











blood lad

简介在魔界的某个地区做为地盘老大的吸血鬼 斯塔滋。厌恶着自己作为吸血鬼一事、在他身为深爱着日本文化的山寨王的某一天、一个日本少女 柳冬实闯了进来活生生的人、而且是日本人,这让见到他的斯塔滋感到非常的浪漫。但是、在击退侵略者的短暂时间里、冬实被怪兽给吃掉了!! 虽然对变成幽灵而失去魅力的冬实感到有些失望的的斯塔滋表示了其一定要让少女复活…!


简介我几乎拥有了全世界,却唯独得不到你的心。 每逢春寒交替之季,我就会想起,那些年,美如樱花飘落的你。 【每周六】准时更新,敬请期待!


















内容简介:  十五岁的生辰,躺在井里等死的时候。唐宁看见了一只狐狸精。毛茸茸的耳朵,毛茸茸的大尾巴,却是个衣衫褴褛的美貌少年郎。他蹲下来,看着她,舔了舔嘴唇:“你闻起来,好像很好吃的样子……”1 w0-2282 >>


内容简介:重生了,杨破军感觉很头疼……作为破之一族族长杨无敌唯一的孙子,熟知历史轨迹的他,从出生的那一刻就知道了自己未来的命运。没错,如果没有意外,自己注定会被唐三当成炮灰,推上对抗武魂殿的前沿 阵地。杨破军不想当炮灰,重生一世,命运当然要掌握在自己手中。所以……唐三:别……别打了……我不组建唐门了还不行么?杨破军:小三啊,你组建宗门的想法我很赞同,但你要打破之一族的注意我就有点不1w0-30036 >>


内容简介:少年李叶,偶得太古血祖之神瞳,融合成自身神级血脉,从此鲤鱼跃龙门,彗星般崛起!修武道巅峰,踏上成神之路,收各路美女为眷族,笑傲苍穹!————李氏家族:168141063(普通书友群)1 w2499-29451 >>


内容简介:  乔念在乔家生活了18年,亲生父母找上门来,一时之间,绕城豪门都知道乔家出了个假千金!真千金多才多艺,温柔善良。假千金不学无术,一事无成。所有人都想看她被赶出豪门后,回到山沟沟过得有 多惨!乔念也以为自己亲生父母来自漯河县,是个一穷二白的穷老师。谁知道哥哥开的车是辉腾,裸车300万!亲爸教书的地方在清大,老师还有个别称是教授!渣渣们一家跪舔的顶级大佬对着她爷爷点头哈腰…乔念:?enmm…这和说好的不一样!脱离一群渣渣,乔念她做回了自己。高考状元,直播大佬,非遗文化继承人…马甲一个个掉,绕城热搜一个个上,渣男渣女渣父母脸都绿了。黑粉都在嘲:卖人设有什么用,还不是天天倒贴我哥哥。乔念:不好意思,我有对象了。顶流哥哥:@乔念,给大家介绍一下,这个是我妹妹。豪门爷爷:囡囡,那么努力干什么,要啥自行车,爷爷给你买!……京市权贵都在传妄爷有个藏在金屋里的老婆,不管别人怎么起哄,从来不肯带出来见人。别问,问就是那句:“我老婆是农村人,怕生。”直到某一天,有人看到一向矜贵高冷的妄爷掐着个女生的细腰,把人堵在墙角,眼角赤红的呢喃:“宝宝,什么时候给我个名分?” 【假千金她是真豪门】 +【双大佬】1w0-1985 >>


内容简介:销魂窟新御宅屋是由顾沫沫所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供销魂窟新御宅屋最新章节阅读销魂窟新御宅屋全文阅读销魂窟新御宅屋免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现销魂窟新御宅屋更新慢了请第一时间联系小 兵。1w0-82728 >>




内容简介:一剑生,一剑死,大家都忙,用剑说话!惹我不算事,惹我妹要你命,不服开干!从得到最牛逼的剑,最无敌的传承开始,注定这一路上我要牛逼轰轰,直到我的脚踏在神魔的肩上,我的剑斩开云霄,九天任我 行。就这样,我以为在这世间,我是最牛的,等小雨出现,我错了,她可是一统万帝的至高神帝。对了,你们还不知道,小雨是我的妹妹,亲的那种。1w0-26395 >>


内容简介:凤凰岛凤影山庄庄主之女风霓华奉父命比武招亲,却招来了个丑八怪为夫,为退婚她参与武林大会,途中认识了神秘人袁公子,阴差阳错下还险些成了他的妻子。当她渐渐对袁公子产生情绪,却发现袁公子接近 她是另有目的……1w0-76143 >>


内容简介:谁怜葬花人作者:蓝湖月崖类别:架空历史文案:一本能延长寿命的医学奇书,引诱来各方势力的疯狂追逐。那人魅笑:“你们一身富贵,玩尽了天下间绝艳的美色。但是,我就偏偏要你们尝尝这天下最丑、最 低贱的女人。”于是他找到了妓院里面容最丑的女人,把藏放奇书的地图,染在她的后背之上享受阅读享受午后阳光带来的慵懒惬意,一杯下午茶一本好书。享受生活,享受小说给您带来的美好时光从现在开始。本站全面拒绝弹窗,绿色免费喜欢小说喜欢小站希望您点击分享把心情分享给大家吧!1w0-81719 >>


