






简介现代特工姬轩穿越到架空古代变成太子,却被送到别国作为人质。最怕麻烦的他,本以为穿越到古代,可以做个小透明,等待机会回到现代,却没想到惹来了三个大“麻烦”—— 同为质子却不可一世的秦国太子;温文尔雅的圣子;互看不顺眼的赵国太子。而随着与他们的接触,姬轩的真实身份也被揭晓…… 每周五更新!~



燕山派与百花门 第一季

类别搞笑 恋爱 古风

临场即兴恋人 Debut!

朝阳怀着和奶奶的约定,以搞笑艺人为目标。 在搞笑养成所...




简介小三,在这个物欲横流的社会中游走于道德边缘的产物,纯粹的利益交换,还是也有真爱藏于其中?小三劝退师,一个神秘的职业,虽占据道德高地,却也是为钱卖命。让我们跟随主角欧阳晴,开启一段智斗小三之旅,揭开那些简单故事背后暗藏的惊天阴谋。 漫城动漫出品,每周二、周五更新 读者群 602092213
















内容简介:   问:“何为大?”  答:“再无可比较者,为大。”  问:“何为道?”  答:“无始无终,无形无名,无边无际,无师无上者为道。”  问:“何为宗?”  答:“万众之楷模,传道之先师 ,集一道之大成并在其上开辟者为宗。”  问:“何为大道宗。”  答:“......安奇生!”  大道纪,八亿六千万劫,巫皇盘访天帝摩吟。  已有480万字完本精品小说《诸天投影》,人品保证。  诸天大道宗普群 1031416893。 诸天大道宗全订群724433161,欢迎加群。1w0-44 >>


内容简介:  【1V1,宠爽】初见路甜。傅司帧:一般后来见路甜。傅司帧:我-下-贱。面对鲜肉学霸情敌时:“她不爱学习,别打扰她睡觉,你们不是一路人。”“她不学无术,不喜欢豪门礼仪,你们不合适。” “她什么都不会,风吹两阵就倒了,吃饭要我喂,你养不起。”后来,路甜考了全省第一,攻了他家防火墙,一人单挑三十人战绩让人闻风丧胆。成为知名作词作曲人,让网文圈各大佬膜拜,国外钢琴家连夜回国拜她为师……爆出两人绯闻的时候,路甜澄清:只可远瞻,不可亵玩焉。傅司帧微博回复:何需远瞻,容你亵玩。路甜缓缓打出一个问号:“……?”1w0-2141 >>




内容简介:被太子娇藏后是由一二霜白所写的穿越架空类小说,本站提供被太子娇藏后最新章节阅读被太子娇藏后全文阅读被太子娇藏后免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现被太子娇藏后更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w 0-82392 >>


内容简介:戚小小有天记忆忽然回来,想起来自己是穿书了,还是本仙侠文的女配,她将会跟女主拜入同一师门下,因为嫉妒女主,将被师尊剔骨,被心爱的大师兄挖取内丹给女主疗伤,魂魄被拿去炼器,尸身落入魔域, 被万魔撕咬。戚小小想到未来结局,陷入忧伤,她家就是普通人家,全是凡人。娘亲是落难的温婉官家千金,父亲是手无缚鸡之力的穷书生,大哥还是个努力考秀才却怎么也考不上的苦逼读书人。最重要的是家里米缸还即将见底。她要改各位书友要是觉得《原来全家就我是个普通人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73934 >>


内容简介:每日开宝箱的我,养活老婆魔王世界顶级富豪苏铭穿越到了一个新的世界。开局就收到了龙国顶级coser魔王大人的假结婚协议。作为一个有尊严的富豪。怎么可能甘于俯身于一个女人吃软饭。离婚。这个 婚必1w0-69165 >>


内容简介:谢霜雪知道自己是一个游戏里的nc。他身处的神魔开服三年,如今是全球范围内最热门的全息游戏。三周年庆之时,游戏公司无边海宣布版本更新消息,开放新地图浮梦云间,同时向所有玩家发放前置世界剧 情任务浮1w0-76591 >>


内容简介:关于林助理有话要说:【入V公告】12月30日入V,当天会有三更,谢谢大家支持呀!【更新时间】周一到周五每天中午1200更新,周六、周日休息,《游戏大作战》广播剧在猫耳连载中,欢迎大家去 听呀!【本文文案】身为万筑集团的第一助理,林回无疑是相当优秀的——总经理信任他,员工依赖他,合作伙伴也时常对他赞赏有加。然而林回事业上如鱼得水,私下却偷偷暗恋自己上司长达数年,就在他以为生活会永远这么下去的时候,1w0-77874 >>


内容简介:入赘三年,苏毅一直是别人眼中的傻子废物。一场意外,他获得了上古幽戒的传承,恢复神识后,无数的能力灌入他的脑海中!从今往后,那些看不起他的人通通被打脸。他不再是个傻子,而是龙城的最强战神 !1w17150-25135 >>


