Dimension W-维度战记-最新章节在线阅读



















简介从稀有的女性飞机机械师,进化到更稀有的女性飞行员,是一种什么样的体验?任务中的一场意外,让从没获得过异性青睐的她成为恋爱磁石,原因竟是…?二十一年单身记录被打破,假小子刘小倩迎来从未有过的春天…! 出品@宇宙胶囊工作室,主笔@青条子 每周五爆笑连载中!求关注+分享+评论! 官方读者qq交流群:536413055, 官方微信号:cosmoscapsule











Dimension W-维度战记-



内容简介:一觉醒来,对陈鸢来说可不是好事。孤山茅屋,油灯阴沉,夜里会挪动的水缸。阴风荒山,还能看到吃人的鬼魅、惑人的邪狐、荒芜寺庙佛像自琢脏腑,也有山云渺渺水榭如画,仙人自在。这一年,陈鸢拉着牛 车演起了木雕戏,演那关云长千里伏魔、钟馗吃鬼、无常索命、乌江水神项霸王,还有那大闹天宫的天生石猴、灌江口二郎真君救母道途漫漫,立庙坐食香火,凡拜我者,皆有求必应。1w0-98467 >>


内容简介:  沈辉脑袋不小心被砸了下,结果被砸开了某个神秘部位,开启了第六感。1w0-1290




内容简介:本文基本日万,还请多多支持呀!接档文《在科技修真界打工的日子种田》,陆岙养子陆舟的故事,求收陆岙是个长得特别好看的小gay,家里父母双亡,本科毕业开了家小超市。一切都很平凡。直到二十四 那年,他那个借了网贷高利贷的相亲对象说是他男朋友,他出去吃宵夜时碰到了收债人员,双方起了冲突,他跳进河里躲避时不幸溺死,变1w0-74671 >>


内容简介:接档新文《仙君道侣是只猫》《穿进渣贱文后我和男配HE了》求收藏OvOxA————————————————xA【有点不正经短文案】xA听说在晋江,师尊是个高危职业xAxA【非常不正经长文 案】xA洛允尘穿了,穿进一本烂尾修真小说里,成了里面对反派虐身虐心,导致反派黑化的炮灰师尊,xA一睁眼,他正好被刚开始黑化的反派下了药,按在床上准备不可描述。xAxA洛允尘:……那我先爽爽?xAxAxAxA季归寒本以为自己对洛允尘做了那种事,一定会被逐出师门,xA一想到他那个冰清玉润的师尊醒来的表情,他就兴奋。xAxA第一天,洛允尘去见了掌门,季归寒没事,xA第二天,洛允尘带着大徒弟挖藕去了,季归寒没事,xA第三天,洛允尘带着小徒弟抓鱼去了,季归寒没事,xA……xAxA后来,季归寒终于坐不住了,xA要怎么样才能让别人知道他是我老婆?急,在线等。xAxAxAxA面对季归寒,洛允尘只想当个渣男,但是——xA啪啪一时爽,揣崽火葬场,xA没人告诉渣男,这本破小说居然……是生子文??xAxA一开始,洛允尘一点不慌,哪吒他妈揣他三年,他也可以!xA等季归寒黑化远走师门,他就带着孩子回乡下种田!xAxA后来,看着步步逼近的季归寒,洛允尘面不改色地挡住了自己大起来的肚子:你到底什么时候走啊??xAxA—————★阅读排雷★—————xAxA·年下,主受,1V1HExA·封面是两人的拟兽,是饭粒太太的模板xA·生子!生子!生子!有包子!xA·架空乱炖,所有设定均为剧情服务xA·希望杠精有自知之明,共同促进和谐环境xA·围脖闲狐xAxA—————★接档预收★—————xAxA《仙君道侣是只猫》xAxA仙道魁首穆严己,惊才风逸、俊美无双,却无心无情,是朵可远观不可亵玩的高岭之花。xAxA这朵花最近被一只猫挠了。xAxA众仙家每天上朝围观黑猫花样对仙君亮爪子,私下都说就算是上古神君也逃不了毛茸茸的蛊惑,xA然而事实上——xAxA阎洛对着穆严己时,撒娇卖萌求抱抱,露出肚皮只想被上,xA穆严己对着阎洛时,投食顺毛捏肉球,便宜占尽就是不上他。xAxA后来阎洛生气了,留下一包小鱼干甩头要走,xA却被穆严己拎回来,摸着他的肚子问道:想把我的猫崽子揣去哪?xA阎洛:炸毛——xAxA穆严己:媳妇孕期脾气暴躁要怎么哄?在线等,急。xAxA——★《穿进渣贱文后我和男配HE了》★——xAxA柳觅青穿进一本渣贱文里,成了书中那个长相酷似渣攻白月光的贱受。xA原身沉迷渣攻,心甘情愿给渣攻当替身,替白月光养孩子,最后被一脚踹开,落个凄惨的下场。xA穿到大婚前一夜,看着眼前大红的婚服,柳觅青:草(一种植物)xAxA决 >>


