














类别恋爱 爆笑


简介耀客传媒/一波人漫画工作室/漫画岛 联合出品 由人气明星吴磊、陈翔、张予曦、郑合惠子、郝劭文主演的青春奇幻剧《奇星记之鲜衣怒马少年时》同名漫画。少年们穿越“仙人魔”三界,寻找传说中能够安定天下的奇星的故事。








简介 每周五更新!高中女生林晓熏无意中在爷爷的书房里发现了一卷古代的画轴,并被画中禁锢的少年扯进了纷乱的战国时代。在追寻回去的道路时,林晓熏一点点的发现了围绕在自己身上的疑团,原来自己来到这里并不是偶然。错乱的时空和紧紧依附于身上的宿命,都让这个普通的少女倍感迷茫。



BLOOD 吸血伯爵







内容简介:明嘉靖年间,司礼监因被敌方密探渗透,丢失大明重要军事布防图。司礼监自知难辞其咎,更害怕此秘密外泄,引来而杀身之祸。司礼监为了找回丢失的证据,竟然欺上瞒下,暗中扶持江湖势力。主导并引发了 场江湖大战,与血腥屠杀。故事由此开始本故事纯属虚构如有雷同,纯属巧合。1w0-69012 >>

远古迷情 兽人 h

内容简介:《远古迷情:兽夫,别使坏!》军医俞初梦,为救下是众人带着虫母进入间隙黑洞。或许是上天看到她有舍已为人的优良品德,给了她一次机会,穿越到文明处于远古时代的兽世活下去。但,刚来到这里,就被 一条野蛮的人鱼夺走初吻,尔后,对方还不想负责要把她送给别人当伴侣……呵呵!送妻一时爽,追妻火葬场!果然,某人后悔了,追着俞初梦的身后1w57407-98755 >>




内容简介:传说中的太阳系第十二大星体尼比鲁星横空出世,溯及遥远的过去。世界因神话的复苏而改变,全民领主时代正式到来。入侵、毁灭、灾难轮回……“四方胡虏,凡有敢犯者,必亡其国,灭其种,绝其苗裔!” “内外诸夷,凡敢称兵者,皆斩!”重生归来,翩翩少年站在星空下发出最洪亮的铮铮誓言。灭百族,斩诸神,破囚锁,踏星河,凡我人族刀锋所指,所向披靡!面对这场波澜壮阔的大浩劫,他立志当做人族最后一名狠人。1w0-78234 >>


内容简介:大河向东流哇,美男师叔排成行哇嘿呀依儿呀,诶黑诶黑伊尔呀南迎风,荡剑门最低等的下剑门废材女弟子,只不过想要御剑飞行而已,谁知,竟御来了师叔无数。迎风轻言冷语:我本是那绵长日久的毒,沾了 我,便不能自拔了,不是吗?你们要做师叔可以,要宠着我,惯着我,亦可。只是不要存了将我这身毒拔去的念头。毒嗜我心,我嗜君情,不过是你来我往,你情我愿。说什么生生世世,且看今朝吧,这朗朗乾坤,我来纤手颠覆。这是一场华丽的对决,这是一场成熟男人的较量,峨眉之巅,风起苍穹。七把长剑,剑啸江湖,为的只是他们心尖儿上的那个少女。她狂妄,她冷情,她爱的是谁,他们至今不知。嗤天剑,云峰剑,沧浪剑,莫忧剑,谪翼剑,鹰隼剑,魔啸剑,七剑汇聚,只为红颜一笑,剑气如虹,儿女情长如歌。1w7485-83007 >>