内容简介:听闻泞城胸外科第一把刀江北渊,高冷淡漠,不近女色。科室其他同事当即掀桌:“假的!他有个小太太,宝贝的不得了!”记者立刻前往采访,却被一句“没时间”打发而归。翌日,一妙龄女子窝在江医生怀 里打滚。江北渊:“江太太这是撒娇?”唇红齿白的女孩仰着小脸瞧他,“听说你没时间。”男人笑,“现在很、充、足。”……一年后,一则爆料江北渊是某财阀继承人的消息震惊整个泞城!!当事人面容凉薄,神色平静,“医生做久了,给江太太弄个帝国玩玩。”众人:“……”【闷(假)骚腹黑医生VS野(怂)蛮(包)小太妹,1V1双洁,念你多年,高甜宠文!】1w0-4985 >>


内容简介:我和我的朋友作文300字三年级作文我的朋友叫李昕雨。她不胖不瘦,有着乌黑发亮的头发,平时扎着马尾辫,还有一双水汪汪的大眼睛,一个高挺的鼻子,一张说起话来就滔滔不绝的嘴巴,一对听力不错的 耳朵。春天,是万物复苏的时节。下课后,我们一起看小燕子在空中飞舞,听泉水流动的哗哗声,心就像一只放飞的小鸟。夏天,太阳毫不留情地烤着大地。这时作文ht1w33060-84519 >>



Uncanny Brains

From MangaHelpers: High-school girl Yui found a mysterious boy lying unconscious on the beach. This mysterious boy can't remember where he is from, only that his name is 'Sid.' After a confrontation with the locals, they discover that Sid is one of the human weaponry developed by the Japanese government, known as 'Uncanny Brains' or UB. As the powers of the UB unfold before them, will Sid's arrival on this island spell doom for Yui and her friends? [DrCoke]

Taka Wo Kukurouka

Collection of one shots. 1. Aisaka tends to get in a lot of fights and Tadaka is the school playboy. On a chance meeting where Aisaka gets beaten to a pulp, Tadaka offers to carry his bruised body home. There, Tadaka makes a deal with Aisaka that if he doesnt fight they'll have a sexual relationship. 2. Masaru and Sugeru are identical twin brothers. Sugeru tends to enjoy using his brothers name to chase skirts and Masaru is the one who always gets the beatings when people come looking for revenge. Its not TOO much of a problem until Masaru meets Masato. A nice guy who really loves Sugeru (who's just using him for money), and it wouldnt be a problem if Masaru wasnt falling for Masato himself. 3.Koike an average student is best friends with Jinnai, a student who excels. When they get into separate high schools Koike still cannot forget what he felt for him, so when Jinnai comes around for a visit, Koike jumps on his chance to tell him how he really feels. 4. Tomonaga is forced to go to an all boys school when his mother is fed up with his delinquent ways. He expects an torn down rough school, and instead gets a school sparkling with gay pretty boys. Not that he's happy about it. At least his roommate Natsume is normal...in a sense. 5. Rather than bumming around all summer his mother orders Yoshimura to get a job. He quickly gets one at a barbeque shop under Sakashita who's grandfather is in the hospital. Yoshimura is surprised by how instantly drawn he is to Sakashita and spends a majority of his time at work trying not to give into his new temptations. 6. A haphazard public morals committee member and a touchy troublemaker. 7. A hot tempered judo club member who loves fights and the (um, playboy?) who provokes him by staring at him lustfully, which he mistakes for a stare of wanting revenge.

Over Image

From Village Idiot: A colourless world, a pure white world, a world where everything is filled with only one colour. During what ought to have been a young man's usual walk to school, Sai was suddenly blown away to such an extraordinary world. There, he witnesses two young girls' fight unfold before him. One of them is a blonde girl he has never seen before, and the other is Mikage Mikuro, a senpai at his high school. Then, the blonde girl appears as a transfer student before Sai, who has just returned to the original world. In order to grant her wish, she joined the battle game 'Over Image' on her own and now she seems to have come to seek out Sai to be her companion.

Milk Taste Honey

Kaidou-san is a salary man who comes every day to the cafe where Hanabashi Ritsu works. He admires the part-timer from across the room, whose cool exterior entices Kaidou-san. But truly, there is a cute, blushing Ritsu behind the cool beauty on the outside...

Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism

Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism summary: Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded summary: Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

What Gunpowder Plot Was

What Gunpowder Plot Was summary: What Gunpowder Plot Was summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of What Gunpowder Plot Was. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Awd Isaac, The Steeple Chase, And Other Poems

Awd Isaac, The Steeple Chase, And Other Poems summary: Awd Isaac, The Steeple Chase, And Other Poems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Awd Isaac, The Steeple Chase, And Other Poems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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