内容简介:温桃蹊想好好活着,想叫温家所有的人都好好活着。她以为重生一世便能无欲则刚,直到遇上陆家那个总爱眯着眼笑着看她的男人——她想通了,无欲无欢,不如嫁与春色一抹,换得现世安稳。1w31934 -75912 >>


内容简介:神朝鼎盛,仙道不息。可惜时代变了。西洋蛮夷,海外倭寇,正宗邪道,龙蛇并起。咒术符甲,不堪一击,洋枪火炮,踹门破阵。风雨欲来,乱世将起,正邪欲动,神朝将倾。在黑暗将来的短暂黎明,顾渊在一 个小小书肆中苏醒,成了寻仙世家的独苗。志在长生,梦在仙道。但在一切之前,他得先从半人半妖重新变成个人。1w0-29742 >>


内容简介:徐安歌加入了阎王创造的游戏。面对真实的恶鬼,完成游戏不定期发布的任务,就能得到一系列奖励,还可以在商城中兑换资源。金钱、法器、法术、丹药、NZ……变强之路开始了!徐安歌:“没有五险一金 我不说什么,但新手武器给我个棒子是什么鬼?还他喵是螺纹的!”1w0-81886 >>


内容简介:听闻泞城胸外科第一把刀江北渊,高冷淡漠,不近女色。科室其他同事当即掀桌:“假的!他有个小太太,宝贝的不得了!”记者立刻前往采访,却被一句“没时间”打发而归。翌日,一妙龄女子窝在江医生怀 里打滚。江北渊:“江太太这是撒娇?”唇红齿白的女孩仰着小脸瞧他,“听说你没时间。”男人笑,“现在很、充、足。”……一年后,一则爆料江北渊是某财阀继承人的消息震惊整个泞城!!当事人面容凉薄,神色平静,“医生做久了,给江太太弄个帝国玩玩。”众人:“……”【闷(假)骚腹黑医生VS野(怂)蛮(包)小太妹,1V1双洁,念你多年,高甜宠文!】1w0-4985 >>


内容简介:豪门司机因爱意外失事。重生修真界,却没什么修真天赋。几年之后,他只想在修真界找个门当户对的人家,安安稳稳的过日子。注意路人男主系列,不是爽文。PS300万字完结,长篇连载,每天一更1w 0-77849 >>


内容简介:  西北边镇的年轻人,明末的风云变幻,刀弓火器和行商贸易,家国的恩怨情仇,都从戈壁滩上的一次冒险开始......1w0-887


内容简介:这是一个重生的故事这是一个明星的故事这是一个奶爸的故事这是一个大手牵小手溺爱女儿的故事ps:作者在创世有三百万完本作品,有一百四十万完本作品,还有每日万字更新连载作品《穿越之最强武松》 ,完本保证,请放心阅读1w0-97689 >>

Kuchibiru Tameiki Sakurairo

Collection of 7 short stories revolving around an all-girl's school. From Lililicious: • Tomodachi ja Nakute mo (Even if We're Not Friends) - 'Even if We're not Friends,' is about two girls who were friends in junior high but end up going to different high schools. • Tengoku ni Ichiban Chikai Natsu (The Summer Closest to Heaven) - Tells the story of a ghost who accidentally possesses a girl, then takes advantage of the situation to interact with the woman she loves. • Kiss to Koi to Oujisama (A Kiss, Love, and a Prince) - Takes place in the same setting as 'Even if We're Not Friends,' but centers around different characters. The main character is kissed by her sempai, who is playing opposite her in the school play, and freaks out because she always imagined her first kiss would be with a boy, preferably a dashing prince. • Itsuka no Kono Koi (This Love from I Can't Remember When) - Tells the story of one girl's unrequited love. • Kuchibiru ni Cherries (Cherries For Your Lips) - Tells the story of a girl who's in love with her best friend. • Kusuriyubi ni Kiss Shitara (If I Kiss Her Ring Finger) - Nana wants to take things farther with Hitomi, but Hitomi doesn't seem interested. Meanwhile, Nana's failed her midterms, and she uses the make-up tests as an excuse to avoid Hitomi. • Honto no Kimochi (Real Love) - Michiru confesses her love to her sempai and asks her out.

