








类别玄幻 古风










简介以高超的战斗技巧和冷静的判断力为武器,年纪轻轻便崭露头角成为远近闻名的青年冒险者戴尔。由于委托步入了幽深的森林中,在那里,与顽强生存的年幼的魔族少女相遇了。那位背负罪人烙印的少女戴尔无法置之不理。由于种种缘分戴尔下定决心成为她的监护人—— “拉汀娜太可爱了,不想去工作。”“又犯傻啊!?” 不知不觉就就变为笨蛋父亲模式全开的精明青年冒险者和魔族少女的温馨幻想物














内容简介:我的死敌成了上将星际笔趣阁,我的死敌成了上将星际sodu,我的死敌成了上将星际小说,我的死敌成了上将星际顶点,我的死敌成了上将星际探汤,【重新梳理大纲……稍晚更新】四年前因为孟泠的证词 陷入流放的死敌回来了,身居高位,压他一头全星系都知道孟泠的证词是伪证,都在积极给段上将提供报复孟泠的证据孟泠胆战心惊,终于等到了再次见到段杓的那一天。四年不见,眼前的熟人陌生到让人害怕段杓眼神阴沉,让人毛骨悚然的笑,“其实,孟泠,我当年最后好像有点喜欢你了,还准备好好追你来着。”孟泠猛地抬头,不敢置信的同时眼里闪动起几乎从未在他眼里出现过的惊喜的光然后,段杓的那一丝笑消失得无影无踪,“不过现在我发现,你配不上让人追,床上玩一玩也就够了。”狠话天天放执行就手软攻vs底线很低道德观残缺十分缺爱受【高亮必看:不是互宠,前期会有点虐。攻受真的是仇人,攻是回来报仇的。受性格不择手段。】1w0-96051 >>


内容简介:  修炼,比赛,做任务,同学打个架,斗个嘴……有时候,徐灵山真想日子就这么平淡地过去。但命运告诉他不可以。徐灵山仰天怒吼:我的命运我做主!命运大脚丫子往他脸上踩,问:你想做哪门子主?每 一个时代,都有属于这个时代的传奇。但是,好像每一个成为传奇的人,从一开始都没有想要成为传奇。徐灵山也没有想过。1w0-3217 >>


内容简介:在《永无止境》世界功成名就的穿越者徐迁,突然再次穿越至《倚天屠龙记》世界,看徐迁如何在诸天世界搅动风云,踏上成神之路。倚天世界:我为魔教主,收天下武学,开武学盛世。一人世界:恕我直言, 在座异人,都是垃圾。都想要八奇技?既然想要,那就给你们好了!超神世界:神?魔?听说很厉害的样子,在实验台上,应该能多挨几刀吧?PS:新书新作,看小说本是为了放松,希望本书能让观阅的读者大佬们放松。作者水平有限,若有错漏,还望包容。1w0-134771 >>




内容简介:六年前——她说:“给我一百万,我让你要个够!”他将她抵在墙壁上:“秦暮楚,我们之间彻底玩完了!”六年后,再次重逢——他压她在床,“一百万的交易,该是时候连本带利的讨回来了!”“可是我已 经结婚了!”对,她结婚已有大半年了!虽然,她对自己的丈夫一无所知,甚至连姓甚名谁她都不清楚。她唯一知晓的是,众人在提及那个男人的时候,无不敬之重之。直到有一天,那个男人如天神般降至她跟前,救她于危难之中,她震惊,不敢置信的瞪着眼前的坏男人。1w0-83638 >>




内容简介:蓝峰狂龙最新章节潇铭他是华夏的最强兵王,但却被取消国籍,被迫出境。他是黑暗世界的暴君,但却受万人敬仰,让人臣服。他是潇洒的花都王者,万花丛中过片叶不沾身。看绝世强者重回都市,用简单粗暴 的行事艺术,抒写一段天王传奇。新蓝峰狂龙最新章节潇铭1w1081-69217 >>


内容简介:一名美丽的十七岁高中女生的脑部被植入晶片,使得她知识大增,但必须有人不断的开ahreftargetblank启a她的智慧,这人是六十七岁的博学大师,他们之间发展出了最奇情的忘年之爱,有 了最奇特的结局…李敖强调:「这是一本玄之又玄的奇书,十八岁以下不能看,八十岁以上也不能看(看了都要偷买威而钢)」。几年前,八卦媒体封面了李敖和高中女生的故事。高中女生十七岁,是李敖的模特儿,在她肉身上,李敖灵修出「虚拟的十七岁」。李敖鼎力大作,必看都市小说。1w0-79863 >>


