
































内容简介:龙啸天下是陈平耿姗姗创作的经典的小说作品龙啸天下小兵提供龙啸天下最新章节全文免费阅读,龙啸天下下载,龙啸天下全文字更新,龙啸天下无弹窗!请关注龙啸天下吧,本站最新最快更新龙啸天下的最新 章节。1w31519-88014 >>


内容简介:关于裸色生香:【文案】【三日销魂】第一日宫人给我拿来本《裸色生香》,《裸色生香》是当代一位奇人所勾画,惟妙逼真,堪称闺房极品。70式X姿势,图文并茂。若说这画功真的是没说的,倒是旁边配 的文字小白了点,不能够深入表现出放浪形骸、淋漓酣畅等感受。第二日宫人便给我带来全套的玩乐工具,什么SM鞭子、蜡烛、润滑剂、销魂散等不在话下,到了晚上便当着我的面真人作战……那小受被施了销魂散,欲求不满般哀叫了一个晚上……我实在是憋屈的慌。到了第三日……大H经典完结文,《青妖》《殿前欢:绝色殿下来敲门》《夫君个个都是狼》《卿本风流》《裸色生香》定制书出售,感谢购买。【信息栏】参与网站活动,11月4日可免费看VIP!此文大删改,人称也换了。我见盗文网站将此文断断续续的贴出,贴出的内容真的是缺胳膊少腿、惨不忍睹啊亲们,此文只能买正版和定制,赶紧紧裤腰,买正版吧!定制印刷报名QQ:2496039388(晋江大H)1w0-67995 >>


内容简介:有人问她择偶标准?贺青池回答:“我喜欢有八块腹肌的性感男人。”后来,她的择偶标准变成了面容俊美,身材修长,生活苛律几近变态,总是不动声色系紧衬衫上的每一颗纽扣。贺青池自从去了片场拍戏, 背景成谜,平时一副旗袍控的冷淡花瓶模样,剧组都以为她是单身未婚。直到有一天,众人目睹贺青池从黑色劳斯莱斯走下来,开始纷纷地猜测她的后台:“豪车啊!这是抱上哪位大腿?”“好有钱啊!”贺青池漫不经心的拿出婚戒,戴在素净手指上。这时,场面一瞬安静。豪车上,男人西装革履缓步走过来,将钥匙递给她,眼尾浮笑:“晚上门禁八点……天黑了记得回家。”圈子里盛传江城名流之首的温树臣,冷性薄情从不让人近身,被某杂志年度评选为最让人嫉妒的宝藏级别男神。后来,路人爆出他在机场被拍下的一段视频。视频里,现场失控,保镖人手不够,温树臣怀里护住一身纤弱旗袍的女人,黑色绸缎般的秀发垂在腰际,只露出精致的下巴。惊!#商界大佬怀里的女人身份成谜#一时间,财经媒体都在疯狂扒“她”是哪位,热搜高居不下。当晚,温树臣亲自发了条微博公布:“我太太@贺青池。”1w0-3981 >>


内容简介:【【云起书院“我们的2020”创意征文大赛】参赛作品】【1V1男女主双洁】【群像戏】“你喜欢两个人一起努力吗?”某男一脸真诚地看着她。“喜欢啊,一起奋斗挺好的,孤孤单单的多不好。”某女 放下手上的东西,转身回答道。“那……我们一起努力,传宗接代吧?”某女知道自己被套路了以后,怒视着某男,“哥屋恩——鲧。”·某天“主神,不好了,夫人又跑去其他时空惹事了。”某男放下书,“那就派人协助保护夫人。”“可是……夫人此次去主神您小时候时空搞事情了。”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《快穿之宿主今天又飘了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82040 >>


内容简介:龙啸天下是陈平耿姗姗创作的经典的小说作品龙啸天下小兵提供龙啸天下最新章节全文免费阅读,龙啸天下下载,龙啸天下全文字更新,龙啸天下无弹窗!请关注龙啸天下吧,本站最新最快更新龙啸天下的最新 章节。1w31519-88014 >>


内容简介:文案被甩了,重生了,遇到自己了。想帮帮那个死不长进的自己,结果丫把我当成了情敌?Excuseme?PS:1有段时间小池西不知道长进,愈演愈烈,入坑慎重。2中后期开始走暖男暖女暖世界路线 。3稳定更新,保证完坑这是一个女孩学会成长,一个女孩成全自己爱情的故事。内容标签:重生破镜重圆时代奇缘爱情战争搜索关键字:主角:易禛,池西┃配角:边让,王格┃其它:1w0-80330 >>


内容简介:地球第一兵王执行任务时遭人陷害,重生为青州苏国大皇子苏寒,开启最强系统,从此走上霸道无比的帝皇之路!苏寒发誓,这一世,绝不再允许背叛。若这世间天道如龙,我屠之!若这世道浑浊不堪,我荡清 !若这世间众生浮屠,我为魔!1w2255-26520 >>




内容简介:小兵提供暑气难消大神最新作品《我夫人是男主白月光》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,我夫人是男主白月光小说txt下载,我夫人是男主白月光小说笔趣阁,我夫人是男主白月光无弹窗!本站最新最快更新我 夫人是男主白月光小说最新章节。1w0-69844 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《娇鸾》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读百年前,国师预言,若想大梁天下不旁落需娶程氏女为太子妃。受尽亲人冷遇的程微从来不知道自己才是那个命定人选。对程澈来说,既然程微是命定的太子妃,那 他就要这个天下。-------------------------------------------------------------------个人比较喜欢今世恩怨今世了,所以女主是一个真正的小姑娘,或许会犯蠢,或许会犯错,但有一个优势是,谁和咱有仇,咱这辈子就痛快报了。1w0-28061 >>