Sono Ude De Boku O Daite

1. The Temple of the Sun Emperor Messara is a provider of slaves to the decadent roman emperor Heliogabalus. One day a germanian barbarian, Dorugu, captures his eye; he seems perfect for the emperor's somewhat rough tastes. But when he starts Dorugu's training, things don't quite go according to plan. 2. Salamander Despised, feared, hunted, Salamander lives hidden in the woods. His strange birthmark made people distrust him, and blame all sorts of mishaps on him, until they finally cast him out of the village. Dermud is hunting him too, but when he is captured, he seems to be so simple-minded, not having any words, that Dermud feels sorry for him, and gives him a piece of cloth with which to cover himself. But when he returns with some food, Salamander has fled.

Boku To Kanojo No Xxx

Two teens see how the other half lives! When her mad scientist grandfather accidentally switches their bodies. Akira Uehara is mortified when his best buddy starts hitting on 'him,' and is embarrassed to look at 'himself' in the mirror in her underwear! He can't wait to get back to being a boy. But Nanako Momoi has other ideas--she is starting to enjoy life in Akira's body! From Tokyopop: Rude girl and effeminate boy switch bodies and find that it might be a better fit for both of them. Lots of crazy comedy. Nanako Momoi is the belle of high school... as long as she stays quiet. Once she shows her true self, guys' dreams are shattered for she is a true tomboy. Akira Uehara has the looks and brains, but, unfortunately, his personality is so dull it overcasts a shadow, and nobody notices him. One day, Nanako's grandfather comes up with a crazy invention, and Nanako and Akira trade Bodies! She's him, and he's her!

Fushigi Na Hito

1. Mysterious Person Ruka is a high-school girl who holds affections for her teacher, Tokio. But one day, a mysterious person shows up and claims that he has come from the past! Not to mention, he calls himself by the same name as her beloved teacher, Tokio. What’s more unbelievable is that both “Tokio” have the exact same scar engraved on their palm… 2. A Small Love Story Hashi is one of the two sole members of her school's literature club. The other one is the romance-novel-loving club president Madoka. By chance, he finds out that her deceased grandmother happens to be one of his favourite authors. When he asks her to provide him with some original material, it sparks a change in her disinterest in love stories and their relationship. 3. Cloe the Devil Chroe is a loner because she has a reputation of bad things happening around her, especially to people who piss her off. What her classmates don't know is that she's a demon who causes misfortune on whomever she beholds. One day, while being confronted by a group of girls, Kikuchi defends her, causing her to look at him in surprise, which in turn causes him bad luck. Chroe starts avoiding him, scared of accidentally causing him harm, but Kikuchi is relentless in his pursuit. Chroe finds herself being drawn to him, but how is a relationship possible when she can't even throw him a glance without something bad happening to him? 4. Alice in Wonderland Ruu's mother just committed suicide and everyone can't stop gossiping about it, except for her new boyfriend, Mitsu, who acts like everything is normal. With everything going on, Ruu wants to seek comfort from Mitsu, but since her mother's passing, he hasn't touched her. Does Mitsu want her to disappear, too? 5. Sugar-Coat Ako is a seventeen-year old who is in love with her cousin (who also happens to teach at her school), Shou. Shou is getting married in a month and Ako is acting out to get his attention, and to prove to herself, and to him, that he cares about her. Shou is getting increasingly worried by Ako's erratic behavior, which only started somewhat recently. Can Ako get over her feelings? Or will she lose herself in a path of self-destruction? 6. The Star and The Heart Mini and Mani are identical twins who are best friends, and do everything, and go everywhere together. To help people tell them apart, Mani wears star earrings and Mini wears heart earrings. Life is great, until Mini suddenly acts loopy and distracted. Mani discovers that Mini and Suga have fallen for each other, and Mani is jealous that despite being identical, someone likes Mini, and no one likes her. On another level, she also feels that Suga is taking her best friend away from her. To what lengths will she go to to keep her sister close?

Short Story Writing

Short Story Writing summary: Short Story Writing summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Short Story Writing. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mr Punch Afloat

Mr Punch Afloat summary: Mr Punch Afloat summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mr Punch Afloat. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Night School

Night School summary: Night School summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Night School. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fred Fenton on the Track

Fred Fenton on the Track summary: Fred Fenton on the Track summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fred Fenton on the Track. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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