内容简介:回山里老家奔丧。却被凶残又奇怪的野人掳到深山里做了压山夫人差点被驯养成野人。好容易逃回城市却发现野人从深林追杀到了身边无奈他只能慢慢驯养野人成为文明人。什么不是野人是外星人!什么男人也 可以怀孕!这世界怎么突然玄幻了!温馨提示:本文有存稿每日中午十一点准时更新1V1无虐保证HE请放心跳。最后请注意!本文黄暴略重口慎入!公告本周六也就是后天22号入V入V当天当然是三更!!大家不要抛弃人家啊嘤嘤嘤那个明天就不更了吧!favorite1colorDC143Cfontweightboldborderstyledouble1w71718-128844 >>


内容简介:江宁穿越玄幻世界,成为了太一门的当代掌教。山门残破,传承断绝,弟子不过两人,眼看便要彻底没落。幸好……江宁觉醒了掌教签到系统。每日签到,便可获得天资,机缘,至宝,修行资源,宗门建筑,玄 奇秘境……等等相关之物!开局签到气运金龙,融入宗门驻地,自此气运大增,一路高歌猛进。从今日起,每天签到,励精图治,发展宗门!……浩瀚世界内,有宗门,有皇朝,有圣地,有隐秘势力,有长生世家,更有大帝传承!江宁负手而立,1w0-60093 >>


内容简介:邪恶催眠师(全三册)是周浩晖的作品,提供邪恶催眠师(全三册)全文免费阅读,邪恶催眠师(全三册)最新章节和邪恶催眠师(全三册)txt下载,小说讲述:事实上,催眠术早被用于各行各业,心理医 生用来治病救人,广告商用来贩卖商品,江湖术士用来坑蒙拐骗……意志薄弱的人、欲望强烈的人、过度防范的人,都极易被催眠术操控。在街头实施的“瞬间催眠术”,可以让路人迷迷糊糊地把身上的钱悉数奉上;稍微深一些的催眠,更可以让人乖乖地去银行取出自己的全部存款;而如果碰到一个邪恶催眠师,被催眠者不仅任其驱使,就算搭上性命也浑然不觉。意志薄弱的人、欲望强烈的人,容易被催眠;过度防范的人,警惕心越强,越容易被催眠。催眠师找准了催眠对象的心理弱点,利用人的恐惧、贪念、防备,潜入对方的精神世界,进而操控他们。瞬间催眠、集体催眠、认知错乱、删除记忆……1w0-81869 >>


内容简介:灵气复苏,灾祸降临,全球修真化,世界陷入无尽混乱!上一世惨死于外族之手的陆浩,再睁眼时回到了灵气复苏的一月前。叮~签到系统启动成功~签到奖励:十万死士(已下发)签到奖励:全维度初级修行 功法(已下发)签到奖励:防御大阵(已下发)签到奖励:全员资质提升(已下发)签到奖励:…………各方豪强,财团老板齐聚!强势开舔!雇佣兵首领,顶级杀手,武当道长,高级保镖,退役兵王,宗师级医生,顶级养殖员…更有可甜可咸,呆萌可爱神级龙娘!…………开局即巅峰!就爱听书网强势垄断修行资源,大肆收拢修行人才,开厂养殖灵兽……当灵气复苏降临,蓝星各方还在古籍中苦苦寻找修行的方法典籍时……陆浩已经造好了天宫,准备横推万族了!各位书友要是觉得《灵气复苏:开局签到十万死士》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78024 >>


Jae is a Korean student who came to Europe to study art. Things aren't going her way, but she's determined to make it. One night, her friend Melissa brings a drunk guy to her apartment and asks if he can stay there for the night. Jae doesn't like it, but agrees. That night she has a dream that the drunk guy drinks her blood...which, of course, turns out NOT to be a dream. Jae is surprisingly unafraid of the vampire, Michael, and starts to paint his portrait. The two strike an unusual deal: if Jae allows the vampire to feed on her, he will pose for her. His beauty and alluring preternatural energy could be exactly what Jae needs to finally succeed as a painter. Creator's Info So-young Lee made her manga debut in 1994. Her best-known works includeModel, God of Death, and Check. A painter, she gets her inspiration from nature, especially flowers.