内容简介:这世界上还有什么比沦为替代品更悲哀的?我说有,那就是被沦为男人的报负品,一个无情无心,一个残无人道,两个男人之间的仇怨竟然让我承担,最好的下场只是奴隶,男人的泄恨,如毁天灭地,叫我一个 弱女子如何承受?在他的眼中,我只是姐姐的替代品,供他赏心悦目,却从不温柔对待,更别说他的爱,从不会下注在我身上,他说我不配,我哪里不配?在他眼中,我是好友之妻,。。。。。他的温润如水,1w0-34033 >>


内容简介:商场得意,情场失意的亿万富翁顾平,醉酒醒来意外回到了过去。看着貌美如花的老婆和可爱无比的女儿,顾平决定一改之前的恶习。重生之后,带有先知的他,赚钱已经成了最简单的事。让超级富豪跪求指路 、商业大佬甘做小弟、顺便提点一下前世的首富在这期间,顾平也顺便站在了世界之巅。1w62356-62431 >>


内容简介:本文将于7月8号入V,当天3更,谢谢支持哟么么哒づ ̄3 ̄づ上一世被包(juan)养一生的盲人钢琴天才周怀净,重新回到父母双亡的十七岁。这一回,他的双目各位书友要是觉得《重生之怀净》还不 错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-99815 >>

Sanbanme No Tsuki

There is a planet where all the inhabitants have mysteriously disappeared. This planet was called 'Earth.' Four people (Shiki, Miyuki, Yoshimura, and Satou) are dispatched to investigate the planet, its remaining living things, and the remains of the culture that once thrived there. Together, they pass peaceful days on the quiet Earth.

Photo Kano - Your Eyes Only

Photo Kano - Your Eyes Only summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Photo Kano - Your Eyes Only. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Black Rock Shooter: The Game

In the year 2032, Earth suffers from a sudden invasion by alien forces. Nineteen years passed after that event, and with chaos ruling the globe, the only way to rescue the world from utter destruction is to survive and fight against those who force Earth into complete annihilation. Black Rock Shooter (in the game a “living weapon” designated with the name BRS), is entrusted with the responsibility to protect mankind, possessing the abilities to fight against the invaders as the ultimate weapon. She emerges from the ruins of San Francisco, and witnesses an amassing of surviving troops which becomes her support throughout her mission.

Velvet Kiss

Shin Nitta is abruptly smashed with debt, but his loan broker tells him he could be freed of the debt if he keeps a particular girl 'company'. Over time, he learns that doing so is as difficult as he believed. The connection between Kanoko and Shin Nitta starts out badly. He initially simply runs errands to keep Kanoko met at a bare minimum, as Nitta simply views Kanoko as a spoiled brat who can not care less about anyone but herself. As time passes, Nitta shortly finds the facets of the life of Kanoko that led to her self centered isolation: the stepmother of Kanoko /aunt caused her dad's sickness throughout the string in addition to her mom's passing. From the conclusion of the show, Nitta and Kanoko have both fallen in love with each other. But since her dad's business has been taken over by Kanoko, she cannot be with Nitta as they both concur that Kanoko must concentrate on her new duty. Three plus a half years after, a brand new job has been began by Nitta and her dad's business has been taken over by Kanoko. Her aunt has been detained for her offenses. Kanoko and Nitta reunite only to find that Kanoko must travel overseas to enlarge the company. At first, she is seen by him however he falls in love along with her. Kanoko Kikuchiya A wealthy girl that Shin was delegated to. Kanoko is a solitary man belonging to some family that is wealthy, having a stepmother, Yoriko as well as a father. In the beginning, her relationship with Shin just is apparently a relationship that is forced, with Kanoko taking great advantage of the debt to order Shin to do her errands. Nevertheless, this shifts as Shin learns of her youth, and bonds closer with Kanoko. Kanoko is dependent on sex, as her other pals affected her. Yoriko Kikuchiya Kanoko's step mother who commands the company aspect of Kikuchiya hospital. She seems to be sort and worries about Kanoko but it's simply a facade; she's a manipulative girl who happens to be the one that gave his debt to Nitta. Yoriko is having an affair with among the physicians in the hospital.

Little Phoenix Is Not An Immortal

Little Phoenix Is Not An Immortal summary: From the moment the heavens were born, was there any Phoenix as unlucky as her? From the start, she was a stranded Phoenix that was bullied by chickens! Luckily, she met the elegant and distinguished Phoenix King, Zhao Hua Jun.
From then on, she entered the realm of the G.o.ds and enjoyed the good life where she only needed to open her mouth to be fed. Unknowingly, she saved the Prince of the Realm of the Immortals He Yue Wei, and even experienced an unexpected blessing through a disaster, by eating the internal divine essence of the previous Phoenix G.o.d and gaining the form of a person.
She thought her life was finally improving, and her relationship with the Phoenix King was deepening, but who knew that everything would change suddenly?

Harper's Round Table, October 29, 1895

Harper's Round Table, October 29, 1895 summary: Harper's Round Table, October 29, 1895 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Harper's Round Table, October 29, 1895. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Carta Visa

Carta Visa summary: This is a story about me, the chaotic life of a fashion magazine photographer who one day had the bright idea to set out for a certain ‘iron curtain’ country as a means of gaining new and peculiar life experiences. However, G.o.d graced me with an enemy, one equally handsome and fierce, Alexey, a mafia in disguise as a civil servant. Not to mention, he is not by himself. Accompanied by three particularly brutal bodyguards, this is most definitely going to be a life lesson costing me dearly.

A Voyage to Terra Australis

A Voyage to Terra Australis summary: A Voyage to Terra Australis summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Voyage to Terra Australis. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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