































第一部 第一卷 高中寻美



内容简介:  重活一世,方景没想到自己会被选中参加变形计,那个被广大网友称为富人的游戏,穷人却当真的节目,重点是自己居然是穷的一方……企鹅群号:6176507621w0-1438


内容简介:“我先声明一下,这三十三年来,我之所以销声匿迹,绝对不是苟,是因为我把一切赌在了新时代。”“但你们太让我失望了,武林神话这个位置太重太深沉,你们把握不住。”“有人说,我都已经是过气的老 古董了,新时代的江湖没有能够承载我的船?呵呵呵,我不信!”天变之前——三尺气墙,摘叶飞花,以一敌千,武学之巅。天变之后——异人符箓,神兵邪灵,妖魔精怪,武者仙真,巫蛊方术,通幽洞微,召神御鬼,炼养成仙……天罡地煞变化数,三千六百门,八万四千法……总而言之,就是一个穿越到了灵潮复苏的大修行时代,身份却是低武时期武林神话的故事。诸天流,无敌流,千帆过尽后,BOSS竟然还是我自己!1w0-3296 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:港片:从签到一亿美金开始】穿越到了八十年代的香江!在这个遍地黄金的时代,王晋正准备大展宏图,乘风而起,云腾九霄,却陡然发现自己,正身处地狱的边缘。大佬宋子豪, 超级探长陈家驹,大明星龙威,赌神高进一个个前世耳熟能详的名字,在这个世界出现!这竟然是一个,无数港片融合的奇异世界,极度危险,可谓是朝不保夕!王晋表示唯一能做的,就是在这极度危险的世界,挣扎求存,并且一步步的变得强大,直至强大到掌控自己的命运飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-83116 >>


内容简介:沈流响熬夜看完一本主角受作为小白莲的升级爽文,捶胸顿足。原作与他同名同姓的反派师尊:貌美如花却偏要毁脸模仿他人?痴恋只为主角动心的冰山剑尊,不要颜面百般纠缠倒追?与帝尊爹决裂,与掌门师 兄恩断义绝,与魔尊义兄你死我亡,还要为心爱人除去他的头号情敌——自家未来修真界第一人徒弟?一觉醒来,沈流响穿成书中反派师尊。“模样向主角看齐?醒醒,本仙君美貌天下第一!”“剑尊是谁?打得过我帝尊爹吗!帅得过我掌门师兄吗!凶得过我魔尊义兄吗!”面对主角未来最大的依仗——周玄澜,沈流响决定抢其机缘,夺其造化,将危险扼杀在摇篮中。无奈徒儿太过乖巧,“天地灵宝是师尊的,万古神物是师尊的,弟子也是师尊的。”沈流响:“……好吧,给你留点机缘QAQ”沈流响从放养转为护徒狂魔,眼瞧根正苗红一心向着师尊的徒弟即将达成,不料一朝失算,原作的周玄澜回来了!“师尊变了许多,”男人危险的气息袭来,从身后搂住他,低沉的嗓音附在耳畔,“不过本座很喜欢。”沈流响哭了,把他的乖徒弟还回来!浪到飞起美人师尊受X前期乖巧后期狠戾徒弟攻修真甜文1V1HE内容标签:仙侠修真甜文穿书爽文各位书友要是觉得《反派师尊貌美如花穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w8774-80301 >>


内容简介:《被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书》为作者橙子蛋挞创作,作品被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供橙子蛋挞精心编写原创被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书及无弹窗被男主退婚后嫁给他叔 了穿书最新章节,被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书全文免费阅读。1w8811-29694 >>


内容简介:简介:【1v1双洁】【追夫互宠爽甜文】阮宴到最后才明白,那个他眼里阴狠毒辣、冷漠至极的顾司琛,才是最爱他的人,而他却亲手将这个唯一爱着他的男人推入深渊…不曾想,上天眷顾,让他重活一世, 有弥补的机会。阮宴:“顾司琛,你住客房冷不冷?要不你回主卧?”顾司琛冷漠:“不用了,这里挺好。”阮宴心塞自闭第一次。阮宴:“顾司琛你冷不冷,我给你暖暖被窝好不好?”顾司琛:“我不冷。”阮宴心塞自闭第二次。阮宴:“顾司琛,我…我们生一个宝宝好不好?我可以的…”顾司琛:“不好。”阮宴心灰意冷,垂着脑袋想哭…顾司琛面无表情:“一个不行。”阮宴瞪大双眼:“什…什么?”顾司琛勾起唇角:“我要十个,不打折扣。”疯狂追夫只爱顾司琛黏软受x霸道深沉温柔攻排雷:本文有生子设定,攻受相差11岁(皆已成年)1w0-126264 >>




内容简介:  大学毕业生高原,偶得未来科技系统,旋即以摧枯拉朽之势,血洗全球巨头,引爆科技最狂潮。相信科学的力量,成就科技大国,欢迎大家去看作者均订近万的畅销书,【科技霸权】。生活不易,如果您喜 欢本书,请务必投月票,打赏。1w0-2064 >>


内容简介:魏失其鹿,天下逐之。北朝末年,中原周、齐、陈三国鼎立,野心勃勃的宇文邕,度量宏广的陈顼,深藏不露的杨坚,他国都人才济济,而陈国却无人可用。再加上强盛骄傲的佗钵可汗,喜怒无常的夸吕可汗, 墙头草的高句丽。原本没有悬念的时代,却因高顺的出现变得充满了变数。不在沉默中灭亡,就在沉默中爆发,父子齐心打天下,改变历史逆转未来。各位书友要是觉得《逐鹿北朝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您的书友朋友推荐阅读哦1w0-32052 >>


