




类别都市 恋爱 生活 其他 少男


























类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁 浪漫


内容简介:系统在手,天下我有!开局一声爸,系统宠到家!怼了陆川两年的系统突然因为一声“爸爸”转了性,大开方便之门!十倍的修炼速度!百倍的技能威力!无敌功法傍身!美女大佬当后台!超级神兽做舔狗!早 知道快乐来的那么容易,做个儿子又何妨!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《玄幻:开局奖励一百连抽》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4943 >>

收束(青梅竹马 校园)

内容简介:在还不知美丑的童年时期,宿需在是遇见周簌的那一时刻启蒙审美意识的。爱捣蛋性格又恶劣的宿需被拘在家里。妈妈总教训他说,对女孩子要绅士,他不以为然。女孩子也是愿意跟着一块儿去隔壁果园里爬树 摘果的。直到章阿姨牵着周簌出现。她不一样。她就像有灵魂的,表姐收藏柜里精心维护着的人偶,虽然会说会笑会跑会闹,但依然精致美好得不真实。他想,妈妈说得对,对女孩子是要温柔一些的,特别是,周簌。1w0-122342 >>


内容简介:虞兮枝穿书了,成了仙侠文里存在感极低的宗门二师姐。按照剧情,原主会因为嫉恨女主小师妹的千万宠爱而心灵扭曲,彻底黑化。成为小师妹证道的垫脚石,被一剑诛之,落得个神魂无存的下场。虞兮枝为了 活下去,通宵练剑,奋力升级,结果末了,她体内竟然藏着能一波送她到大宗师境界的汹涌灵力。再看看同门里还在辛辛苦苦筑基的诸位师兄妹、还没到洞玄期的掌门。突然觉得,故事可能和自己想的不太一样——这明明是满级大佬重回新手村!所以二师姐到底是个什么高危职业!都这么厉害了还能被小师妹一剑穿心?!不行,她还得再练练。于是大家眼睁睁看着与世无争的二师姐开始一心问道。先是在宗门内的选剑大会上,劈断了大师兄的剑;在试炼小秘境里力压他派精英弟子,轻松取得先天秘宝;又在五派三道比剑大会上一剑成名,拨得头筹,一夜之间成了所有人的女神。开始崭露头角的虞兮枝再无可能被一剑穿心,只有一点让她很苦恼。为何每次她装完逼耍完帅后一回头,总能看到那个原书里真正黑化、心狠手辣毁天灭地的反派小师叔,正在托着下巴含笑看着她?心狠手辣盛世美颜假娇弱·小师叔X戏精上身力拔山河假娴静·二师姐本文要点:·轻松仙侠向,剧情向,升级流,依然私设如山,为爱发电,随心所欲。1w0-2650 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:开局觉醒中元节,百鬼夜行】白珏穿越到属于‘节令士’的世界,在这里,每个人都可以觉醒节日的力量为自己所用。有人觉醒春节,年兽护体,万法不侵。有人觉醒寒食,寒气弥 漫,冻结万物。有人觉醒中秋,可引动月星之力,镇杀邪祟。端午、重阳、乃至道教节,一个又一个不同的节日,都代表着不同的力量。而白珏觉醒之日,开局觉醒中元节,百鬼夜行【简介不会写,请看正文吧!】飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢开局觉醒中元节,百鬼夜行,别忘记分享给朋友作者:求生有名所写的《开局觉醒中元节,百鬼夜行》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84874 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:僵尸世界:开局娶任婷婷】秦轩穿越僵尸世界。醒来却发现床边坐着一红袍新娘,竟是那美得不可方物的任婷婷。这时量尸人系统激活,并发布第一个任务。“任务要求:收服任婷 婷,完成自身的蜕变!”“任务奖励:激活量尸人职业,奖励量天尺x1、百年桃木剑x1、五光神雷符x3!”秦轩心想:人死鸟朝天,不死万万年!管它量尸人是什么鬼,美娇妻在前,扑倒再说……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢僵尸世界:开局娶任婷婷,别忘记分享给朋友作者:鱼头比芋头好吃所写的《僵尸世界:开局娶任婷婷》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84714 >>


内容简介:《末世重生gl》是早知精心创作的都市言情,小兵实时更新末世重生gl最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的末世重生gl评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持末世重生gl读者的观点。1w0-10 5662 >>






内容简介:?《我爱种田》小说精校版,无删减番外全?由拉棉花糖的兔子所著,点击全文免费在线阅读全文内容番外。非主流慢穿爽文,校园、中世纪、星际,美食、经营、升级,没有不能种田的世界。1w0-332 88 >>


内容简介:  睡个觉而已,她竟是穿成了书中同名脑残女配——男主的渣前妻,一朵怼天怼地的盛世白莲,而且还是正在私奔路上,既来之则安之,程宁宁表示:她要抱紧相公大腿,逆转人生,做诰命夫人,绝不能落得 被卖去花楼的下场。  学做饭,让相公吃饱饱,采草药,给相公卖钱钱,左一句我家相公右一句我家相公,必须让相公知道她心里眼里都是他。  撕白莲斗绿茶,这些都不用她,她家相公自带技能,她只要爱相公爱相公就行。  多年后,她成了全京都女子嫉妒的对象。  众女子:丞相夫人今日胖了。  她:哎,丞相大人天天给我做好吃的。  众女子:丞相夫人今日的衣着有些俗了。  她:丞相大人亲自挑的,男人的审美就这样,他喜欢就好。  众女子摔帕子跺脚,还能不能好好说话了。  丞相大人:夫人,为夫接你回家。1w0-945 >>