内容简介:一场空难,现代单身白富美魂穿架空大鹤朝,成了同龄乡下极品老太太。便宜丈夫眼神深邃充满探究,吓得她小心翼翼不敢崩人设。却不曾想,枕边人换成了邻座那位年轻帅气的教授。便宜儿女各怀心思:长子 :“娘,林氏身子不爽利,儿子去请大夫给她瞧瞧。”凤吟:“就知道疼媳妇,瞧大夫不花钱啊?”次子:“娘,儿子上山给您抓野味。”凤吟斜眼瞧她:“想偷懒明说,少拿老娘作筏子。当那野味死的,等着你去抓?”老儿子:“娘,没钱买笔墨,给点呗。”凤吟:“钱钱钱,老娘又不是开钱庄的,哪来钱给你?找你爹去。”长女捧着她压箱底面料:“娘,这块布适合做嫁妆。”凤吟:“小小年纪,着什么急?”“奶,不气,吃。”旁边一个小奶娃流着口水,举起块要化掉的糖,凑到面前。凤吟眼睛一亮,伸手抱起小家伙:“哎哟喂,还是我大孙子心痛奶啊。”某人冷眼旁观许久,终于找到最佳机会,小心摊牌:张逸鸣:“娘子,我发现你马甲了。”凤吟眨巴着眼睛笑:“夫君,你也没好到哪去。”各位书友要是觉得《穿成极品婆婆后我路走宽了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29499 >>


内容简介:从修真界回来后我成了学霸是作家缓缓慢慢爬的小说本站提供从修真界回来后我成了学霸全文免费阅读,从修真界回来后我成了学霸最新章节全文免费阅读,全集完整版无弹窗无广告,从修真界回来后我成了学 霸最佳阅读体验就在小兵。1w7907-80575 >>


内容简介:一股地球游戏电网数据,一枚从天而降的奇怪戒指,一次电击事故,成就了一个穿越异界大陆后的世界王者!“叮,开启全职业系统。”“叮,恭喜击杀xxx,获得经验xxx,等级提升”“叮,恭喜击败x xx,获得药剂,xx装备,xx图纸”“叮,系统升级,正在自动改善和新开发某些功能!”“妖孽啊,2年跨7个大等级,抵得上别人数十年的苦修了!”“不好意思,我修炼主要靠打怪!”“不好意思,我的装备和东西全1w0-77289 >>


内容简介:  S8,RNGvsG2,那场BO5是RNG也是uzi的至暗时刻,从那时起,RNG这支顶级战队不可阻挡的走向衰落!叶青,一个普普通通的高中生,他待在家里,无奈且难受的看着RNG落败,看 着uzi的痛哭,明明有着电竞天赋的他选择了平庸,所以他只能选择无能狂怒……一个伴随着风暴而来的系统却给了叶青另一条路……呃……只是吧……这系统,怕是在拼夕夕上买的吧!别人家的系统都是各种秒天秒地秒空气,在看看自家的……除了会嘲讽就只会吐槽了!而就是这个吊儿郎当的系统,指引着我们的主角叶青一步步走上了那无数顶级职业选手所梦想的荣耀之路!书友群:1138824404,想加就加吧1w0-3186 >>




内容简介:  完成航母需要什么?独立工业体系、发达经济文明、强大国防实力  拯救国足需要什么?一个慷慨富人、一个超级球星、一个时代骄子  王艾因世界杯重生,拯救国足成了他必须肩负的使命。在黑暗中 ,他点亮了微弱的光。  Q群:9925351001w0-2886 >>

Tales Of Phantasia

Once upon a time in a fantasy world plagued by war, a group of four brave souls challenge the source of all the evil. It seemed all was lost until one of the heroes defeated the enemy with a powerful spell. The four heroes were able to seal this great evil to be forgotten forever - or so they thought. The next scene in this story takes place years later with the children of those who sealed away the great evil. The sealing was accomplished by combining the power of two pendants. A foolish dark knight is somehow tricked into stealing the pendants, to break the seal that conceals the great evil. He defeated the heroes and kidnapped their children. With the two pendants in hand, he broke the great evil's seal. A remaining hero sends the children to another time so that, maybe, the world will have another chance. What will become of the children? How could they possibly defeat someone that their parents could only seal away? Who is the great evil and what is his purpose? Only time will tell as they venture on into several strange, yet familiar worlds.