'The star, fallen from celestial, built a kingdom in the abyss. He cultivates rusted souls fallen into the abyss. The star was trying to build a beautiful land. And then, hundreds of million nights had gone. The king of the abyss was laid up. He tried with his last power, and gave birth to two hopes. The red prince was born from his right eye, and the blue prince was another one. The future is always only one.' Apocripha/0 takes place in a 'devil's point of view,' in a world known as 'Naraku.' Since devils live here, in vice versa, angels from 'heaven' are their enemies. In this world, there was a powerful king of Hell who ruled under the absolute rule that 'only the strongest will survive.' He spent a long time trying to create a peaceful world, but his time was almost up, and therefore, his hopes lie in the fates of his twin princes - Alex and Platina. The king ordered Alex and Platina to fight each other in the 'battle/war of succession.' They were raised and trained by their own staff officers - Sapphirus takes care of Alex, and Jade trains Platina. Aside from having the same blood flowing in them, the two princes are actually strangers to each other. Alex does not want to fight Platina, but Platina does not seem to hesitate. Does Platina really want to fight? Will they have the strength to fight each other? Only the strongest will survive... Who will win? Aside from the 'war of succession,' a young boy named Beryl seemed to know a lot about the two princes, but in the midst he remains a mystery to them.. Sapphirus and Jade seemed to know something also. The princes both also saw visions of different events and even voices in their dreams. What do they all mean? --Taken from Diadeem Project

Tsuyokute Kakkoii Joshi Wa Suki Desu Ka?

In order to become a Strong and Cool girl, the (very cute) highschool girl Mie Tsukasa joins a professional wrestling organization. Follow her intensive training every day together with her trainer, with the aim of becoming a pro-wrestler.

Shoujo Sect

The storyline revolves around Momoko Naitou and the key protagonists Shinobu Handa. They understand each other since childhood and Shinobu fell in-love from the very first day they fulfilled with Momoko. Now registered within an all-girl high-school, days gone by has been forgotten about by Momoko, but Shinobu hasn't. Shinobu still expects for Momoko to recall their assurance from long ago, although both follow their particular manners. Characters Shinobu Handa (Manga Based) Shinobu is among the key characters of the tale. She creating her way on earth or does not have any trouble with cash. She's a bourgeois-only-child. She adores girls no matter age. With reference to sleeping in class, usually being a delinquent arriving late and a failure mark, she's ahead of the curve. Nevertheless, it appears that she was once an ideal pupil right out of some picture. She's in-love with Momoko Naitou the most although Shinobu is involved with a harem with the majority of her schoolmates. Momoko Naitou The primary character of the show. Momoko is an associate of the disciplinary committee of the school's that's a responsibility that she frequently sets her at odds with Shinobu and takes very significantly. She's quite gluttonous (although she never seems to gain any fat), irritable, and has almost no tolerance for other people's jokes (although she's revealed to really have a mischievous aspect of her own). She's kind to her school mates, nevertheless, which makes her quite popular. Momoko constantly wears a somewhat powerful-smelling cologne which often gives her existence away before she causes it to be understood. Several years prior to the show she first met with Shinobu in a park when they both were quite young. Shinobu and Momoko inturn gave her a biscuit and a kiss, respectively. This meeting left Shinobu for Momoko with heavy feelings of love, although Momoko doesn't recall in any way. After recognizing that Shinobu is really kind and really adores her, Momoko finds it difficult to warm up to Shinobu due to the promiscuity of the latter, but afterwards reciprocates her feelings. She even hits on an upperclassman, who'd pushed herself on Shinobu, which triggered the upperclassman hitting on her head right against a fire-extinguisher leaving her unconscious.

Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations

Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations summary: Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hello My Friend

Hello My Friend summary: Hello My Friend summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hello My Friend. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Black Blood Brothers

Black Blood Brothers summary: During a War called the Hong Kong Crusade, an Old Blood vampire, Jirou Mochizuki, aka the Silver Blade (Gintou), fought and defeated most of the Kowloon Children.
Ten years later, Jirou heads to j.a.pan with his little brother, Kotarou, in hopes of reaching The Special Zone, a thriving secret city where vampires live. They soon realize that a plan to infiltrate The Special Zone is being hatched by the Kowloon Children survivors.
As they travel to The Special Zone, Jirou encounters enemies from the past and new threats that may endanger the safety of the Special Zone. The abduction of Kotarou, by one of the Kowloon Children, thrusts him even further into the battle.


Coincidence summary: Coincidence summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Coincidence. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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