内容简介:现代医学生沈忘心,一朝穿成古代农家女。本来只想靠着医术发家致富,没想到还要打得了流氓,斗得过泼妇。处境虽然不尽人意,好在种药田、开医馆,小日子越过越红火!沈忘心,定个小目标,先挣它一个 ……唔唔……江羡,乖,先挣一个孩子再说。沈忘心:???1w0-83662 >>


内容简介:  创世流+幕后黑手+玩家流一切都要从姜平不小心捡到到某只蓝胖子的创世日记开始。于是一个个上古神话世界被他创造出来。 洪荒世界,奥林匹克世界,玄幻世界……再加上一群沙雕玩家的乱入,更是 增添了无数变数。众神赞美:您是一,也是万。是刹那,也是永恒....姜平:没错,是我姜平路边随手折的树枝,竟然长成世界树,邻居大妈送的鸡蛋钻出盘古,池塘中的莲花也化为了混沌青莲……书友群:345978117,可以一起讨论剧情和设定1w0-2198 >>

Make Love Shiyo!!

[Taken from ShoujoMagic] : 1) Let's Make Love!! (Make Love Shiyo!!). (v01 ch1 to 6) Mari Nishimiya is a high school junior who's tired of playing it safe. Less concerned with her summer session and more with achieving the love of a lifetime, she ventures to a foreigners' pub with her childhood friend, Yuuta. There, she meets Leon Gardner, an American dancer with a talented tongue (...meaning, he's bilingual)! While Yuuta disapproves, having an unrequited love for Mari himself, he and other enemies of this international relationship may be powerless to stop it when Leon joins Mari's class as... (!!!) Let's Make Love!! - Farside Story (Make Love Shiyo!! Chou - Bangaihen). (v01 omake). Shinjo Mayu parodies her own work by inserting new dialogue into some of her pages from v01. It's the tale of the Gardner family, where Leon is Papa, Chris is Mama, and Mari is their daughter! Additional curiosities included. Let's Make More Love!! (Motto Make Love Shiyo!!). (v02 ch7). Mari wants to have an adult Christmas with Leon. Why is Leon so set against it? Let's Always Make Love!! (Zutto Make Love Shiyo!!). (v02 ch8). Attending the international wedding of Leon's friend, Randy, has Mari thinking in a new way about her future. But when Mari begins to feel strangely sick and misses her period, the circumstance forces her to make an early decision! But Leon suddenly has to leave for America!? Why?? Mari isn't going to like the reason Randy gives her... 2) I Don't Need Any Scenario! (Shinario Nante Iranai!). (v02 ch9). This ground-breaking short story was Shinjo Mayu's first work to contain a provocative sex scene and to mark her as a pornographer! Read the freetalk to learn more! Yuuya is the manager of the drama club, and he's very strict and exacting about how the student thespians handle their roles. Chiharu is supposed to be playing a woman in love, but there's no emotion in her performance! So it's handsome Yuuya's job to teach her how to long for a man... Was this scenario in the script!? 3) I Want to Be Painted with Your Color (Anata no Iro ni Somaritai). (v02 ch10). This short story is Shinjo Mayu's debut work. Kazumi Inoue wants to be transformed by the magic of a white wedding dress, and then painted in a man's color. The biggest delinquent in school, Kazuya Sakurai, wasn't who she had in mind, though! He's intent on painting her a different color -- why? Kazumi will have her wish - a transformation through the magic of a wedding dress - but not in a way that anyone expects! (v02 omake). A whopping nine pages covering a variety of topics. Get a sneak peek into Shinjo Mayu's office, find out her favorite stories and characters, see Leon with a top knot, see Leon touch Yuuta in inappropriate ways, and at long last the burning question is answered: How are chihuahuas significant to this serialization!?

10000-Nichi No 7

10000-nichi no 7 summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of 10000-nichi no 7. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

[Switch] Artbook

Artbook for Switch

Red (Kobayashi Hiromi)

From JShoujo Scans: Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks in Bend, Mississippi, Becky Lynn Lee doesn't have the luxury of dreaming. With an abusive father and a broken mother, she always thought that this was it. But after the ultimate betrayal, Becky Lynn can no longer live the nightmare. Determined never to go back, Becky Lynn escapes to Hollywood. As a photographer's assistant, she discovers a talent for spotting beauty and capturing the perfect shot. When the camera eventually turns on her, the awkward, shy Becky Lynn of her childhood disappears. But when the success she's achieved is threatened, Becky Lynn must find the strength to embrace her new identity and put the ugliness of her past behind her forever. Based on Erica Spindler's novel 'RED'

The Humour of Homer and Other Essays

The Humour of Homer and Other Essays summary: The Humour of Homer and Other Essays summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Humour of Homer and Other Essays. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Nightmares And Dreamscapes

Nightmares And Dreamscapes summary: Nightmares And Dreamscapes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nightmares And Dreamscapes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Foul Play

Foul Play summary: Foul Play summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Foul Play. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Woman in Science

Woman in Science summary: Woman in Science summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Woman in Science. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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