The storyline starts when a junior-high student, Moritaka Mashiro, forgets his laptop computer in course. His classmate, Akito Takagi, requests him to turn into a manga artist to his tales and notes Mashiro's drawings inside. Mashiro fall, mentioning from overworking his late manga artist uncle, who perished. Takagi incites Mashiro and Miho Azuki, the puppy love of Mashiro to fulfill, and tells her the two strategy to become manga artists. In reaction, Azuki unveils her plans to be a voice actress. Mashiro proposes when Azuki becomes a voice actress for the anime version of the manga that they need to both wed. The 2 then begin creating their manga, assured of having serialized in Weekly Sh?nen Jump, beneath the pen-name Muto Ashirogi. After distributing several one-pictures to Shueisha, Ashirogi start Detective Trap, with their first printed collection in Weekly Sh?nen Jump, which will be eventually canceled because of the decreasing popularity, for over-working on the manga after Mashiro is hospitalized. Their next set is the gag manga Run, Daihatsu Tanto!, that they they offer up on, understanding it'll unpopular. After being challenged by the editor in chief of Jump to generate a manga that is top-notch with their opponent's, Ashirogi develops their present set Perfect Crime Party. It's met with substantial popularity but is unfit for an anime show. When Eiji Nizuma, their opponent, submits a-one-shot for serialization, Ashirogi competes by distributing Reversi which replaces Perfect Crime Party while the latter is transferred to the fictional monthly journal, Hisshou Jump of Shueisha. After she passes a community audition after several battles involving the voice actress selection and the graphic-novel revenue, Reversi is selected as the main performer for an anime version with Miho. The collection finishes with Mashiro formally proposing in the spot they made their assurance, accompanied by by their very first kiss to Miho after executing their wishes.


Ryouga finally thought he was gonna get a place where he will be free of dirty messes. But as soon as he walked through the door, he found another guy named Keigo already living there and within one day the place was filthy. There was a slight mistake when it came to the rooms and until a new spot opens up, Ryouga will have to live with this messy guy. However, Ryouga has some rules in which they will follow - he will clean and Keigo will do the cooking because he's good at it. Daily life ensues between these two good looking guys. Description by LuffyNoTomo

I Abandoned My Engagement Because Of My Tragic Sister, But For Some Reason I Became Entangled With A Prince Who Has A Strong Sense Of Justice.

I abandoned my engagement because of my tragic sister but for some reason I became entangled with a prince who has a strong sense of justice manga, Higeki no Heroine Buru Imto no Sei de Konyaku Haki Shita no desu ga, Nazeka Seigikan no Tsuyoi Ou Taishi ni Karamareru Y ni Narimashita Leia, the saint of the Elshaide Kingdom, had a sister who was paranoid and behaved like a 'tragedy heroine.' Leia loses her fiance who abandoned the engagement after hearing that she was being bullied by her sister. After hearing those rumors, Prince Eric suggested a communal life at the royal palace to confirm the truth-!?

The War With the United States : A Chronicle of 1812

The War With the United States : A Chronicle of 1812 summary: The War With the United States : A Chronicle of 1812 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The War With the United States : A Chronicle of 1812. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fenrir's Journey : I Shall Devour The Heavens!

Fenrir's Journey : I Shall Devour The Heavens! summary: Separated from her Master, Vahn Mason, Fenrir goes on a journey through the cosmos to reunite with the man who changed her destiny. Young Masters, Evil Cultivators, Immortals, True G.o.ds? Fenrir cares not for any such t.i.tles~! Stand in Fenrir 's way and be devoured with the rest!Master, wait for Fenrir~!This novel is an omake-spinoff of Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos. Though it will definitely...


Chimneysmoke summary: Chimneysmoke summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Chimneysmoke. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, Colombia

Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, Colombia summary: Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, Colombia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, Colombia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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