说这没心没肺的货会成为千古名君?1w0-3952 >>


内容简介:《权臣闲妻》简介:本文又名《权臣升级指南》、《权臣调教手册》or《调教权臣手册》?谢安澜,国安特工代号青狐,腥风血雨没要了她的命,休个假一觉睡到了解放前。一梦醒来成为了东陵国泉州陆家的 四少夫人。房子票子美男子转眼成空,眼前只有手无缚鸡之力,刚被她一脚踹下床的庶子相公一名。万事不管,公公一名,外表贤良笑面虎,婆婆一名,各种心思妯娌兄弟若干。谢安澜万分郁悒:老娘真是哔了人类最亲密的好朋友了!本想拿捏着娇弱美少年相公作威作福,1w0-3078 >>


内容简介:地下城堡官方小说。这里是诸神遗忘之地,上古四族的终末之刻。旧神隐退,新生登上王座之刻,古老史诗中的传奇英雄也走向现实。失去魂魄的婴儿在荒野中哭泣,盲目的死者爬出坟墓,大地和天空在走向枯 竭,末日的钟声响彻云霄。末日前夜,万物终结之时。1w0-44291 >>




内容简介:2012年的欧洲杯没有看到,却莫名其妙的回到了英格兰兰开郡,成为了17岁的伯恩利球迷乔治·利维。十年后的1995年,他带领伯恩利队从第三级别联赛当中一路升级,来到了英超联赛。为伯恩利留 下了四座奖杯。成为了伯恩利市的英雄。不过仅仅一个月之后,乔治却变成了伯恩利市臭名昭著的叛徒。因为他成为了伯恩利百年死对头布莱克本的主教练。伯恩利球迷:“我们不知道乔治到底是伯恩利的英雄,还是叛徒。”布莱克本球迷:“狗屎的印度人,还我乔治,滚出布莱克本。乔治是布莱克本历史上的传奇教练。”“乔治·利维在第一次新闻发布会上说过,他最大的目标就是征服埃伍德球场。不管是作为对手,还是主人乔治完全实现了这句话。”——欧洲着名记者斯蒂文·耶伦在《小城故事》一书当中如此写道。各位书友要是觉得《教练传奇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《教练传奇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68748 >>

Honey Vanilla Latte Please!!

what is the taste of love? is it extraordinary sweet? Or....is love really sweet? Or does it become sweet because of many many fights?Yuna never wanted to talk to the handsome boys of the neighbor high school. And then she was confessed by the most beautiful of them, she can't believe it. does he just tease her...? Can she believe in this love...??

Crown Princess Project

Joeseon Dynasty, a dynasty most known for its prosperous yet dangerous times... However, some of the history is not written in books... What happened to the life of a little girl living in the Joeseon Dynasty?

Kiken Na Honey

From Midnight Scans: 1) Kiken na Honey One day, Yoshino picks up a very handsome guy that ends up at her house’s garden. This guy’s identity is unknown and filled with riddles. He asks her for a place to stay, and what’s more shocking is that he says to her, “I’ll teach you everything that’s fun.” 2) Kaizoukei Darling 3) Kiss Made no Ondo 4) Motto, Zutto 5) Gokujou Narcissist

Shoushaman No Isekai Survival ~ Zettai Hito To Wa Tsurumanee

Shoushaman no Isekai Survival ~ Zettai Hito to wa Tsurumanee manga, A merchant by the name of Okuda Keigo put everything into his work, day and night, until one day he won a lottery of 1 billion yen! With his money worries solved for life, he moved to the countryside far away from civilization to live the slow life. Then, suddenly he was transported to another world, along with his chicken coop?! In a world where he's unable to communicate with others, you think his merchant skills will help him?! A man in his forties who hates people retired to another world. The story of his slow life has begun!

Echoes From A Distant Land

Echoes From A Distant Land summary: Echoes From A Distant Land summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Echoes From A Distant Land. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

King Of Sports

King Of Sports summary: Tang Yan dies pathetically after falling off a cliff.Only to wake up returned to the past, except this time with a system in hand. Which allows him to possess the abilities of historical figures.Li Guang: You want to shoot arrows. Come and watch I can shoot a willow leaf at one hundred paces. Xiang Yu: You want to lift weights? Easy, look at me doing it with one hand! What use is two hands...

Three Hands For Scorpio

Three Hands For Scorpio summary: Three Hands For Scorpio summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Three Hands For Scorpio. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time summary: Summary 1 Xu Zhen picked up a little beggar. Xu Zhen treated and loved the little beggar in every possible way. However, during a certain day, the system pointed out to her, this little beggar was a big villain, and Xu Zhen this small cannon fodder would sooner or later die due to the big villain. Xu Zhen cried. She quickly retreated 3 feet away from the little beggar, kneeled down and kowtow, “I’m wrong already, I won’t dare to ever make you recognize words and do homework, please spare me and let me return to the countryside to live my life.” With a cold expression, the little beggar calmly told her, “Begging for forgiveness now? Too late already.” Summary 2 Xun Qianchun was born from a general family, but just because her mother was huji (huji is used to refer to northen or western females in ancient time), it caused her entire family to be crowned with the criminal charge of having secret ties with the enemy country. Under the emperor’s order, Xun Qianchun’s entire family, from the old to the young, were all brought to the gallows. Only her, feeling indignant in her heart, she drifted and lived on without a purpose. That year when she was 14 years old, when she fled to the front of Jiangling’s bookstore, a pair of delicate and fair hands held her up. From then on, her drifting and miserable life had a fixed residence. There was another person’s name in her heart that was filled with cold frost. Unfortunately, recently, this person seems to not really like being intimate with her anymore. She was extremely bewildered and did not understand why. Could it be that I have done something wrong? Summary 3 Everyone knows that Zhenbei King, Xun Qianchun, was decisive when killing, and had a fearful appearance. Although Xun Qianchun was also a woman, she was always disagreeing with the tender and kindhearted female tutor. Xun Qianchun and the female tutor always pitted against each other. Xun Qianchun was a completely evil person. Someone was curious as to how this evil person was like in private, and thus climbed over the wall, wanting to go investigate about it. Who knew that, before he even entered the house, he saw a gorgeously dressed thing rushing head-on while happily cheering, “Madam~ You are finally back~” ……. Later on, when chatting at a wine shop, someone asked him, “The person who rushed over was Zhenbei King’s pampered male?” That person trembled and said, “No, it was that person whose temper was good, kindhearted, dignified and sweet-tempered, once saved tens of common people……” “Just who is it?” “Female tutor, Xu Zhen.”

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