内容简介:他为修行魔功进入游戏世界,在新手村第一个自创了逆天技能,从而崭露头角,引来无数美女关注,千金小姐神秘仙女纯情小家碧玉都与他关系亲密……他更以魔神之魂重新塑造不死金身,并建立了国内第一大 行会……实力打造经典王者绝非偶然……作者:古痕所写的《网游之魔临天下》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-97962 >>


内容简介:当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)是花开缓缓归创作的经典的小说作品当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)小兵提供当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)最新章节全文免费阅读,当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)下载,当我复制了康 熙爷的脸清穿)全文字更新,当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)无弹窗!请关注当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)吧,本站最新最快更新当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)的最新章节。1w0-79082 >>

Oki Ni Mesu Mama

[From Hochuuami]: Prince Ashide decides to agree on a wife, but too bad for him a lone deserter of the country of Ishugal shows up instead to claim the title of Princess.

Liar Game

Read Liar Game Manga At the start of manga, a scrupulously fair college student named Nao Kanzaki - receives a bundle including 100 million yen (about 1 million dollars) along with a note that she's now a contestant in the Liar Game Tournament. Contestants should cheat and lie to have other contestants' cash, using the losing ones compelled to endure a debt proportional with their losses. When Nao's first competition - a former teacher that is sure - steals her cash, she seeks help from a con man named Shinichi Akiyama. Though they manage to get the better of him, Nao and Akiyama determine to buy out his debt and progress through different rounds of the Liar Game Tournament against merciless contestants, while in the exact same time trying to free their competitors from debt also to get the better of the Liar Game organization from within.   These characteristics enable her to win the trust of fellow contestants in the Liar Game, although she's incredibly reliable and, initially, innocent. Nao is usually in a position to make deep insights regarding human nature and the Liar Game and slowly learns to challenge others while keeping her power to trust her allies, while becoming more mature and considerate with each round played. She continues to play wanting to save the other players that have fallen into debt although Nao has had several great opportunities to depart the Liar Game. The simply known family member of Nao is her dad, who's in the hospital with terminal cancer.   In Volume 1 because he was reminded by her fair character of his mom, he's only been released from prison and consents to help Nao in the Liar Game. For continuing in the Liar Game Akiyama's motivation will be to discover the actual reasons on the other side of the Liar Game Tournament   The former teacher and competition in Round 1, who had been initially a type guy of Nao concerned regarding the wellbeing of his pupils. Following a number of misfortunes, Fujisawa is now hateful, mad, and mistrustful. Nao is shocked when he told her if she goes into debt that he does not care or is driven to pay it back. The choice of Akiyama, yet, just solidifies to aid Nao. By the end of Round 1 when Akiyama outsmarts to that he is able to repay his debt Nao although Fujisawa gives her winnings to Fujisawa, Fujisawa is last seen bowing in gratitude to her.   A male to female transgendered man who first appears in Round 2, where she poses as a girl named Hitomi. Perhaps in-transition or post op MtF transsexual (in which case she shouldn't be called a transvestite, which differs from transgender), promises to be female in body along with thoughts, and exclusively male according to your birth certificate; still has breasts when not dressed in drag. Sly, computing, and a 5th degree black belt, Fukunaga is a skilled manipulator whose weaknesses may actually be her desire for her temper and cash. Alludes to being clearly older than she looks, age unknown. During Round 3, Fukunaga learns to work with Nao and Akiyama, as well as when Fukunaga completes the round debt-free, she decides to continue in the tournament to assist them. Nevertheless, Fukunaga is removed in the match with over one billion yen of debt and is made to face Yokoya without their help in the next resurrection round. In later chapters, Fukunaga understands begins and Nao's progress to get fond of her, although she still believes she's clumsy. Nao additionally noted that Fukunaga may have a crush on Akiyama. After Fukunaga's identified-as-male-at birth identity is disclosed, the Japanese text intentionally avoids referring to 'her' by sex. (In the live variant this character remains male, but with a vaguely gay overtone). She's totally convincing as a female when she often has everyone fooled and wants. Additionally stated to have managed to play a persuasive nondescript man to orchestrate a scam (not shown), despite having outstanding 'real' cleavage, said to be caused by a variety of female hormone shots and breast augmentation surgery with saline implants. Other manga: + The World God only knows manga + Akame ga Kill Manga

Shooting Star (Takano Ichigo)

Even though she loves singing, due to fear of her older brother's disapproval, all Nonoko Sugisaki can do today is wish on a shooting star. But then, Kenji and Mikki, who hear Nonoko singing, decide to ask her to join their band...?

Judar No Oukan - Senichiya Ni Oborete

First story of the Throne of Judar series From fictiondb: She'd conceived his child and ran But there was nowhere Carmen could hide from this prince of Judar. No stone he wouldn't turn to find her, no wall he couldn't tear down. Nothing would stop Farooq Aal Masood from claiming the mother of his baby. She had betrayed him. And she would pay. In his bed. As his wife...until he tired of her. And though Carmen professed to love him, that it was all a misunderstanding, well...Farooq would never fall for her lies again!

One Night: Promised

One Night: Promised summary: One Night: Promised summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of One Night: Promised. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Phantom Fortune

Phantom Fortune summary: Phantom Fortune summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Phantom Fortune. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Viscount And The Virgin

The Viscount And The Virgin summary: The Viscount And The Virgin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Viscount And The Virgin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pillow Talk

Pillow Talk summary: Pillow Talk summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pillow Talk. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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