内容简介:出生于四大顶级灵修世家的顾玥是个废物,十六岁的她修为停滞在初识阶段就算了,储蓄灵力的灵丹也迟迟未曾修炼出来。她以为一辈子也就只能在长辈的失望目光中度过,一次外出游历,认识了那个人。自此 她不愿归家,四处游历,那是的她想的很简单:若有一人白首,一辈子碌碌无为又何妨?(这是一则懵懂的女主在游历中成长蜕变的故事)1w0-91115 >>


内容简介:  平民少年罗天,身怀绝世之资,却被误认为废脉者。偶得无上天书,开启至强神脉,修造化神诀,一飞冲天,震烁万古。  从世俗底层,到万界诸天,横压当世天骄,纵横万千宗门,睥睨神话万族,成就 不朽不灭永恒超脱的万古至尊之王!  ①本书是天才流,非废材流  ②已完本《主宰之王》、《仙鸿路》等作品,品质有保证。1w0-575 >>

Ten Kara No Okurimono

Gift From Heaven Hikari befriends a gentle boy named Seiji who suffers from a weak heart while she was hospitalized. She begins to fall for Tsukina, Seiji's twin brother, who has always sacrificed for his sick brother. Tsukina believes that Seiji is in love with Hikari and steps back from the two, much to Hikari's dismay. What will happen to the three? Reflect Me in Your Eyes Karo is in love with her childhood friend Tetsuro, but he seems to be in love with her older sister, Touko. One day, Tetsuro injures his eyes and Karo pretends to be her sister to make him happy. Will she be able to tell him the truth, or are things not as what they seem? Full-Point Kiss Meru (14) has a big crush on her tutor, Yuuri (19). She repeatedly fails her tests, and makes a deal with him - if she manages to get 100 on her test, he'll kiss her. Will she succeed? I'm Head-Over Heels In Love With You On his first day of being in Osaka for university, Yuusuke is mistaken for a pervert after saving Suzuran from one on the train. To make up for it, Suzuran invites him over for a meal and they end up having a one-night stand. Yuusuke finds himself falling for Suzuran's bubbly and straightforward personality, but what are her real intentions? Is she just playing around with him? Gift From Heaven Extra Seiji's real intentions are revealed in this 16-page extra

Onibito No Matsuri

Shiho has always felt she was different. She's much stronger than the average human and she has a hard time controlling her emotions, specifically her anger, so she's always kept her distance from people. Right before she graduated middle school, she lost control of her emotions and went on a rampage, injuring students and teachers. The incident briefly made the news before an organization, the Sorcerers, stepped in and quickly covered up the incident. From them she learned about her ancestors, and that she is the descendent of demons, and the Sorcerers are there to keep demons in check. Since all demons have trouble controlling their emotions, they are all tasked with finding a scabbard, a person that can keep their emotions at ease and, if necessary, kill them if they lose control. If they are unable to find a scabbard, they will be killed by the Sorcerers. Will Shiho find her salvation?

Knight Princess

Yashi has wandered with her father for fourteen years, and only now has she discovered that her own mother is actually Bocinia’s current queen. To see her mother, from whom she was separated when she was just an infant, she and her father enter the palace, but she never thought she would accidentally run into the Princess of Bocinia, and then become her bodyguard by mistake...

Mori Ni Shizumu Tsuki

Oneshot from Mori no Koe.


HacKer summary: The world’s top level hacker, Shi Lei; due to him hacking the the world`s top military powers during a joint exercise and attempting to steal information from them, ultimately leads him to get sold out by his own organisation. This act eventually caused his own death by a missile bombardment.
G.o.d was playing a joke on him and allowed him to return back to six years ago, the autumn season of when he was still at his university. Being given another chance, plus the fact that he retained his ability as one of the best in hacking technology, Shi Lei decided to change his life! During his previous life, he was only an a.s.sa.s.sin in the dark. Although such an existence made people afraid of him, he would have to always hide within the shadows. In his new life, not only does he want to be an a.s.sa.s.sin in the dark, he also wants to stand openly in the middle of the world stage. Creating a world-cla.s.s super enterprise, he will single handedly change the whole world!

Sky World

Sky World summary: Sky World takes place in the eponymous world of the MMORPG, Sky World. One day, thousands of players woke up to find themselves in the world.
Junichiro Mikimori is one of these players who has now come to live in Sky World. The story begins with Junichiro on Altaria Island. There, he encounters an all-female guild and befriends two of its members. Together, they decide to leave Altaria Island and journey to the highest point of the world: Aion Island, in hopes of being able to find a way back to the real world.

Bringing the Nation's Husband Home

Bringing the Nation's Husband Home summary: ‘You are not allowed to touch me in public. You are not allowed to tell anyone that I’m your wife. You are not allowed to tell anyone that we stay together.’ Under the pressure of their parents, Lu Jinnian and Qiao Anhao were forced to get married. Qiao Anhao knew that their marriage would be cold in public and burdensome in private, so, on their marital night, she gave him three ultimatums&h.e.l.lip; **’Nation Husband’ is a Korean term awarded to a man who is perfect in the eyes of the public – an ideal husband.

Max Level His Majesty In Moorim

Max Level His Majesty In Moorim summary: Max Level His Majesty In Moorim summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Max Level His Majesty In Moorim. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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